march 29 2010_煩到無红茶的空间_百度空间

First for J's pass away. just wish u all the peace

                      goodbye and memory in always

ex for 15 mins

for the unhappy lately. sometimes life always don't turn to your plan. Remember always take up your brave , there's always way out.

as wishes all the peace.

for the long leave J and best pal E who planing a move.

at last. troubles keep being happened these days.sorrow, unlucky, which make people upsad.thanks Ir, really help me a lot on these. and peop who play tricks, say, i bet it won't be lucky for you all the time. mean people won't hv a happy life. i just won't put myself into that way. Principles!

           love to whom be there that i always turn to

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