
众所周知,由于水环真空泵和水环压缩机具有结构简单、使用维修方便的特点,因而在各行各业得到了广泛的应用。特别是具有等温压缩的特点,极易抽吸、压缩易燃易爆的气体。 下面就其发展及设计开发谈几点粗浅的看法: 1大型化由于煤矿、化工、制药、造纸等行业的发展,对水环真空泵的要求越来越向大型化方面发展。在2000年以前,我国能生产抽气量在100m3/min以上的水环真空泵仅3-4个企业,全国年产量也不过几十台。而仅过了三年,到2003年全国能生产100m3/min以上的大泵的厂家达10多家(其中仅淄博地区就有7--8家),据不xx统计,全国的大泵的产量达几百台以上,这些产品主要应用于:(1)煤矿行业由于国家加强了对煤矿的安全要求,因而用水环真空泵,特别是大型水环真空泵抽除瓦斯气体已成为煤矿行业必须的安全要求,例如去年陕西某矿务局订购的多台抽气量达400m3/min的特大型水环真空泵就是用以抽除瓦斯气体,有的一个大型煤矿使用100m3/min以上的大泵就达7--8台。随着国家对安全工作进一步加强,大型、特大型水环真空泵将在煤矿系统得到越来越广泛的应用。此外,由于煤炭产量的飞速增加,煤矿的洗、选煤所用的真空过滤机也向大型化方面发展,在八十年代大多配抽气量为27m3/min的SZ-4型水环真空泵,这在当时也是较大的。而近几年煤矿的过滤机都选配抽气量为80--150m3/min的大型水环真空泵,有的达到200m3/min以上,而且还有气量继续增大的趋势。(2)化工行业a)氯碱行业近几年来我国启动了许多大型的基本建设和技术改造项目,这些项目的实童都需要大量的聚氯乙烯材料,特别是房地产的兴旺,更加推动了聚氯乙烯行业的发展,据氯碱行业的统计,我国去年生产了410万吨聚氯乙烯,进口了200可吨。据该行业的预测,2005年的全国需求量将达800万吨,而到了2010年将达到1500万吨,正是因为需求量高速增加,使得我国的氯碱行业的企业加改造扩产,并且近一、二年新上了许多企业。氯碱企业的发展,必须配套水陕空泵和水环压缩机j用以抽除和压缩乙炔和氢气的水环真空泵和水环压缩机过去{zd0}也不过30m3/min,而现在年产10万吨烧碱和10万吨聚氯乙烯的企业,需要的水环真空泵和水环压缩机达70m3/min以上。在这里需要特别介绍的是,正是由于这个行业的发展,推动和加快了较高I力水环压缩机的开发和生产。长期以来,我国的水环压缩机一般是当吸入压力为1个大气压或略低于呔气压时,排除压力为O.1MPa,即压缩比为2,个别企业生产过排除压力达25MPaG的水环压缩机,而且仅1--2个规格。为了适应聚氯乙烯的生产,91原国务院重大装备办公室在“八五”重大技术装备攻关项目--年产4吨低聚合度聚氯乙烯装置设备研制中提出了氯乙烯回收水环压缩机的研制攻关课题,这种回收氯乙烯单体的水环压缩机要求在吸入压力为常压或微负压的情况下,排出压力要达到O.55-0.6MPaG,而且排气量要达到700m3/min。经过几年的努力,我公司于96年12月通过了由原国家机械部组织的技术鉴定,客项技术酥达到了攻关要求。在此产品的基础上,我公司又开发了系列产品,排气量由90m3/min到2000m。/h。由于该设备是聚氯乙烯行业的关键设备之一,因而在近几年全国大上聚氯乙烯项目的形势下,这种水环压缩机得到了推广和应用,xx替代了进口。b)化肥行业化肥行业特别是磷肥的生产也是我国经济宏观调控中重点支持的产业,由于新上项目及老企业的技术改造均以上水平、上规模为主,因而大型、特大型水环真空泵在此也得到了应用,如云南某磷肥企业一次改造就新增抽气量为300m3/min的特大型水环泵3台。此外,还有许多磷肥企业工艺要求在压力为绝压80--lOOhPa时,仍要有较大的抽气能力,因而两级水环真空泵及带大气喷射器的两级水环真空泵用在这种工况下,就具有独特的优势,许多化肥企业淘汰了振动噪声大而真空度较高的往复真空泵,用两级水环真空泵替代,并收到了较好的效果,可以说两级水环真空泵在该行业应用将会越来越广泛。c)造纸行业上世纪末和本世纪初,我国的国债投入造纸行业占有较大的比例,全国各地的造纸厂争先恐后地改造上水平、上规模,这大大地拉动了大型水环真空泵的开发生产,东北某造纸厂一次改造抽气量为400IIl3/min的特大型水环真空泵(目前我国生产的{zd0}规格的水环真空泵)6台,总配动力为400kW。可以说近几年来的抽气量在100m3/min以上的大型水环真空泵的50%是用在造纸行业,而且这种发展趋势有增无减。d)制药行业真空浓缩脱水、干燥、蒸馏是制药企业的主要工艺过程,制药企业的技术改造也同样是上水平、上规模,这在一些大型制药企业更为明显。过去,大多用10m3/min以下的小泵,而现在,在这些企业的项目招标中,抽气量在20m3/min以上的中、大型泵已占多数。此外,制药行业的许多厂过去使用抽气量为6--12m3/min的两级水环真空泵较多,而现在都配20-30m3/min的两级水环真空泵,有的还达到60m3/min,如四川某合资制药厂去年一次招标买抽气量为60m3/min的泵达到10台。除以上行业外,轻工行业的食品、啤酒企业以及冶金、发电、石化、建材等行业的真空系统均向大型方面发展,如山东某铝厂长期使用多台抽气量为85m3/min的水环真空泵,而去年的技改项目设备招标要求的水环真空泵抽气量要达到140m3/min。 2成套性应当说,在2000年以前国内的水环真空泵的生产厂家几乎全是以销售单泵为主,极少有用户订成套设备,而近两年来,化工、制药行业的技改项目设备招标中成套设备占的比例越来越大,一般是要求配分离器、冷却器(换热器)、补液泵、阀门、仪表、管件以及控制装置,形成闭式循环,并且要求与企业的OCS系统相连,对液位、压力、力量等进行在线控制。对这种机电一体化成套设备的要求在许多行业越来越普遍。 3较高真空下要求较大的抽气量许多化工、制药行业的真空蒸馏、浓缩、脱水、干燥以及发电厂的抽除尾气都要求在吸入压力为3--8kPa之间有较大的抽气量,单级水环真空泵在这一区间抽气能力已相当弱,而两级水环真空泵和带一级大气喷射器的两级水环真空泵的特点是在该区间有较大的吸气量,在2000年以前对于两级泵的需求大多是15m3/min以下,而现在达40-50m3/min。此外,还应当指出,单级水环真空泵带一级大气喷射器时,如果设计合理,在吸入压力为4--5kPa时仍有较大的抽气量,这大大扩大了单级水环真空泵的使用范围,如我国某飞机研究所就使用该类泵多台。 综上所述,可以看出,水环真空泵及水环压缩机作为基本的粗低真空获得设备在各行业得到了广泛的应用,也可以说国民经济各行业的迅速发展推动了水环真空泵和水环压缩机的开发生产。 因此为使其更好地适应各行业的发展,现就该泵的研制开发提出以下几点粗浅的看法。(1)用可行性设计和高性能的密封件,提高整机的平均无故障运行期(MTBF)水环真空泵及水环压缩机的工作可靠性,即平均无故障运行期,应当说与其它的粗低真空获得设备相比还是较高的,平均无故障运行期可达10000小时以上。但随着各行业技术进步工作的加强和对整个真空系统的可靠性要求的提高,因而对其可靠性要求也相应更高了。特别是在化工和煤矿抽瓦斯气体的这样对安全要求严格的工况下,泵要长期持续运转,国际先进水平可达几万小时以上。 所以水环真空泵和水环压缩机的设计工作的开发情况和制造条件的限制以及密封件(特别是机械密封件)的质量现状,要真正提高整机的可靠性尚需进一步对以上几方面的工作进一步加强。(2)采用优化设计方法,努力提高泵的效率,降低能耗水环真空泵和水环压缩机是耗能高,效率低的产品,这是公认的事实,小泵一般为30-35%,大泵达40%或略高,这样低的效率与国家对机电产品的要求及我国目前能源紧张的现状是极不相适应的。 因此应尽快采用优化设计方法,对影响泵的效率最关键的叶轮的各几何参数及吸排气孔的起始位置、面积等建立数学模型,进行优化设计,选择各参数的{zj0}组合方案,并采用汽液两相流的有关理论及计算公式进行设计,尽量减少水环的涡流损失,达到提高效率的目的。 所以说尽快设计开发成功高效节能的水环真空泵及压缩机以淘汰耗能高、效率低的落后产品是摆在水环真空泵的设计开发、生产企业面前的一项重要工作。(3)提高带大气喷射器时的工况点的气量。国外无论单级水环真空泵还是两级水环真空泵配大气喷射器以提高在较低吸入压力下的抽气量的情况还是较多的。从国外技术先进的企业的技术资料上可以看出,单级水环真空泵带一级大气喷射器时,在吸入压力为5kPa点,抽气速率可达该泵不带大气喷射时吸入压力为400hPa点的抽气速率(用户常用的单级水环真空泵的共况点)的65--70%,两级水环真空泵带一级大气喷射器时,在吸入压力为1.5kPa点抽气速率可达该泵不带大气喷射器时吸入压力为8kPa点的抽气速率(两级水环真空泵常用的工况点)的70--75%,这样便大大扩大了水环真空泵的应用范围,即满足了化工、制药、轻工、仪器、冶金、发电等行业要求在吸入压力为1.5--5kPa点大抽气速率的工艺条件。但目前国内一是水环真空泵带大气喷射器的应用不够广泛;二是在1.5--5kPa点的抽气速率较小,与国外先进厂家技术水平有一定差距。 为进一步推广应用,应当研究改进大气喷射器的设计与水环真空泵的{zj0}配比,由于气流在大气喷射器的喷嘴(拉伐尔喷管)与扩压器的渐缩段流动是超音速气流,并且大气与被抽气体两股气流的混合过程中的动量交换较为复杂,无法xx依靠理论计算的方法进行设计,必须进行多次试验,但从扩大水环真空泵的应用及提高其效率的角度出发应当加强试验研究,努力提高其抽气效率。

