
1.内、外摇臂间隙过大 (1)在内、外摇臂之间填塞垫片 垫片可用铁皮、铜皮、铁丝、半圆开口销等制作成“厂”字形。安装时要使内、外摇臂之间有一定间隙,并缠住垫片,以防掉下。 (2)检验垫片厚度是否合适   用手伸人到缸体上的汽油泵安装孔内,慢慢人工转动发动机曲轴,待手摸到凸轮上汽油泵的驱动偏心轮{jd0}朝里即不泵油的位置时,将汽油泵装上(事先装好汽油泵与缸体之间的衬垫)。装上汽油泵紧固螺栓并旋入少许,用手推动汽油泵,使其与缸体贴合,随后再放松,此时若起吸压作用时,说明垫片过厚,应予以调整。   2.摇臂折断   当摇臂折断时,可采取如下方法之一:   (1)用一根金属丝或细绳拴在汽油泵的手摇臂上,另一端引到驾驶室内,用手牵动控制,汽车只能低速行驶。   (2)如果有一小滑轮,可使上述金属丝或细绳经过小滑轮拴在加速踏板上,用脚加以控制。   (3)将折断的摇臂拆掉,找一根阻风门或节气门拉钮的软拉管,使其内孔充分润滑后,将其一端固定在汽油泵的手摇柄上,而另一端固定在雨刮器杆上的适当位置(注意:拉管应固定在车体的合适位置上)。使用时,打开雨刮器的开关,利用雨刮器杆来回的摆动使汽油泵不断的泵油。   (4)对于电动雨刮器的车型,可将电动雨刮器的总成卸掉,将其固定在汽油泵上方合适的位置上,用铁丝的两端分别固定在手摇柄上和雨刮器杆上的适当位置。接好雨刮器的电源,即可利用电动雨刮杆的来回摆动带动手摇柄泵油。   上述几种方法的选用,可根据当时的具体条件决定。   3.泵膜破裂   (1)对于破损不严重的泵膜,例如只是边缘破损时,可在破损处深抹肥皂后,将各破损的泵膜与好的泵膜相互隔开,而且将各片破损处交错开再装复。   (2)如果泵膜破裂缝较长,可用塑料、油布、薄膜等剪成原膜片形状,夹在原各膜片之间。   (3)如果发现汽油从泵膜破裂处流入曲轴箱,已严重稀释曲轴箱中润滑油时。应更换新机油。如果没有新机油时,也可将曲轴箱中的旧机油放出来,进行加热,以便将机油中的汽油蒸发后,旧机油可暂时继续使用。   4.进、出油阀密封性差   (1)如果胶木制的油阀不平,可将油阀翻个面继续使用,或者将不平的一面在油面上研磨平,{zh0}采用研磨膏在玻璃上进行磨平。将研磨好的阀门清洗干净后方可装复使用。   (2)如果进、出油阀因有结胶而密封性差时,可用酒精或高浓度的白酒或丙酮清洗掉结胶物。   (3)如果油阀已破裂,可用较薄的玻璃片取代。   制作的方法是把玻璃浸入水中,用钳子将玻璃片慢慢地钳成油阀的形状。   5.油杯破裂   (1)如果油杯只是出现裂纹时,可用旧塑料(如牙刷柄等)修补。方法是,先将油杯破裂处彻底地清洗干净,将塑料放在排气管上加热(注意不要让塑料沾上油污),待溶化后迅速按在油杯裂纹处,并让其粘附一定厚度,用事先放在排气管加热的起子将修补处依次按平,使其粘结更牢。   (2)如果油杯破碎时,用代用品取代。其代用品种类很多,如酒瓶、小暖壶盖、饮料盒、竹筒、小茶杯、手电筒盖、雪花膏瓶等等。如果代用品高度不够,无法固定时,可在代用品底部加垫垫块2,其厚度以用紧因螺钉能将代用品固定牢靠为合适。   如果选用酒瓶为代用品时,其加工方法如下:用沾上汽油的棉线缠绕在酒瓶欲割断之处,然后点燃棉线,待棉线快要烧完时便迅速放入冷水中。由于酒瓶遇冷而迅速收缩的缘故,酒瓶便在绕线处断开。   如果破碎的油杯中间带有隔板结构时,可用软质木板加工成原隔板的形状和尺寸,并按原隔板的安装位置放好即可。   6.外摇臂与凸轮磨损过甚   如果外摇臂与凸轮磨损过甚而使汽油泵供油量过小时,可以将汽油泵与缸体之间的衬垫减薄甚至撤掉(但不能从此处漏机油)。 7.泵膜弹簧折断   如果泵膜弹簧折断,可用转向盘转向轴上端的电喇叭按钮弹簧代用或其他相近的弹簧取代。   8.衬垫漏油   (1)如果衬垫因僵硬而不起密封作用时,可将此衬垫放在热水中浸泡,使其软化后再涂上润滑脂继续装复使用。   (2)如果采用上述方法仍不能用或衬垫已破裂时,可用黄板纸或石棉板等按原衬垫尺寸进行加工,装复使用。   9.汽油泵产生“气阻”现象   汽油泵“气阻”xx方法如下:   (1)将发动机停止运转,打开发动机罩进行通风;   (2)用冷水向油管上冲洗助凉(但不能向进、排气管和汽油泵的油杯上浇水);   (3)用棉纱或破布用冷水浸透后放在汽油泵上进行降温,待一段时间后将化油器进油管卸下,用手摇泵油数次(注意不要将油泵到发动机上);   (4)若因温度太高,气阻频繁发生时,可自制沙袋,浸水后放在汽油泵上面,以隔断排气管向汽油泵的辐射热。为了提高沙袋的隔热效果,要经常使用冷水浸湿。   10.汽油泵损坏   如果汽油泵损坏不能正常工作时,可采取下述方法取代汽油泵的作用:用一个容器,装满汽油,安装在高于化油器的位置,用油管把容器与化油器连接起来,形成自流式供油方式。   采用此方法时要注意防火问题。

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1. Inside and outside the rocker arm gap is too large (1) The inner and outer rocker gasket between the packing Gasket can be iron, copper, wire, semi-circular opening such as making sales to "Factory" shape. For installation inside and outside a certain gap between the rocker arm, and wrapped gaskets to prevent falling. (2) test the suitability of gasket thickness Hands stretched into the cylinder on the fuel pump mounting hole, and slowly rotate the engine crankshaft manually until the hands touch the cam driven fuel pump eccentric on the cutting-edge North Korea where that is, not the location of the oil pump, it will be fitted with fuel pump ( Good pre-installed between the fuel pump and the cylinder liner). Fitted with fuel pump fastening bolts and screwed a little, hand to promote fuel pump to match the cylinder and considerate kg, followed by a further relaxation at this time if the suction pressure role play to illustrate gasket too thick, should be adjusted. 