

【模型名称】The 1885 Daimler Single Track Motor Vehicle
【车模说明】Make the world’s First Motor Vehicle yours!
There had never been anything like it. A custom-built vehicle with two primary wheels powered by an internal combustion engine. Designed by the legendary Gottlieb Daimler—a founding father of the company that became Daimler-Benz in 1926. This single track, as it was then called, combined a specially built bicycle with an air-cooled, 1/2 hp engine. Now, you can own the definitive precision-engineered replica of the world’s first motor vehicle. Capturing every historic feature of the original with complete and unprecedented accuracy. The distinctive main frame is sturdily constructed of real wood. The primary and stabilizing wheels are rimmed with metal. With real leather upholstery and major engine components richly coated with 24 karat gold
Additional Details
Own a piece of automotive history
Wood construction
Genuine leather upholstery
Selectively accented in 24 karat gold


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