邱浪波,王广云,王刚,王正志,相关向量机在肿瘤表达谱分类问题中的应用 ...


2010-03-14 21:16:42 阅读38 评论0 字号:

    DNA microarray technology can measure the expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously.It has become an important tool in cancer biological investigations.Cancer microarray expression classification is a hotspot recently in cancer microarray expression analysis.It is a typical case that has high dimensions and small samples.A robust two-step approach is presented.In gene expression dataset,there are many genes that are redundant for cancer microarray expression classification.The most relevant gen...
文献名称 相关向量机在肿瘤表达谱分类问题中的应用
Article Name
Cancer Microarray Expression Classification Method Using Relevance Vector Machine;
作者 邱浪波; 王广云; 王刚; 王正志;
Author QIU Lang-Bo~(1;2) WANG Guang-Yun~(1;2) WANG Gang~2 WANG Zheng-Zhi~(1)~1(College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation;National Univ.of Defense Technology;Changsha;410073)~2(Telecommunication Engineering Institute;Air Force Engineering University;Xi an;710077);
Author Agencies
国防科学技术大学机电工程与自动化学院; 空军工程大学电讯工程学院; 国防科学技术大学机电工程与自动化学院 长沙;
Article From
中国生物医学工程学报;Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering;2008年 01期;
Keywords cancer microarray expression;least square support vector machine;relevance vector machine;gene pre-selection;

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