[2010.03.23] peek-a-boo 偷窥敌营- 科技Science & Technology - ECO ...
本帖{zh1}由 ceth 于 2010-3-28 18:51 编辑

Airport security


A novel approach to airport security tests suspects’ recognition of incriminating stimuli

Mar 23rd 2010 | From The Economist online

DESPITE the effort put into it, and the annoyance caused to innocent travellers, airport security is a pretty haphazard affair. That could change if Ehud Givon has his way. Mr Givon is head of a small Israeli firm called WeCU, which thinks its technology can spot suspicious individuals that traditional methods miss.不管在机场安检上下多大功夫,且不论无辜乘客对其厌恶之情,机场安检真是一项随机事件。然而,假如Ehud Givon的方法成功的话,这一局面或许将会改变。Givon先生是以色列一家小公司—WeCU的老板。该公司称它们的技术能够检测出传统安检手段所不能检测出的可疑人员。

WeCU’s approach relies on displaying stimuli, such as photographs of individuals who might be known to terrorists but not to ordinary people, or code words that intelligence has discovered are associated with particular operations, and observing what happens. The trick is that the observation is done automatically, and does not rely on the subjective impressions of possibly tired and bored security guards.

When confronted with such stimuli, someone who is unfamiliar with them will merely be bemused and ignore them. Someone who knows what they are, and is feeling guilty about it, will undergo an increase in body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate. WeCU’s apparatus is able to monitor the first two of these using an infra-red camera. This captures the heat pattern of blood vessels near the skin, betraying both changes in overall temperature and in heart rate. The system first establishes a baseline for an approaching individual, then flashes the potentially stimulating image on a screen or wall in the subject’s eyeline. If the baseline changes in a way that is suspicious, the individual can be ushered away for further questioning.

The beauty of this system is that it does not rely, as traditional “lie detectors” like polygraphs do, on a formal procedure to determine whether an individual is under emotional pressure. That technique has often been shown to be unreliable—producing both false positives (because it puts innocent people under stress) and false negatives (because practised bad guys can keep their emotional responses under control). As Mr Givon points out, the bank of stimuli included in the system is varied and unpredictable. Even a skilled, well practised suspect who is aware of the system and who tries to prepare for the screening cannot know where the stimuli will come from and how they will appear.

The system has been demonstrated to a number of authorities worldwide. Mr Givon says tests with hundreds of subjects in both laboratory and real-life situations have shown that 95% of those flagged up are indeed “persons of interest” with whom the powers that be would like to have a chat. If further tests confirm its advantages, travellers in some airports may soon find themselves looking at unexpected slide-shows when they visit the airport.
1. A novel approach to airport security tests suspects’ recognition of incriminating stimuli

意見: novel有創新的意思,而不只是新,新不見得有創意。suspect和後面的suspicious individual都不太適合翻嫌犯,太嚴重了,翻可疑人物會較恰當。罪行相關刺激物也一樣太狹義了。
可譯: 一項机场安检的的創舉測試可疑人物對罪證刺激物的反應

2. pretty haphazard affair

意見: haphazard是偶然的意思。就是安檢沒法有系統的找出可疑人物,只能零星的找到線索。

3. That could change if Ehud Givon has his way.
然而,假如Ehud Givon坚持推广他的方法,这一局面或许将会改变

意見: has his way解釋範圍很廣,但在此沒有堅持的意思。
可譯: 然而,假如Ehud Givon的方法能成功,这一局面或许将会改变
4. The system first establishes a baseline for an approaching individual

意見: 設立一組人體基礎反應數值

5. whether an individual is under emotional pressure

意見: 情緒上的壓力

6. the bank of stimuli included in the system is varied and unpredictable

意見: is varied是說多樣化,不是一直變化。
回复 ceth

DESPITE the effort put into it, and the annoyance caused to innocent travellers, airport security is a pretty haphazard affair


意見: 我個人當年在寫碩士論文時,所受的訓練是,在寫完一段後,會檢查是否能讓句子更精簡,如果能用更少字表達同樣的意思,會更好。雖然當時寫的是英文,而論文和譯文也大不相同,但我想有許多地方是共通的。
This(照相机) captures the heat pattern of blood vessels near the skin这台红外照相机记录皮下血管的加热曲线图,表明体温与心态的变化。
to succeed in recording, showing, or describing a situation or feeling, using words or pictures
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