阀门空气过滤减压器原理- 中国过滤器网的日志- 网易博客


2010-03-29 14:14:51 阅读3 评论0 字号:

气动阀门定位器是按力平衡原理设计工作的,其工作原理方框见上图所示,它是按力平衡原理设计和工作的。 当通入波纹管的信号压力增加时,使杠杆2绕支点转动,档板靠近喷嘴,喷嘴背压经放大器放大后,送入薄膜执行机构气室,使阀杆向下移动,并带动反馈杆(摆杆)绕支点转动,连接在同一轴上的反馈凸轮(偏心凸轮)也跟着作逆时针方向转动,通过滚轮使杠杆1绕支点转动,并将反馈弹簧拉伸、弹簧对杠杆2的拉力与信号压力作用在波纹管上的力达到力矩平衡时仪表达到平衡状态。此时,一定的信号压力就与一定的阀门位置相对应。 以上作用方式为正作用,若要改变作用方式,只要将凸轮翻转,a向变成b向等,即可。 所谓正作用定位器,就是信号压力增加,输出压力亦增加;所谓反作用定位器,就是信号压力增加,输出压力则减少。 一台正作用执行机构只要装上反作用定位器,就能实现反作用执行机构的动作;相反,一台反作用执行机构只要装上反作用定位器,就能实现正作用执行机构的动作。

“ Principles of air filter pressure reducer valve”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国过滤器网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Pneumatic valve positioner is based on force balance principle of the design work, its working principle as shown in the box see above diagram, it is based on force balance principle of the design and work. When the signals pass into the bellows pressure is increased, so that lever 2 around the fulcrum of rotation, baffle near the nozzle, the nozzle back pressure amplified by the amplifier, into the film chamber implementing agencies, so that stem downward movement, and promote the feedback pole (pendulum) rotating around the fulcrum, the connection of the feedback in the same axis cam (eccentric cam) also followed for anti-clockwise rotation, so that lever 1 through the rollers rotate around the fulcrum, and feedback spring tension, spring tension on the lever 2 and signal pressure forces in the corrugated tube of the instrument to achieve torque equilibrium to equilibrium. At this point, a certain pressure on the signal with a certain degree of valve position corresponds to. A positive role in the above mode of action, to change the mode of action, as long as the flip cam, a to b to the other into a can. The so-called positive role of the locator, that is, the signal increased pressure, the output pressure is also increasing; the so-called counter-locator, that is, the signal increased pressure, the output pressure decreased. A positive role in the implementing agencies as long as the installation of counter-positioning device, you can achieve the reaction actuator; on the contrary, a counter-productive as long as the installation of the executing agency counter-locator, can achieve the positive role of the implementing agency action.

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