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As we all know, due to water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressor with a simple structure, convenient use and maintenance features, and thus in all walks of life have been widely used. Particularly those with the characteristics of isothermal compression, easily suction, compressed flammable and explosive gases. Here's their development and the design and development to make a few shallow views: As a large-scale coal mines, chemical, pharmaceutical and paper industries, water ring vacuum pumps have become increasingly demanding to develop large-scale. In the year 2000, China can produce more exhaust volume 100m3/min of water ring vacuum pump is only 3-4 companies, but also dozens of national output. But only after three years, to 2003, the country can produce more than 100m3/min big pump up more than 10 manufacturers (of which only the Zibo area alone 7 - 8 companies), according to incomplete statistics, the country's largest pump output of up to hundreds more, these products are mainly used in: (1) coal mining sectors, countries to enhance coal mine safety requirements, and thus water ring vacuum pump, especially for large water ring vacuum pump methane extraction coal mining industry has become necessary for the security requirements, such as last year, Shaanxi Provincial Bureau of Mines ordered an extraction capacity of more than 400m3/min is a large water ring vacuum pump gas for the extraction of gas, some for more than a large coal mine using a large pump 100m3/min reached 7 -- -8 Taiwan. As the state of security was further strengthened, large, extra large water ring vacuum pump system has been in the coal mine more and more widely used. In addition, due to the rapid increase in coal production, coal washing, coal preparation vacuum filter used also to develop large-scale, mostly in the eighties with the exhaust volume of 27m3/min the SZ-4 type water ring vacuum pump, which in he was also larger. The coal mines in recent years are optional exhaust filter 80--150m3/min a large amount of water ring vacuum pump, and some reach 200m3/min above, but also the trend of gas continues to increase. (2) the chemical industry a) chlor-alkali industry in China in recent years launched a number of large-scale capital construction and technical transformation projects, which are the real children need a lot of PVC material, especially the real estate boom, more driving PVC industry, chlor-alkali industry, according to statistics, last year China produced 4.1 million tons of PVC, can be imported 200 tons. According to the forecast of the industry in 2005, the national demand will reach 8 million tons, while 2010 will reach 15 million tons, it is precisely because the demand for high-speed increase, making China's chlor-alkali industry, transformation of enterprises plus expansion, and the one or two years on a number of new businesses. Chlor-alkali enterprises, must be matched water Shaanxi air pump and water ring compressors j for the extraction and compression of acetylene and hydrogen of water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressors in the past, but the largest and 30m3/min, but now an annual output of 100,000 tons of caustic soda and 10 tons of PVC business, the needs of water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressors over 70m3/min above. Require special introduction here is that it is precisely because of this development of the industry to promote and accelerate a high water ring compressor I force the development and production. For a long time, China's water ring compressor