


GS公司创建于1974年,是{sjlx}的非焊接管道系统供应商,其创新的法兰连接装置使管道无需焊接就可快速安全连接在一起。 通过对产品和系统的持续研发,今天GS公司可以为市场提供品种最齐全的非焊接管道连接方案。30多年来,我们的这一核心技术应用于成千上万个项目中,足迹遍布世界各个角落。我们的技术主要应用于液压领域,因其管道压力高,连接要求异常严格。同时,我们也可满足所有其它市场需求,向用户提供传统焊接无法比拟的技术优势,例如高清洁度,维护方便,预制,快速安装,无火灾隐患等。


GS-Hydro Piping Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. provides complete, tailor-made non-welded piping systems, prefabricated piping modules and piping components to its customers. The solutions are well known for their design/engineering capability, advanced technical solutions and high quality.

GS-Hydro is the world’s leading supplier of non-welded piping systems.  Operations began in 1974 with the commercialization of an innovative flange, which allowed the rapid and secure connection of pipes without the need for welding. Investing in continuous product and systems development, GS-Hydro now offers the broadest range of non-welded piping solutions on the market.  Our core technology has been validated in thousands of applications for over three decades and has been taken to virtually every corner of the globe. The main application for our technology is in hydraulics, where the high pressures place stringent requirements on pipe connections. However, we also meet the needs of all markets where customer requirements demand any one of the many benefits our technology provides over welding, such as superior cleanliness, serviceability, prefabrication, rapid installation or zero-fire hazard.

In China, in addition to imported high quality products from GS-Hydro's worldwide partners, GS-Hydro Shanghai also relies on local strategic suppliers to ensure the quality and timeliness of deliveries. GS-Hydro Shanghai, established in October 2002, is a manufacturing-type company wholly-owned by GS-Hydro. It is located in the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone in Shanghai China. GS-Hydro Shanghai has a total of forty-three employees, with specialists in the fields of sales and technical piping.

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