2. Broken arm When the rocker arm broken, it can take the following methods: (1) with a metal wire or string tied to the petrol pump of the hand arm and the other end onto a driver's room, his hands affects the control, vehicle only at low speeds. (2) If there is a small pulley, allows the metal wire or string through a small pulley tied to the accelerator pedal, the foot control. (3) broken arm removed, looking for a choke or throttle button pull the soft trombone, it bore the full lubrication, will be its one end fixed at the hands of the handle on the petrol pump, while the other end of the Wiper rod fixed to the appropriate place (Note: trombone should be fixed in the body the proper position). When used, open the wiper switch, wiper bar the use of swinging back and forth so that the oil pump petrol pump continuously. (4) For electric wiper models can be relieved electric wiper of the assembly will be fixed on the petrol pump at the top of the right position, with the two ends of wire were fixed in the hand on the handle and the wiper rod due位置. Wiper connected and the power, you can use electric wiper rod driven back and forth swinging hand-pumping the handle. The choice of several methods can be decided according to the specific conditions at that time. 3. Pump membrane rupture (1) The damage is not serious for the pump membrane, for example, only the edge of damage, it would be broken at the deep soap, will be the damaged pump membrane and a good pump membrane separated from each other, but each piece will be staggered on broken again re-installed. (2) If the pump membrane-breaking cracks longer available plastics, linoleum, film, etc. cut into the shape of the original membrane is sandwiched between the former the diaphragm. (3) If you find that gasoline from a pump membrane rupture into the crankcase has seriously diluted the oil when the crankcase. Should be replaced with new oil. If there is no new oil, they can be in the old crankcase oil released, heated, in order to oil in the fuel evaporated, the old oil may temporarily continue to be used. 4. Jin, a bad valve seal (1) If the glue wooden valve uneven, you can turn a valve face to continue to use, or uneven ground surface side of the oil level, preferably grinding paste on the polished glass. Would be a good valve grinding cleaned before it can re-use of equipment. (2) If the entry, exit valve junction due to poor sealing plastic and available when a high concentration of alcohol or spirits or acetone cleansed knot plastic material. (3) If the valve has broken, can be replaced by thinner glass. Production method is the glass immersed in water, using pliers to clamp the glass slowly into the shape of the valve. 5. Oil Cup breakdown (1) If the oil cup is only when the cracks can be used an old plastic (such as the toothbrush handle, etc.) repair. Approach is to first rupture the oil cup thoroughly cleaned, the plastic on the exhaust pipe on the heat (be careful not to let plastic coated with oil), to be dissolved quickly by crack at the oil cup, and allowed a certain thickness of adhesion , with pre-placed in the exhaust pipe heated screwdriver to repair Office, followed by flat to