2010-03-12 13:58:58 阅读7 评论0 字号:大中小
日前,南海区副区长刘涛根带队检查了南海区5个重点防汛工程。其中,南海区第二大泵站丹灶建设泵站已基本完工,该片区如遭遇十年一遇24小时暴雨可在2天内排干。据悉,今年,南海区将投入10亿元大修水利,为“历年来{zd0}手笔的水利投入”。 随后召开的南海区三防会议上,南海区水务局局长黄永坚介绍说,2010年南海区将投入近10亿元兴修水利,“这是历年来{zd0}投入的一年”。其中,将投入3.69亿元建设52宗水利工程;投入3.45亿元对202公里的主、支干河涌整治;重点河涌如西樵八米大涌、狮山大坑涌,将投入1.7亿元整治。
“ South China Sea this year, will invest 1 billion Xiushui Li danzao construction of pumping stations has been basically completed ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。
Recently, Liu Tao, deputy head of the South China Sea area examined the roots led the South China Sea area five key flood control projects. Among them, Nanhai District, the building's second-largest pumping station pumping danzao has been basically completed, areas such as the film suffered a case of a 24-hour rainstorm decade can be drained within 2 days. It is reported that this year, the South China Sea area will invest 1 billion yuan overhaul of water, as "the most generous of the water input over the years." Subsequent meeting of the South China Sea area and three defenses, the meeting, the South China Sea Area Water Authority Secretary, said Yung-Chien Huang in 2010, the South China Sea area will invest nearly 10 billion yuan building water conservancy projects, "This is the largest-ever single investment in on