英国天然气公司阀- 中国气动阀门- 中国气动阀门- 和讯博客
英国天然气公司阀 [转贴 2010-03-26 11:00:22]   

But the mood, hostile at the start, was becoming revolutionary. By the time Ken Livingstone, the Labour MP and former chairman of the Greater London Council, got to the head of the questioners' queue, many shareholders were cheering him on and baying for blood. Giordano's fellow directors, meanwhile, were not going down well. Cedric Brown, the chief executive at the heart of the pay row, was pugnacious and came close to losing his temper after being accused of misleading Parliament. Several of the non-executive directors, asked to justify their re-election to the board, put up feeble performances. The shareholders scented a rout. It is those director's fees, of course, that have constantly put Giordano under the spotlight. In the early 1980s he repeatedly hit the front pages of the tabloids as Britain's highest-paid director. His yacht, his Cadogan Square flat, his Rolls-Royce Corniche all came under the spotlight. His blase attitude to the sums paid to him and other senior managers have always made him great for a soundbite. Even after he was overtaken as Britain's highest-paid executive by Sir Ralph Halpern, then of Burton, he continued to attract media interest. In 1991 he declared himself mystified as to the furore over pay rises for executives of privatised utilities: "It amazes me that what seems to me like quite a minuscule amount of money can occupy such a large amount of [media] space,'' he told the Times. What, in his terms, was minuscule? Someone, say, on pounds 170,000 getting a 20 per cent - or pounds 34,000 - pay rise, he said. It is Giordano's apparent failure to notice that, for most people, pounds 34,000 is anything but "minuscule" that has made him such good copy. Today his known earnings amount to around pounds 800,000 a year, rather less than the pounds 1m a year he got as chief executive of BOC, the industrial gases group. His three-and-a-half days at British Gas earn him pounds 450,000 plus pounds 22,000 of perks. This is despite a company rule limiting directors' fees to pounds 300,000 - an apparent anomaly repeatedly raised at the AGM. His deputy chairmanship of Grand Metropolitan, the drinks and burger bars group, earns him just over pounds 100,000. His non-executive chairmanship of BOC lands him another pounds 180,000 plus benefits. And he also receives $32,500 in fees from his directorship of the American paper company Georgia Pacific. He has other private business interests in the US, where he spends one-third of his time. In the past few years he has given up non-executive directorships at other blue chip companies including Lucas, RTZ, Reuters, Courtaulds and National Power. He is unrepentant about the sums paid to Mr Brown. "There really is a 'pay for the job', even for chief executives," he told shareholders last week. "Pay for the job which is set with reference to other executives in comparable situations. This is not a precise science, but it is certainly an established principle in industry." He puts his philosophy into action in other companies where he sits on remuneration committees - the panels which decide executive salaries. At Grand Met, the chief executive Lord Sheppard got pounds 834,000 last year. At BOC, his counterpart Pat Dyer got a pounds 620,000 package. Giordano arrived at British Gas as a non-executive director in December 1993 and was appointed chairman the following month, replacing Sir Robert Evans. The contrast could not have