查看SharePoint 2007中站点的存储空间和配额- 中道学友技术专栏- 博客园

今天一个朋友问起我, 如何查看它的站点的空间使用情况.


首先, 你需要在管理中心中给站点指定一个配额(Quota).


1. 在管理中心中先建立一个quota template.

2. 点击Site collection quotas and locks. 选中一个site collection.

3. 给这个站点集指定一个quota template.

4. 然后在站点集的网站设置页面中, 就可以看到如下的链接: Storage space allocation出现了.


5. 点击这个链接, 你就可以进入下面的页面, 查看站点集内的任何文档库, 列表, 和文档的大小了.


通过代码, 你也可以得到相同的结果, 代码如下:

    SPSite oSite = new SPSite("http://blr3r7-19c:13774/sites/testwp");
    DataTable oDtRawData = null;

    // this line of code will return the stroage information of all the document lirbaries in this site
    oDtRawData = oSite.StorageManagementInformation(
        SPSite.StorageManagementSortedOn.Size, 100);

    // this line of code will return the stroage information of all the lists in this site
    oDtRawData = oSite.StorageManagementInformation(
        SPSite.StorageManagementSortedOn.Size, 100);

    // this line of code will return the stroage information of all the Documents in this site
    oDtRawData = oSite.StorageManagementInformation(
        SPSite.StorageManagementSortedOn.Size, 100);

    // if you wan to see column names, loop through all the columns and find out the names and grab the needed one. 
    foreach (DataColumn oColumn in oDtRawData.Columns)

    // loop through all the rows and find out the values. Here the size will be return in bytes (size/1024 = size in KBs)
    foreach (DataRow oRow in oDtRawData.Rows)
        Console.WriteLine(oRow["Title"].ToString() + " : " + oRow["Size"].ToString() + " : " + oRow["LeafName"].ToString());


第二种方法, 使用stsadm命令: stsadm -o enumsites -url


<Sites Count="1">
  <Site Url="http://testserver" Owner="domain\mossadmin" ContentDatabase="WSS_
Content_80" StorageUsedMB="8.9" StorageWarningMB="150" StorageMaxMB="200" /


第三种方法, 使用Object Model.

string siteCollectionURL = "http://testserver/"; // Site Collection URL
SPSiteAdministration st = new SPSiteAdministration(siteCollectionURL);
float scDiskUsage = st.DiskUsed;
float a = (scDiskUsage / (1024 * 1024));


注意: 这里得到的全部都是站点集的大小.




方法是使用Object Model, 代码如下:

public void GetSubSiteSize()
    string siteCollectionURL = ""; // Site Collection URL
    SPSite oSPSite = new SPSite(siteCollectionURL);
    SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.RootWeb;
    float totalSiteDiskUsage = GetWebSize(oSPWeb);
    string filePath = @"C:\MyFile.txt"; // File Path
    FileStream sb = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create);
    StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(sb);

private float GetWebSize(SPWeb web)
    float total = 0;
    foreach (SPFolder folder in web.Folders)
        total += GetFolderSize(folder);
    foreach (SPWeb subweb in web.Webs)
        total += GetWebSize(subweb);

    if (!web.IsRootWeb)
        str += "Site url : " + web.Url + "\r\n";
        str += "Size : " + (total / (1024 * 1024)) + " MB" + "\r\n";
        str += "\r\n";
    return total;

private float GetFolderSize(SPFolder folder)
    float folderSize = 0;

    foreach (SPFile file in folder.Files)
        folderSize += file.Length;

    foreach (SPFolder subfolder in folder.SubFolders)
        folderSize += GetFolderSize(subfolder);

    return folderSize;



Check quota data for a site

SharePoint Quota Management

STSADM EnumSites Operation Reports Actual Site Storage space as ZERO for an actively used site

SharePoint Site Size?

WSS - How to get site size? Site collection site? Workspace site? - WSS

How to find out the storage space allocation details a site through code.

posted on 2010-03-31 22:00 阅读(2)   所属分类:

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