is usually when the suction pressure of 1 atm or slightly below atmospheric pressure when the tires, remove the pressure of O. 1MPa, the compression ratio of 2, individual enterprises produced the exclusion of pressure up to 25MPaG the water ring compressor, and only 1 - 2 specifications. In order to adapt the production of PVC, 91 former State Department Office of major equipment in the "85" major technology and equipment research projects - an annual output of 4 tons of PVC installing equipment in the development of oligo-heterozygosity has proposed chloride recycled water ring compressor development of research topics, such recycled vinyl chloride monomer in water ring compressor suction pressure required atmospheric or slightly negative pressure circumstances, the discharge pressure to reach O.55-0.6MPaG, and the displacement to achieve 700m3/min . After several years of efforts, our company in 96 years in December passed the former National Mechanical technical appraisal organized by the Department, the package of crunchy meet customer requirements in research. In this product, based on my company has developed a series of products, exhaust from the 90m3/min to 2000m. / H. Since the device is one of the key equipment of PVC industry, which in recent years, a nationwide project on the situation of PVC, this water ring compressor has been the promotion and application of completely replacing imports. b) chemical fertilizer industry, phosphate fertilizer production industries, especially in China's economic macro-control is also key support in the industry, due to new projects and technical transformation of old enterprises all over the level of scale, they have large, extra large water ring vacuum pump in the This has also been applied, such as Yunnan, a transformation of a phosphate fertilizer companies on new exhaust volume 300m3/min a large water ring pump 3 sets. In addition, there are many business process requirements phosphate absolute pressure in the pressure of 80 - lOOhPa, the still greater pumping capacity, and thus two water ring vacuum pump and injectors with a two-level atmospheric water ring vacuum pump used in this kinds of operating conditions, it has unique advantages, many fertilizer companies eliminated the vibration and noise large and a high degree of reciprocating vacuum pumps, water ring vacuum pump with two alternatives, and received good results, we can say two water ring application of vacuum pumps in the industry will be more extensive. c) the paper industry on the end of the century and the beginning of this century, our country's national debt into account for a large proportion of the paper industry, paper mills across the country scrambling to transform the level of scale, which greatly stimulated the large-scale water ring vacuum pump development and production of the Northeast of a paper mill a transformation of the large exhaust volume of 400IIl3/min water ring vacuum pump (currently China's largest production specifications of water ring vacuum pump) 6 units with a total power of 400kW. Can be said that in recent years, the exhaust volume 100m3/min large water ring vacuum pump for more than 50% is used in the paper industry, and this trend increasing. d) the pharmaceutical industry, vacuum dewatering, drying, distillation is the main process pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical companies also are on the technological transformation of the level of scale, which in some large pharmaceutical companies more visible. In the past, most of the small pumps used 10m3/min below, but now the project bidding in these enterprises, the exhaust volume 20m3/min above, the large-scale pump accounts for the majority. In addition, the pharmaceutical industry, many of the plants used in the past two-stage exhaust