
压力容器的安全泄放量是指压力容器在超压时为保证它的压力不再升高,在单位时间内所必须泄放的气量。 安全阀的排量是指安全阀处于全开状态时在排放压力下单位时间内的排放量。 对于锅炉,要求安全阀的总排量必须大于锅炉{zd0}连续蒸发量,并且在锅筒和过热器上所有安全阀开启后,锅筒内蒸汽压力不得超过设计压力的1.1倍。对于压力容器,要求安全阀的排量必须大干等于压力容器的安全泄放量。 选用安全阀应从以下几个方面考虑: (1)结构形式选用什么型式的安全阀,主要决定于设备的工艺条件和工作介质的特性。一般情况下,锅炉、压力容器大多选用弹簧式安全阀。如果容器的工作介质有毒,易燃易爆,则选用封闭式的安全阀。锅炉和高压容器以及安全泄放量较大而壁厚又不太富裕的中、低压容器{zh0}选用全启式安全阀。 (2)压力范围安全阀是按公称压力标准系列进行设计制造的,每种安全阀部有一定的工作压力范围。选用时应按锅炉和压力容器的{zd0}允许工作压力选用合适的安全阀。 (3)排放量选用的安全阀,其排量必须大于设备的安全泄放量,这样才能保证锅炉或压力容器超压时,安全阀开放能及时排出一部分介质,避免器内的压力继续升高。

“ Safety valve safety valve knowledge of purchasing methods and ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Pressure equipment safety vent heavy volume refers to the pressure vessel over-pressure when the pressure to ensure that it is no longer rise, in unit time must be within the gas discharge. The displacement is the safety valve safety valve is fully open state under pressure in the discharge of emissions per unit time. For boilers, the total displacement required safety valve must be greater than boiler maximum continuous evaporation, and in all the drum and superheater safety valve opens, the steam pressure inside the drum shall not exceed 1.1 times the design pressure. For the pressure vessel, safety valve displacement required to go all out is equal to pressure equipment safety vent heavy volume. Safety valve should be selected the following aspects: (1) The choice of what type of structure safety valve, mainly on equipment, process conditions and the working fluid properties. Under normal circumstances, boilers, pressure vessels are mostly optional spring-loaded safety valve. If the container of the working medium toxic, flammable and explosive, then the choice of a closed valve. Boilers and pressure vessels as well as security to vent heavy volume larger and less well-off wall again, the low-pressure container is best to use an all Kai-type safety valve. (2) The pressure range is based on nominal pressure relief valve designed and manufactured series of standards for each department, they have a safety valve pressure range. Selected when the boilers and pressure vessels shall be the maximum allowable working pressure safety valve selection of the appropriate. (3) emissions optional safety valve, the displacement must be greater than the safety of equipment, vent a big bang, so as to ensure that the boiler or pressure vessel over-pressure when the discharge valve open part of the media in time to avoid the pressure inside continue to rise .

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