U-tube manometer,U形管压力计
ultra-high vacuum,超高真空
ultra-high voltage electron microscope,超高压电子显微镜
ultralongwave spectrometer,超长波光谱仪
ultrasonic anemometer,超声波风速表
ultrasonic disc cutter,超声样品切割机
ultrasonic Doppler blood pressure transduce [sensor],超声多普勒血压传感器
ultrasonic flaw detection,超声探伤
ultrasonic flaw detector,超声探伤仪
ultrasonic flow transducer,超声流量传感器
ultrasonic flowmeter,超声流量计
ultrasonic hardness tester,超声硬度计
ultrasonic level measuring device,超声物位测量装置
ultrasonic levelmeter,超声物位计
ultrasonic methods,超声法
ultrasonic sensor,超声(波)传感器
ultrasonic thickness meter,超声(波)厚度计
ultrasonic transducer,超声换能器
ultrasonic wave,超声波
ultrathin section sample,超薄切片样品
ultra-violet and visible spectrophotometer,紫外可见光分光光度计
ultraviolet filter,透过紫外线的滤光片
ultraviolet hygrometer,紫外湿度表
ultraviolet lamp,紫外线照射装置
ultraviolet light transducer [sensor],紫外光传感器
ultraviolet photo-electron spectrometer,紫外光电子能谱仪
ultraviolet photo electron spectroscopy (UPS),紫外光电子能谱法
ultraviolet radiation,紫外线辐射
ultraviolet ray intensity meter,紫外线强度计
ultraviolet remote sensing,紫外遥感
ultraviolet-visible detector,紫外—可见光检测器
unaddressed operation,非寻址操作
unbalance component measuring device,不平衡分量测量装置
unbalance mass,不平衡质量
unbalance reduction ratio (URR),不平衡量减少率
unbalance response,不平衡响应
unbalance vector,不平衡矢量
unbalance vector measuring device,不平衡矢量测量装置
unbalanced output,非对称输出
unbiased estimation,无偏估计
unbonded strain gauge,非粘贴式应变计
uncertainty of measurement,测量不确定度
uncorrected result,未修正结果
uncoupled modes,非耦合振型
undampted natural frequency,无阻尼固有频率
undamped natural mode of vibration,无阻尼固有振动模态
under water acoustic measurment,水声综合测量仪
undersea buoy system,水下浮标系统
underwater absorption meter,水下吸收仪
underwater acoustic,水(下)声学
underwater acoustic communication set,水下通讯装置
underwater acoustic measurement,水声测量
underwater acoustic transducer,水声换能器
underwater camera,水下照相机
underwater communication system,水下通讯装置
underwater holography,水下全息摄影
underwater irradiance meter,水下辐照度计
underwater lighting system,水下照明装置
underwater movie camera,水下电影摄影机
underwater panoramic camera,水下全景照相机
underwater polarimeter,水下偏振仪
underwater radiance meter,水下辐射率计
underwater scattering meter,水下散射仪
underwater sound,水(下)声学
underwater sound integrated measuring set,水声综合测量仪器
underwater sound test tank,水声试验水池
underwater television camera,水下电视摄像机
underwater towed system,水下拖曳系统
underwater towed vehicle,水下拖曳体
underwater transducer array,水声换能器基阵
underwater transmissometer,水下透射率仪
underwater vehicle,水下运载工具
underwater visibility,水下能见度
underwater window,水下“窗口”
undetermined components,非测组分
unearthed voltage transformer,不接地型电压互感器
uniaxial strain gauge,单轴应变计
uniform stability,一致稳定性
uniform temperature zone,均温区
uniform temperature zone length,均热带长度
uniformity of table motion,台面运动的均匀度
union nut,双端螺母
unit(of measurement),(测量)单位
unit area acoustic impedance,声阻抗率
unit feedback,单位反馈
unit resolution,单位分辨
unit resolution mass,单位分辨质量
unit step function,单位阶跃函数
universal balancing machine,通用平衡机