volume 6--12m3/min more water ring vacuum pumps, and now are equipped with 20-30m3/min of the two water ring vacuum pumps, some of them to 60m3 / min, such as a joint-venture pharmaceutical factory in Sichuan last year, a tender to buy the exhaust volume of 60m3/min pump up to 10 units. In addition to these trades, light industry, food, beer companies, as well as metallurgy, power generation, petrochemical, building materials and other industries to large vacuum systems are in development, such as in Shandong Aluminum long-term use of a multiple pumping capacity of the water ring 85m3/min vacuum pump, and last year's technical transformation project equipment bidding required amount of water ring vacuum pump exhaust to achieve 140m3/min. Two sets of sex should be said that by the year 2000 the domestic water ring vacuum pump manufacturers are almost all based on sales of single-pump-based, very few users to provide complete sets of equipment, while the last two years, chemical, pharmaceutical industry, technological transformation project equipment, complete sets of equipment tender growing proportion is generally required with separator, cooler (heat exchanger), infusion pumps, valves, meters, pipe fittings and control devices, form a closed loop, and asked to OCS systems of enterprises connected to the liquid level, pressure, force etc. on-line control. Complete sets of equipment for such mechanical and electrical integration, the requirements of increasingly common in many industries. 3 high vacuum exhaust a large amount of requests of many chemical, pharmaceutical industry, vacuum distillation, concentration, dehydration, drying and extraction plants are required to breathe in exhaust gas pressure of 3 - 8kPa drawn between the larger gas, single-stage water ring vacuum pump in the range of pumping capacity is very weak, while the two water ring vacuum pumps and injectors with a two-level atmospheric water ring vacuum pump is characterized by a greater range in the inspiratory volume, In the year 2000 the demand for the two pumps are mostly 15m3/min the following, and now up to 40-50m3/min. In addition, it should be noted that the single-stage water ring vacuum pump with an air jet, if the design is reasonable, in the suction pressure of 4 - 5kPa will still have a large exhaust volume, which greatly expanded the single-stage water ring vacuum pump scope of application, such as an aircraft research institute in China on the use of such pump sets. To sum up, we can see, water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressor as the basic low vacuum to obtain crude devices in various sectors has been widely used, it can be said that the rapid development of national economy and various industries to promote the water ring vacuum pump and the development and production of water-ring compressor. Therefore, to better adapt to the development of various industries are developed on the pump to make the following points shallow view. (1) with the feasibility of the design and high-performance seals to improve the average machine trouble-free run-time (MTBF) of water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressor operational reliability, an average period of trouble-free operation, it should be said that with other coarse low vacuum to obtain equipment, or higher than the average period of trouble-free operation up to 10,000 hours or more. However, with technological advances the work of various industries and for the vacuum system to enhance the reliability requirements increase, so its reliability is correspondingly higher. Especially in the chemical industry and coal mine methane extraction of such safety-critical operating conditions, pump should be long-lasting operation, the international advanced level of up to tens of thousands of hours or