

2010-04-01 11:31:04 阅读5 评论0 字号:

1.传动轴或电机轴承过热: 产生原因:缺少润滑油或轴承破裂等。 处理方法:加注润滑油或更换轴承。 2.泵体剧烈振动或产生噪音: 产生原因:水泵安装不牢或水泵安装过高;电机滚珠轴承损坏;水泵主轴弯曲或与电机主轴不同心、不平行等。 处理方法:装稳水泵或降低水泵的安装高度;更换电机滚珠轴承;矫正弯曲的水泵主轴或调整好水泵与电机的相对位置。 3、.水泵不出水: 产生原因:泵体和吸水管没灌满引水;动水位低于水泵滤水管;吸水管破裂等。 螺杆与壳体之间的密封面是一个空间曲面。 在这个曲面上存在着诸如ab或de之类的非密封区,并且与螺杆的凹槽部分形成许多三角形的缺口abc、def。这些三角形 的缺口构成液体的通道,使主动螺杆凹槽A与从动螺杆上的 凹槽B、C相连通。而凹槽B、C又沿着自己的螺线绕向背面, 并分别和背面的凹槽D、E相连通。由于在槽D、E与槽F(它属 于另一头螺线)相衔接的密封面上,也存在着类似于正面的三 角形缺口a’b’c’,所以D、F、E也将相通。这样,凹槽ABCDEA也就组成一个“∞” 形的密封空间(如采用单头螺纹,则凹槽将顺轴向盘饶螺杆, 将吸排口贯通,无法形成密封)。不难想象,在这样的螺杆 上,将形成许多个独立的“∞”形密封空间,每一个密封空间所占有的轴向长度恰好等于累杆的导程t。因此,为了使螺杆 能吸、排油口分隔开来,螺杆的螺纹段的长度至少要大于一个导程。

“ How to deal with screw failure occurred ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

1. Shaft or the motor bearings overheating: Reason: lack of lubrication or bearing breakdowns. Approach: filling oil or replacement. 2. Pump severe vibration or noise: Cause: Installation is not strong or the water pump install water pump too high; motor ball bearing damage; water pump shaft and motor shaft bending or misalignment, not parallel and so on. Approach: install stable installation of pumps or lower pump height; replace motor bearings; correct bent pump shaft or adjust the relative position of pump and motor. 3. No water pump: Reason: did not fill pump and suction hose water; water level below the pump filter pipe; suction tube rupture. Seal between the screw and the shell surface is a curved surface. The existence of this surface, such as ab or de like the non-sealed area, and with the screw groove part of the formation of many gaps in the triangle abc, def. These gaps form a triangle fluid channel, so take the initiative and driven screw screw notch A notch on the B, C connected through. The groove B, C then along its own spiral wound to the back and the back of the groove, respectively, and D, E connected to pass. As the slot D, E and slot F (it belongs to the other end of spiral) converging sealing surface, there are also similar to the front of the triangle gap a'b'c ', so D, F, E will be connected. This groove ABCDEA also form a "∞" shape seal space (such as single head thread, the groove will be along the axial drive screw Rao, the suction port through, can not form a seal). Not difficult to imagine such a screw, to the formation of many independent "∞" shape enclosed rooms, each occupied by a sealed space exactly equal to the axial length of the bar of lead accumulated t. Therefore, in order to screw suction port separated from the oil discharge screw thread section is greater than the length of at least one lead.

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