universal gas chromatograph,通用气相色谱仪
universal head loss coefficient,通用压头损失系数
universal testing machine,{wn}试验机
universal toolmaker's microscope,{wn}工具显微镜
unmanned submersible,无人潜水器
unsaturated standard cell,不饱和式标准电池
unsteady flow,不稳定流
upper-air observation,高空观测
upper limit of the nominal of use for frequency,标称使用频率范围上限
upward (total) radiation,向上(全)辐射
upward terrestrial radiation,向上地球辐射
urea enzyme transducer [sensor],酶(式)尿毒传感器
urinary bladder inner pressure transducer [sensor],膀胱内压传感器
usable cross-section of the test channel,试验流道的可用横截面
usable minimum immersion depth,最小可用浸入深度
useful life,使用寿命
useful spectral range,有效光谱范围
user adjustment,用户调整
user layer,用户层
utility routine,服务程序;实用程序;实用例行程序
utility software,实用软件
UV dosimeter,紫外线表
UVW anemometer,三维风速表;UVW风速表
vacancy chromatography,空穴色谱法
vacuum accumulator,真空贮气筒
vacuum correction,真空修正
vacuum drying chamber,真空干燥箱
vacuum evaporator,真空镀膜台
vacuum fusion gas chromatography,真空熔融气相色谱法
vacuum gauge,真空表;真空规管
vacuum system,真空系统
vacuum transducer [sensor],真空[负压]传感器
vacuum valve,真空阀门
validity check,有效性检验
validity event,有效事件
Vallot helio-thermometer,瓦劳特日光温度表
value analysis,价值分析
value engineering,价值工程
value (of a quantity),(量)值
value of image shift,图象漂移量
value of scale division,标度分格值
value of scale mark,标度值
values transfer,量值传递
valve body,阀体
valve capacity,阀容量
valve outlet Mach number,阀出口马赫数
valve plug,阀芯
valve seat,阀座面
valve shaft,阀轴
valve sizing,阀尺寸计算;阀口径计算
valve stem,阀杆
valve stem position transmitter,阀位发送器
valve stem unbalance,阀杆不平衡力
vapour concentration,水汽浓度
vapour pressure,水汽压
vapour tension,水汽张力
vaporizing heat,气化热
variable-angle internal reflection element,可变角度内反射元件
variable angle probe,可变有探头
variable area flowmeter,变面积流量计
variable-area methods,可变面积法
variable gain,可变增益;可变放大系数
variable gain method,可变增益法
variable-head flowmeter,可变压头流量计
variable magnetic-resistance type transducer,变磁阻式传感器
variable pressure,变化压力;变压
variable standard capacitor,可变标准电容器
vaiable structure control system,变结构控制系统
variation (due to influence quantity),(影响量引起的)变化量;变差
variation in testing temperature,试验温度波动度
variation in the indicating value,示值变动值
vector averaging current meter,矢量平均海流计
veiling glare,杂光
veiling glare coefficient,杂光系数
velocity-area methods,速度面积法
velocity distribution,速度分布
velocity error,速度误差
velocity error coefficient,速度误差系数
velocity feedback,速度反馈
velocity focusing,速度聚焦
velocity limiter,速度限制器
velocity measure thermistor,测速热敏电阻器
velocity of approach factor,渐近速度系数
velocity pickup,速度传感器
velocity transducer [sensor],速度传感器
velocity type water meter,速度式水表
vena contracta,缩流断面
vena contracta pressure tappings,缩流取压口
vent holes,排气孔
ventilated psychrometer,通风干湿表
ventilated thermometer,通风温度表
ventilation rate,换气量
Venturi nozzle,文丘里喷嘴
Venturi tube,文丘里管
vertical angle,竖直角
vertical axis,竖轴
vertical balancing machine,立式平衡机
vertical current flow method,直角通电法
vertical extent of a cloud,云的垂直厚度
vertical limit,垂直极限
vertical scanning,帧扫描
vertical tail,垂直翼