more. Therefore, water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressor design of the development and manufacture of the limitations as well as seals (especially the mechanical seal) the quality of the status quo, to truly improve the reliability of whole machine needs to be further to the above aspects of the was further strengthened. (2) The optimal design method, and strive to improve the pump efficiency and reduce energy consumption, water ring vacuum pump and water ring compressor is high energy consumption and low efficiency products, which is a recognized fact, the small pump is generally 30-35%, Great pump up to 40% or slightly higher, the efficiency of such a low mechanical and electrical products with the national requirements and the status of China's current energy crisis is very incompatible. Therefore, optimal design method should be adopted as soon as possible, to influence the efficiency of the pump impeller of the most critical of all geometric parameters and the suction vent to the starting position, size, etc. to establish a mathematical model to optimize the design, select the best combination of parameters the program and adopt the vapor-liquid two-phase flow theory and the related calculation formula designed to minimize the eddy current loss of water loop to achieve greater efficiency. So, as soon as possible the successful design and development of energy-efficient water ring vacuum pump and compressor in order to eliminate high energy consumption and low efficiency of the product is placed behind the water ring vacuum pump design and development, production and business in front of an important task. (3) increase with atmospheric conditions when the jet gas point. Abroad, regardless of single-stage water ring vacuum pump or a water ring vacuum pump with two air injectors to increase the suction pressure at a lower volume of exhaust, or more. Advanced technology from abroad, technical information on the company can be seen, a single-stage water ring vacuum pump with an air jet when the suction pressure in the 5kPa point, pumping rate of up to the pump without the atmosphere when the suction pressure of 400hPa jet point pumping speed (user commonly used single-stage water ring vacuum pump in a total state of points), 65 - 70%, two-stage water ring vacuum pump with an air ejector, the suction pressure at the point of pumping rate at 1.5kPa up to the pump without air jet when the suction pressure of the exhaust 8kPa point rate (two water ring vacuum pump commonly used in working condition points) 70 - 75%, thus greatly expanded the scope of application of water ring vacuum pump, that is to meet the chemical, pharmaceutical, light industry, equipment, metallurgy, power generation and other industries require suction pressure of 1.5 - 5kPa point and exhaust rate of process conditions. However, the current domestic first water ring vacuum pump with the application of air jet is not wide enough; the second is 1.5 - 5kPa point exhaust rate of small manufacturers with advanced technical level there is some discrepancy. To further promote the application of air jet should be studied to improve the design and the best ratio of water ring vacuum pump, due to air in the atmosphere injector nozzle (Laval nozzle) and the diffuser section of the gradual reduction of supersonic flows airflow, and air being pumped gas mixture of two airstreams in the process of momentum exchange is more complicated and can not completely rely on theoretical calculation methods must be designed to conduct multiple tests, but to expand the application of water ring vacuum pump and improving the efficiency of the Experimental study perspective should be strengthened, and strive to improve its pumping efficiency.


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