
美国R&M动力系统公司研制成功一种新型变速驱动,它可对采油进行数字化控制,也可对螺杆泵系统进行控制和检测。 新型变速驱动将扭矩和速度控制合成为一个独立的软件,这是使油井达到{zg}产量和{zg}电能利用率,以及保护螺杆泵系统的关键。专用软件将杆柱、油套管柱、地层和泵的所有使用模式均编入其中。该种无传感器控制依靠连续提供扭矩、速度、泵效、液量和估算井底压力反馈,来保护井下设备和使油井产量{zg}。它也可用人工和系统软件自动调速,使液面位于泵入口上方。它出色的泵抽空控制能力,可使油井在其流入性能下的产油量{zg}。它还可监控泵排量和提供累计产量数据,其对接软件还可通过网络进行遥控。

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U.S. R & M Power Systems, Inc. successfully developed a new type of variable speed drive, it can be digitally controlled on oil, but also to the screw pump system control and inspection. A new variable-speed drive torque and speed control will be combined into a stand-alone software, which is to achieve the highest oil yield and the highest energy utilization, and the protection screw system, the key. Special software will be poles, oil casing, formation and pumps all use patterns are incorporated into them. Sensorless control of this kind rely on to provide a continuous torque, speed, pump efficiency, fluid volume and estimated bottom hole pressure feedback, and to protect underground facilities and to make the highest yield wells. It is also used manual and automatic speed control system software, so that the entrance surface is located above the pump. It is well pump for taking the time control will enable the inflow performance of wells in its oil production under the maximum. It can also monitor the pump displacement and the provision of cumulative production data, the docking software, remote control via the network.

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