been greater. Evans was plodding and tongue-tied; Giordano was urbane and devastatingly charming. Only a year ago one profile writer, after waxing lyrical about his "movie- star good looks" and "melting brown sugar voice" found herself confessing: "I find myself dazzled by the clarity of his brain." Sleek, 6ft 3in, silver- haired and immaculately turned out, he once appeared on the Financial Times Best Dressed Businessmen list. His standing in the City remains high. In the weeks before the AGM, he did the rounds of around 60 institutional investors, persuading them to vote for the management. "He did a pretty good job, putting the case for the new pay arrangements," one institutional investor recalls. It was his ability to count on the proxies of institutions, of course, that enabled him to crush the overwhelming opposition at last week's meeting. He has allies across business and in politics too. He was given a knighthood in 1989, but as an American citizen cannot use the title Sir Richard. One old acquaintance is Lord Lawson, the former chancellor, who says: "I've known him for 15 years. When I was energy secretary I put him on to the board of the Central Electricity Generating Board. He's an outstanding businessman, very clear and decisive. What you have to remember is that he came from an American business culture where these high salaries are the norm for the big jobs." But Giordano hasn't been able to disguise the series of blunders at British Gas in the18 months since his arrival. Customer complaints are up, profits are down and the company has suffered an unprecedented number of PR gaffes, starting with the disclosure of Mr Brown's pay rise, and continuing with embarrassing revelations about pay cuts for showroom staff, a slashing of the safety budget and the recall of Mr Brown by the Commons Employment Select Committee. There were blunders too at BOC, where Giordano worked throughout the 1980s. According to Philip Morrish, the top-rated chemicals analyst at Smith New Court: "He came in and did all the obvious things - rationalising, restructuring and giving the company direction. That said, he did make some almighty cock-ups." Expanding the unsuccessful carbon graphite business and failing to rid the company of the troubled health-care operation were two of these. But overall he delivered for shareholders, so much so that two years after resigning he was called back as chairman when his successor fell ill. Richard Vincent Giordano, now 61, was born in 1934 in Manhattan, the youngest son of Italian immigrants. It was a prosperous upbringing: his father ran a clothing business. He did well at school, both academically and at sport. "I was raised in a family where ambition was part of the decor," he once said. After a term doing engineering at Harvard, he switched to history and economics. He went on to Columbia law school. A job followed at the Wall Street law firm Shearman & Sterling. A desire for excitement and a horror that he would still be doing the same job in 30 years persuaded him to quit. He got a job with a client, the commercial gas group Airco, at the age of 30 and rapidly ascended the management ladder. Two years later he was running half the company. By 1971 he was president. BOC took a stake in 1973 and then launched a hostile takeover bid in 1978. It was a vicious battle with insults traded. BOC won and Giordano expected the instant sack. He bought a yacht, planning to sail round the world. Instead BOC asked him to move to London to run the entire group. Colleagues describe him as solitary. He is divorced from his wife, Barbara, with whom he had three children, now grown up. He has homes in London and New York. He enjoys cooking. Evenings are usually spent entertaining business contacts at the opera or in restaurants. Business is all-absorbing: he once claimed not to have any non-work-related friends. The daunting challenge ahead at British Gas should at least satisfy that appetite for work.
