科学适用性阀门- 中国电磁阀- 中国电磁阀- 和讯博客
科学适用性阀门 [转贴 2010-03-15 15:03:02]   

While the datamined DLC hints found in the L4D2 demo back at the end of October turned out to be merely placeholders, it seems that there was a grain of truth to them: The game contained character portraits for the first four Left 4 Dead survivors as well as the new quartet, and the very first piece of DLC for the game will in fact bring both groups together. Though the press release only mentions being able to play as the L4D2 cast in the normal campaign mode as they meet up with the L4D1 folk, it also says that "The Passing" will "include new arenas for Survival, Versus and Scavenge mode and introduce a new co-operative challenge mode of play." Presumably we'll be able to choose any of the eight in Survival and Scavenge, and this "new co-operative challenge mode" makes me think that there will be a mode specifically designed for all eight Survivors to be played at once - in other words, an official Left 16 Dead (16 if you include the zombies, that is). "The Passing will become the most important campaign in the Left 4 Dead story, as all the Survivors are being called together in one campaign," said Valve's VP of Marketing, Doug Lombardi. "It will also be a huge offering of new gameplay content, with something new for every game mode plus a new uncommon common and weaponry."
原文来自: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/96856-Valve-Announces-First-L4D2-DLC-Featuring-Original-Survivors

Valve Announces First L4D2 DLC Featuring Original Survivors 是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海依耐泵阀有限公司还生产 及升降式法兰止回阀,200X 型减压阀,支管减压阀,微阻缓闭消声止回阀,衬氟旋塞阀,欢迎您的选购。)

有针对性的适用于PC和Xbox 360版本在2010年初春,“过”带来了南方的运行Zoey,路易斯,比尔和弗朗西斯在与教练,罗谢尔,埃利斯和尼克。根据官方新闻稿,采取新的行动后,“死中心”,该游戏的介绍 - 逃脱之后立即在萨凡纳由于商场的赛车xx人物吉米吉布斯,小的L4D2幸存者遇到{dy}个四方赛车在农村小城镇格鲁吉亚。 虽然新闻稿只提到能发挥正常,在战役模式L4D2演员,因为他们满足了与L4D1民俗,它也说,“过”,将“包括生存,对战和扫气方式,引入新的领域一个新的合作模式,发挥手术的挑战。“假设我们将可以选择的生存和扫气任何八,而这个“新合作模式的挑战”,所以我觉得将有专门为所有8个幸存者将在一次比赛 - 设计的模式,在其他也就是说,官方左16人死亡(包括16,如果你的僵尸,那是)。 新的活动也将推出全新的“罕见的共同”僵尸(如果我读的权利,如Spitter,亨特等人,而是像科科代理人,小丑,或防暴xx僵尸特有的每个广告系列)以及一个新的混战武器和枪。 “过将成为在造成4人死亡的故事最重要的运动,因为所有的幸存者在一个被称为运动起来,说:”阀门的市场营销副总裁道格隆巴迪。 “这也将是一个巨大的新的游戏内容提供的东西每个游戏模式以及新的,新的罕见共同的武器。”


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