微星推出24寸all in one触控电脑AE2400
涔熻涔嬪墠鍦–ES灞曠殑鏃跺€欙紝鍙兘鏈変汉鐪嬭繃杩欐浜у搧浜嗐€傚井鏄熻繖绯诲垪浜у搧瓒婂仛瓒婇珮浜嗭紝鍦ㄥ幓骞存垜浠湅寰楀埌鐨勬槸22瀵?/span>锛堟洿绮剧‘涓€鐐硅鏄?/span>21.5瀵?/span>锛夛紝浣嗗湪浠婂勾宸茬粡灞忓箷鍗囧埌24瀵?/span>锛堟洿绮剧‘涓€鐐硅鏄?/span>23.6瀵革級浜嗐€傚綋鐒讹紝鎵€寮鸿皟鐨勪笢瑗挎槸宸笉澶氱殑锛屽氨鏄湁澶х敾闈㈠暒锛岃Е鎺asy鍟︼紝Full HD鍛堢幇锛屽枃鍙煶璐ㄥ緢濂斤紝绛夌瓑寮鸿皟褰遍煶澶氬獟浣撴柟闈㈢殑鏈鸿兘銆?/span>

鎼浇Intel Core2 Quad 澶勭悊鍣ㄤ互鍙夾TI Mobility Radeon HD 5730锛?/span>4GB鍐呭瓨锛岃烦杞悗鍙互鐪嬪埌璇︾粏瑙勬牸锛岃浠?/span>39900鍏冨彴甯侊紙RMB8,572锛夈€備笅娆″鏋滄湁鏇村ぇ鐨勫睆骞曞昂瀵革紝鎯冲繀鍙互绐佺牬4涓囧彴甯佹按骞充簡銆?/span>
浜?鍝佸悕绉?/td> Wind Top AE2400
浣?涓氱郴缁?/td> Windows® 7 Home Premium
澶?鐞嗗櫒 Intel® Core™2 Quad Q9400S
鑺墖缁?/td> Intel® G41+ ICH7
灞?骞?/td> 23.6" 瀵稿灞忓箷(54.61cm ) 16:9, 1920 x 1080, Full-HD, 澶氱偣瑙︽帶
鏄?绀哄崱 ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5730 1G DDR3
璁?蹇嗕綋 4GB DDR3 1066MHz
纭?纰?/td> 1TB SATA
鍏?纰熸満 DVD Super Multi
闊?鏁?/td> • 鍙?/span>5W Hi-Fi 鍠囧彮
10W 閲嶄綆闊硈ubwoofer
• MSI鐙Premium Sound Technology with SRS
• BUZZ & RATTLE: Supply the rated input from 100Hz to 20,000Hz
I/O VGA, USB (x6), eSATA, RJ45, mic, headphone, HDMI in, SPDIF, Audio in/out, SPDIF out
璇?鍗℃満 鍏悎涓€璇诲崱鏈?XD, SD, MMC, MS, SDHC, MS Pro)
瑙?棰戞憚褰辨満/楹﹀厠椋?/td> 130 涓囧儚绱犵綉缁滆棰戞憚褰辨満/闅愯棌寮忛害鍏嬮
鏃?绾块€氳 802.11b/g/n鏃犵嚎缃戠粶妯″潡
閰?浠剁粍 鏃犵嚎宸у厠鍔涢敭鐩? 鏃犵嚎榧犳爣, 杩滅▼閬ユ帶鍣?/td>
寤?璁敭浠?/td> $39,900鍙板竵

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