武汉虹大机电供应圆形永磁吸盘 圆形永磁吸盘可作为各种平面磨床,{wn}工具磨床和机床等机床的辅助工具,用以吸持铁磁性材料进行加工。不需要电源,不发热,变形小,精度高,使用范围较 广。圆形永磁吸盘按其结构可分为直条密极,普通极和辐射状极等形式。
联系电话:13277037220 The circular permanent-magnetic chuck can be used as auxiliary tool for various kinds of plain surface grinder, universal tool grinder and lathe for holding ferromagnetic materials for machining. Because it is not require power source, not heated and is with small distortion and high precision, the application scope is very wide, According to its structure. The circular permanent-magnetic chuck can be classified as straight stripe fine –pole type, ordinary pole type and radial pole type.