
旋塞阀与球阀有什么区别?特别是性能、应用等方面。在平常接触到的这两种阀门中,感觉旋塞阀更容易泄漏,而且开合也很费劲,有时候旋塞阀手柄都扳变形甚至断了,旋塞却纹丝不动。遇到这种状况应该怎样处理才好? 从原理上说,球阀也算是一种特殊的旋塞阀,只不过一般的旋塞阀的阀芯是柱状或锥头园柱状的,而球阀的阀芯是球形的。这两种阀门都是靠阀芯和密封面的接触紧密来维持阀的密封的,也都是靠阀芯的旋转来打开流道的。如果有不洁物进入阀芯或密封面则阀的密封性能很快就会由于密封面的磨损而下降。

“ What is the difference with the ball plug valves? ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国旋塞阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

What is the difference with the ball plug valves? In particular, properties, applications and so on. In the normal exposure to these two kinds of valves, you will feel more easily plug valves leak, and the opening and closing is also very laborious, and sometimes pull plug valves are deformed or broken handles, and cocks are absolutely still. In such a situation should we go about what to do? In principle, said ball valve can be considered a special kind of plug valves, plug valves in general but the spool is cylindrical or cone-head garden column, while the ball valve of the valve core is spherical. Both are relying on the valve spool and the sealing surface to maintain close contact with the valve seal, are also relying on the rotation of spool to open the flow channel. If there is dirt into the spool or the sealing surface of the valve sealing performance will soon be due to the sealing surface of the wear and tear down.

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