

Trap cassette membrane components is a major action film metal boxes, filling boxes there is a film vaporization temperature than the water temperature and low liquid saturation, the valve opening temperature is below saturation temperature of 15 ℃ and 30 ℃ in two to choose from.
     Membrane response to the special trap cassette sensitive, not afraid of cold, small size, resistant to overheating, can be installed anywhere. Back pressure is higher than 80%, to row non-condensing gas, solid diaphragm, long service life, easy maintenance, the use of a very wide scope.
     Device has just started, low-temperature condensate pipeline, the liquid film in condensation inside the box, and valve in the open position. When condensed water temperature gradually increased, the beginning of evaporation of liquid-filled membrane box, box pressure membrane, membrane led to the closure of the direction of spool movement, reaching saturation in the condensate water temperature before the trap closed. Diaphragm with the steam temperature control valve, water vapor play a role in resistance.


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