make it more firmly bonded. (2) If the oil cup crushed with substitutes to replace. Are many kinds of its substitutes, such as bottles, small thermos bottle cap, beverage box, bamboo, small cups, flashlight covered, cream bottles and so on. Substitutes not high enough, if not fixed, can be substitutes for the bottom of the padded pads 2, its thickness in order to be able to use tight because of screw fixation is a suitable substitute. If I had chosen the bottle as a substitute, its processing methods are as follows: The stained cotton wrapped around the bottle of gasoline want to cut off the office, and then ignited cotton until the cotton is about to burn very quickly when placed in cold water. As the bottle case of the cold and rapid contraction of the reason, the bottle will be in the winding is disconnected. If the broken middle of the oil cup with a partition structure, soft wood can be processed into the original partition of the shape and size, according to the installation location of the original partition can be put away. 6. Outer rocker and cam wear off very If the outer rocker arm and cam wear off even before the amount of hours to make fuel pump oil can be fuel pump and the cylinder liner between the thinning or even removed (but not leaking oil from here). 7. Pump membrane spring break If the pump membrane spring break, can turn the steering wheel shaft side of the electric horn button spring maintenance, or other similar spring to replace. 8. Liner leakage (1) If the gasket sealing effect due to the rigid and can not afford, it can be placed in hot water soak this liner to soften and then coated with grease to continue to re-use of equipment. (2) If using the above methods are still usable or liner has broken, the yellow paperboard, or asbestos board, etc. can be used according to the original pad size for processing, re-use of equipment. 9. Fuel pump have a "vapor lock" phenomenon Fuel pump "air resistance" to eliminate as follows: (1) the engine stops running, open the hood for ventilation; (2) rinse with cold water to help cool the tubing (but not to the inlet, exhaust pipes and pumps the oil cup on the watering); (3) with cotton or a rag soaked with cold water after the cool down on the fuel pump on, wait a period of time will remove the carburetor into the pipe, using hand pump oil several times (be careful not to pump to the engine); (4) Ruoyin the temperature is too high, air resistance frequently occurs, can be homemade sandbags, after flooding on the fuel pump above, in order to cut off the exhaust pipe to the petrol pump for radiant heat. In order to improve the insulation effect of sandbags, to frequently use cold water soak. 10. Damage fuel pump If the fuel pump is damaged does not work, it can take the role of the following ways to replace the fuel pump: Use a container filled with gasoline, higher than the carburetor is installed in the location of the container with the carburetor with the tubing connected to form a Gravity-type oil methods. When using this method should pay attention to the problems.

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