vertical temperature profiler radiometer (VTPR),垂直温度剖面仪
vertical visibility,垂直能见度
very low frequency electromagnetical receiver,甚低频电磁仪
VF presentation,视频显示;检波显示
vibrating reed instrument,振簧系仪表
vibrating sample magnetometer,振动样品磁强计
vibrating viscometer,振动粘度计
vibrating wire [resonant wire] drawing force meter,振弦式拉力计
vibrating wire [resonant wire] force transducer,振弦式力传感器
vibrating wire [resonant wire] tensiometer,振弦式张力计
vibrating wire [resonant wire] tension transducer,振弦式张力传感器
vibrating wire [resonant wire] torque measuring instrument,振弦式转矩测量仪
vibrating wire [resonant wire] torque transducer,振弦式转矩传感器
vibrating wire transducer,振弦式(压力)传感器
vibration amplitude,振幅
vibration analyzer,振动分析仪
vibration controller,振动控制仪
vibration cylinder barometer,振筒式气压表
vibration cylinder pressure transducer,振筒式气压传感器
vibration error,振动误差
vibration galvanometer,振动检流计
vibration generator,振动台;振动发生器
vibration isolation,隔振
vibration isolator,隔振器
vibration measurement by absolute method,{jd1}测振法
vibration measurement by mechanical method,机械测振法
vibration measurement by relative method,相对测振法
vibration monitor,振动监视器
vibration pick-up,振动传感器
vibration severity,振动烈度
vibration standard exciter,标准振动台
vibration test,振动试验
vibration transducer [sensor],振动传感器
vibrational severity,振动严酷度
vibrator galvanometer,振动检流计
Vickers hardness number,维氏硬度值
Vickers hardness penetrator,维氏硬度压头
Vickers hardness tester,维氏硬度计
virtual image,虚象
virtual image mass spectrometer,虚象质谱计
virtual memory,虚拟存储
viscosity balance,粘度天平
viscosity transducer [sensor],粘度传感器
visibility marker,能见度目标物
visibility meter,能见度仪
visibility object,能见度目标物
visible function,视见函数
visible light transducer [sensor],可见光传感器
visible magnetic particle,非荧光磁粉
visible radiation,可见光辐射
visible spectral remote sensing,可见光遥感
visual axis,视轴
visual range,视程
visual range meter,视距测定仪
voltage amplifier,电压放大器
voltage center,电压中心
voltage circuit,电压电路
voltage constant,电压常数
voltage controlled gate (VCG)module,电压控制门组件
voltage-dependent resistor,电压敏电阻器
voltage divider,分压器
voltage divider with auxiliary branch circuit,具有辅助支路的分压箱
voltage error,电压比值差
voltage matching transformer,电压匹配互感器
voltage ratio,电压比
voltage ratio of a capaitor divider,电容器式分压器的电压比
voltage-regulation coefficient,稳压系数
voltage-second calibrator,伏秒定标器
voltage sensitivity,电压灵敏度
voltage stabilized thermistor,稳压热敏电阻器
voltage transducer [sensor],电压传感器
voltage transformer,电压互感器
volt-ammpere meter,视在功率表
volt-ampere-hour metr,视在功率电度表;伏安时计
volume conductive humidity transducer [sensor],体电导式湿度传感器
volume flow,体积流量总量
volume flow-rate,体积流量
volume of the chamber,试验箱容积
volume thermodilatometry,体膨胀法
volume viscosity,体积粘度
volumetric chromatography,体积色谱法
volumetric flowmeter,容积式流量计
volumetric method,容积法
volumetric water meter,容积式水表
vortex flow transducer [sensor],涡街流量传感器
vortex flowmeter,旋涡流量计
vortex precession flowmeter,旋涡进动流量计
vortex shedding flow transducer,涡街流量传感器
vortex-shedding flowmeter,涡街流量计
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