原文来自: http://www.independent.co.uk/money/spend-save/profile-richard-giordano-steady-hand-on-the-safety-valve-1584962.html

PROFILE: Richard Giordano; Steady hand on the safety valve ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,对夹式硬密封蝶阀,梳齿式调节蝶阀,欢迎您的选购。)

有一个时刻在rumbustious英国天然气公司股东大会上周甚至迪克,佐丹奴的超光滑,坚持不懈地迷人的董事长,看上去明显rattled。对于它似乎是愤怒的股东会成功地调用了没有xx权,在他的会议处理的信心几分钟。 3个小时,4000多名股东已遥远的指控,侮辱和投诉,在被围困的董事拦河坝。佐丹奴拒绝被激怒了,礼貌地回击球推断,如果缺乏创意,答复愤怒的股东。 但心情,在一开始的敌意,正在成为革命。到时候利文斯通的工党议员和大伦敦议会前主席,到了该发问'队列的头,许多股东都在欢呼他就和血液狂热叫嚷。 佐丹奴的董事会成员,同时,他们也不会下降。塞德里克布朗在支付行心脏行政长官,是好斗来到后,被告误导议会即将失去他的脾气。一些非执行董事,要求证明自己再次当选为董事会,提出了软弱的表现。股东香味崩溃。 这是佐丹奴谁救了他的13名董事的{yt}。通过不断推进会上提出的礼貌地减少由规程方便mishearing或误解点持续发问,他保持了从岩石三桅帆船。并在此可能致命的不信任动议,他召集了公司的律师走上讲台向股东解释如何,唉,一票不会在规则之内。 美国出生的佐丹奴 - 定影液,外交家,亲信和半打顾问 - 英国会议室再次赚取了巨额费用。没有他掌舵,这是xx可能的会议将在1截然不同的方式结束。 正是这些董事的学费当然,不断把聚光灯下的佐丹奴。在八十年代初,他多次袭击了英国{zg}薪的主任小报的头版。他的游艇,他的加多广场单位,他的劳斯莱斯滨海路所有聚光灯下的来。 他偷着乐的态度,支付给他和其他高级管理人员的款项,使他一直为soundbite很大。即使在他超越英国{zg}薪的行政拉尔夫哈尔佩恩爵士,当时的伯顿,他继续吸引媒体的兴趣。 1991年,他宣布自己感到迷惑,在对公用事业的私有化管理人员加薪的风波:“我非常惊讶,似乎什么对我来说,相当多的钱微不足道的金额可以占据如此大量的[媒体]空间,他''告诉xxxx。什么,他的话来说,是微不足道?有人,发言权得到一个20磅百分之 - 34,000 170,000或磅, - 加薪,他说。这是佐丹奴显然没有注意到,对于大多数人来说,磅34,000决不是“微不足道”的,使他这样的好副本。 如今他的xx的盈利额大约每年80万英镑,而不是一年100万英镑,他担任了中银的首席执行官,该集团工业气体较少。他的3 -和- 1,英国天然气公司在1天半获得450,000英镑,加上他的22,000英镑的额外补贴。尽管这是一个公司的规则限制董事费英镑300,000 - 异常多次年度股东大会上提出了一个明显的。 他的大都会,饮料和汉堡的酒吧群,副主席人选的收入刚刚超过十万英镑的他。他非他再银土地180,000英镑,再加上福利长官担任主席。他还接受了费由他的美国纸业公司的董事乔治亚太平洋32,500元。他拥有其他在美国,在那里他花费三分之一的时间,第三,他的私人商业利益。在过去的几年里他已经放弃了不给,其他蓝筹公司,包括卢卡斯,里奥廷托锌公司,路透社,考陶尔兹和国家电力公司的执行董事。 他死不对布朗支付的款项。他说:“确实是一个'支付就业'甚至首席执行官,”他对股东们说,上周。 “薪酬为参照的是,在类似情况的其他管理人员设置的工作。这不是一个xx的科学,但它肯定是业界公认的原则。”他提出到其他公司的行动,他的哲学,他在位于薪酬委员会 - 小组的决定管理人员的工资。在大都会,行政长官主谢泼德了去年的83.4万英镑。在中行,他的对手戴尔得到了八磅,620,000包。 佐丹奴抵达英国天然气公司作为非执行董事1993年12月被任命为董事长,并在随后的一个月,取代罗伯特埃文斯爵士。对比不可能有更大的。埃文斯是见步行和舌头打结;佐丹奴是彬彬有礼和毁灭性迷人。 一年前,只有一个配置文件作家,打蜡后,对他的“电影明星美貌抒情”和“红糖融化的声音”发现自己坦白:“我发现自己的大脑,他清晰眼花缭乱。”圆滑,6英尺3英寸,满头银发的一尘不染原来,他曾出现在金融时报{zj0}名单穿着商人。 他在城市的地位仍然很高。在股东大会之前的几个星期,他大约60轮机构投资者,说服他们支持的管理。 “他做了很好的工作,把新的薪酬安排的情况下,”一机构投资者回忆。这是他的能力,依靠代理的机构,当然,这使他粉碎在上周的会议上以压倒多数反对。 他在商业和政治盟友也。他是在1989年获得爵士头衔,但作为一个美国公民不能使用理查德爵士称号。一个老相识,是劳森,前总理,谁说:“我认识他15年。当我是能源部长,我将到中央发电局他的到来。他是一个杰出的商人,非常清楚和决定性的。你必须记住的是,他从美国的商业文化来在这些高工资,是为大的工作规范。“ 但佐丹奴未能掩饰他抵达后的失误,在英国天然气一系列the18个月。客户投诉上升,利润下降,该公司遭受了公关的失误数量空前,在布朗的加薪开始披露,并继续与有关人员的展厅减薪,揭露了措词严厉的尴尬的安全预算和布朗先生回顾下议院就业专责委员会。 有太多的银行,佐丹奴工作的失误在整个80年代。根据菲利普,前莫里什级化学品在新法院的分析师史密斯:“他进来了,做了所有的明显的事情 - 重整,重组,给公司的发展方向。尽管如此,他也做了一些全能的公鸡体检。” 扩大碳石墨业务不成功,未能摆脱困境,该公司的健康保健行动中,这两个。但整体而言,他交付股东,以至于两年后辞职,他被召回作为主席,他的继任者生病。 理查德文森特佐丹奴,现在61岁,于1934年出生在曼哈顿,是意大利移民的小儿子。这是一个繁荣的成长:他的父亲经营过服装生意。他在学校表现很好,在学业和体育。 “我是在一个家庭中提出的在野心是使装饰的一部分,”他曾经说过。经过长期在哈佛大学做工程,他转向了历史学和经济学。他接着哥伦比亚大学法学院。在华尔街律师事务所Shearman&Sterling律师随后工作。 一个兴奋的愿望和恐惧,他还是在做同样工作30年来说服他辞职。他得到了与客户的商业天然气集团Airco在30岁以下,工作和管理迅速登上梯子。两年后,他经营公司的一半。到1971年,他担任总裁。 中行采取了在1973年的股份,然后在1978年发起了敌意收购。这是一个恶性战斗互相谩骂。中行预计韩元,佐丹奴即时解雇。他买了游艇,计划扬帆世界各地。相反银行要求他搬到伦敦运行整个集团。 同事形容他孤独。他是脱离他的妻子芭芭拉,与他有三个孩子,现在都已经长大成人。他在伦敦和纽约的家园。他喜欢烹饪。晚上通常是花了歌剧或在餐馆娱乐的业务联系。生意是吸收:他曾经声称,不得向任何非工作相关的朋友。这项艰巨的挑战,在英国天然气公司今后应该至少满足的胃口工作。


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