
正在建设中的天津蓟运河东辛泵站移地重建工程,目前已经完成基础打桩、压力箱主体和泵房基础工程,施工人员以{yt}也不耽误的精神加快推进施工进度,预计到今年6月中旬泵站主体工程可全部完工并投入使用。 蓟运河东辛泵站,是蓟运河下游的一个重要排水泵站,始建于上世纪60年代,由于设备老化,年久失修,在汛期难以发挥有效的排水作用。另外,由于该泵站建在河堤以外,对汛期行洪也造成了一定的影响。为改变现状,东辛泵站的移地重建工程于去年10月中旬正式动工。为确保该工程在汛期前完工并投入使用,汉沽水务局在时间紧,任务重的情况下,抽调技术骨干人员,坚守一线,坚持督导工程建设。目前,该工程已经完成了基础打桩142根,压力箱主体工程和泵房的基础工程建设。预计到今年5月中旬可进行设备安装调试,6月中旬泵站主体工程全部完工并投入使用。泵站内的道路、绿化、职工宿舍等项附属工程将于8月前完工。 该工程完工后,将极大地改善该地区的排水能力。

“ Tianjin Jiyun Dongxin pump rebuild in June voted to use ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Under construction in Tianjin Jiyun Dongxin shift to rebuild the pump station project, is currently the basis of the piling has been completed, pressure pump tank main body and foundation engineering, construction personnel to the spirit of the day did not delay to accelerate the construction progress is expected in June of this year, the middle of the main pumping station project will be completed and put into use. Jiyun Dongxin pumping station, is an important Jiyun downstream drainage pumping station, built in the last century, 60 years, due to aging equipment in disrepair for years, in the flood season is difficult to play an effective role in the drainage. In addition, due to the pumping station built on the riverbank outside the flood in flood season also caused a certain impact. In order to change the status quo, Dongxin shift to rebuild the pump station project was officially started in mid-October last year. To ensure that the project be completed before the flood season and put into use, Hangu Water the tight schedule, the task was onerous circumstances, the transferred technology, key personnel, which insists on the front line and insist on supervising projects. At present, the project has completed the foundation piling 142, the pressure tank and pump the basis for the main project construction. Is expected to be carried out in mid-May this year, equipment installation, the main pumping station in mid-June all projects completed and put into use. Pumping station within the roads, afforestation, staff quarters Dengxiang ancillary works will be completed before August. Upon completion of the project will greatly improve the drainage capacity in the region.

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