xx剃须刀带来的烦恼- Windows Live


【Neal Templin又写文章了,很有意思。他说一个节俭的法国人至少等两个月才换一次剃须刀刀片,最长六个月才换一次刀片。如果他知道我至少一年才换一次剃须刀刀片,最长一年半换一次刀片,肯定要佩服死我了。不过因为每次换用新刀片的时候太爽了,我每天不得不用极大的毅力xx诱惑,坚持用旧刀片!】

A Penny Shaved Is A Penny Earned


For years, I've felt like a sap whenever I bought razors.


It killed me to spend $2.50 to $3 a blade for my Gillette Mach 3. Yet the few times when I used cheap disposable razors, it was like shaving with a file.

为我的吉列锋速3(Gillette Mach 3)买一个刀片要花2.50美元到3美元,这让我心疼不已。但有几次我用便宜的一次性剃须刀时,感觉就像在用锉刀刮胡子。

Finally, a couple of weeks ago, I bought a serviceable store-brand razor that costs about half the price of the premier brands.


It shouldn't have come to this. I've used Gillette razors for decades, and I like them. The rub is the cost. In my book, a fair price for refills would be about a buck.


I'm a believer in markets, but it doesn't seem like the razor-blade market gives me what I want. Instead of competing on price, Gillette and Schick largely seem to be engaged in a silly arms race to improve a product that already works perfectly well. Two blades, three blades, four blades -- when will it stop?


Not anytime soon, apparently. Schick will soon launch its own five-blade razor, and says that prices for it should be 10% to 20% above the Quattro, its four-blade razor that was introduced in 2003.

显然,这种趋势短期内不会停止。舒适公司很快将推出它的五刀片剃须刀,并称该产品的价格将比其2003年推出的四刀片剃须刀“创4纪”(Quattro)高 10%至20%。

Gillette, a unit of Procter & Gamble, got there first. Its Fusion Power MVP -- an early version of which went on sale in 2006 -- has five spring-mounted blades and battery-powered micropulses to reduce friction 'so you barely feel the blades.' The Gillette Web site has a video of a mechanic with a giant razor blade on a car lift.

宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)旗下的吉列公司是率先推出五刀片剃须刀的生产商。吉列的Fusion Power MVP──这款剃须刀的早期型号于2006年上市──带有五个弹簧式刀片和电动微脉冲以减少摩擦,“因此您几乎感觉不到刀片”。吉列公司的网站上有一段视频,视频中,一位拿着巨型剃须刀刀片的机械师站在一架汽车升降机上。

Razor makers, I have news for you. A razor is not a sports car. It won't make us feel young again or turn women's heads. We don't like shaving, and no matter what you do, we never will. All we want is a razor that will do the job without nicking us, either literally or figuratively.


But Gillette and Schick have a different view. Gillette is constantly doing research and development to create the perfect shave, says Mike Norton, a spokesman. 'It's not the number of blades, it's the science behind the blades that gives you a better shave.'

但吉列公司和舒适公司有不同的观点。吉列公司的发言人迈克?诺顿(Mike Norton)称,吉列公司一直致力于研发能带来xx剃须体验的剃须刀。“关键不是刀片的数量,而是刀片背后带给您更佳剃须体验的科技。”

Jackie Burwitz of Energizer Holdings, which owns Schick, says, 'If you look at the sales data, consumers are willing to pay up for a better-performing razor.'

舒适公司的母公司,劲量控股公司(Energizer Holdings)的杰基?布尔维茨(Jackie Burwitz)说:“如果你考察销售数据,就会发现消费者愿意为性能更好的剃须刀多掏钱。”

There you have it. There's more money to be made developing fancier and fancier razors than in keeping the same razors and engaging in a price war. In other words, we American males have only ourselves to blame for the five-blade razor.


Over the years, I've compensated for the rising prices of razor blades by using less of them. Whereas I once might have changed blades every week or so, I now go two or three weeks before popping in a new one.


A colleague of mine is married to a thrifty Frenchman who waits at least two months before changing razor blades. He has gone as long as six months. When he does change blades, it feels 'like a warm knife through butter,' says Jean-Philippe Masson, 36 years old. 'If you changed every week, you would not appreciate that pleasure.'

我的一位同事嫁给了一个节俭的法国人,他至少等两个月才换一次剃须刀刀片,最长六个月才换一次刀片。36岁的让-菲利普?马松(Jean-Philippe Masson)说,当他换完刀片后,刮胡子的感觉“就像热刀子切开黄油一般顺畅”。“如果你每周都换刀片,就享受不到这种乐趣了。”

That's the French way. The American way, of course, rarely involves denying ourselves something. Instead, we look for a way to get it cheaper.


Maybe that's why there's a thriving market out there for after-market razors.


There are people still selling blades for Gillette Trac II, the two-blade razor I used as a young man. A Web site advertised a 100-pack of after-market refills for $49.99. Alas, I haven't owned a Trac II for many years.

有人仍在卖吉列Trac II的刀片,我年轻时用过这种双刀片剃须刀。一个网站上刊登了一种100片装Trac II刀片的广告,其售价为49.99美元。唉,可惜我已经有许多年没用过Trac II了。

Instead, I went to my local CVS pharmacy, where the chain was pitching its 'three-blade shaving system.' I paid $12.50 for a razor and 10 blades, bringing my per-blade cost to $1.25.

无奈之下,我去了本地的CVS药店(CVS pharmacy),这家连锁店正在推销其“三刀片剃须套装”。我花12.50美元买了一把剃须刀和10个刀片,这样每个刀片的价格就降到了1.25美元。

I've been trying out the CVS razor for the past couple of weeks. It was just as comfortable as the three-blade Gillette I've used for several years.


The Gillette might have given me a slightly closer shave than the CVS razor. I really can't say for sure. I can't tell the difference between a great shave and good one. But I can tell the difference between paying $2.50 and $1.25.


To be fair to Gillette, I agreed to try out its latest, greatest razor. So Gillette sent me a Fusion ProGlide Power razor, a five-blade razor that hits the market in June. It will have a suggested retail price of $12.99 for a razor and two cartridges. A four-pack of refills will cost $17.99.

为了对吉列公平,我同意试用其{zx1}{zh0}的剃须刀。于是,吉列公司寄给我一款Fusion ProGlide Power剃须刀,这是一种将于6月上市的五刀片剃须刀。这款剃须刀的建议零售价为12.99美元,包括一把剃须刀和两个备用刀头。含四个备用刀头的套装售价为17.99美元。

I used the new razor over the weekend before sending it back to Gillette. It was a closer shave. But when I finished, the smooth face I saw peering back in the mirror was still my own, not George Clooney's. And I'd still feel like a sap spending $4.50 each time I changed blades.


So I'm sticking with the CVS razor. Until I find something cheaper.


Neal Templin

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