
疏水阀一定要选用质量{zh0}的产品,要把有限的资金用在刀刃上。使用优质疏水阀所节约能源和提高生产效益的资金比购买该疏水阀的投资要高出几十倍。选用质量好的疏水阀能给企业带来巨大经济效益。疏水阀的使用面广量大,千万不可忽略,各级主管领导都应该高度重视。 选择疏水阀要求准确无误地阻汽排水,灵敏度高,能提高蒸汽利用率,不泄漏蒸汽,工作性能可靠,背压率高、使用寿命长、维修方便是{sx}的条件。 1.在生产工艺的换热设备,烘干室,快速热交换器,蒸馏设备等需要快速升温,不允许存有凝结水的生产加热设备,应该选用机械型疏水阀。 机械型疏水阀不受工作温度和压力变化的影响,有水即排,过冷度小,加热设备里不存水,能使加热设备达到{zj0}工作温度。其中自由浮球式蒸汽疏水阀的结构{zxj},非常灵敏,最小过冷度0°C,能排饱和温度凝结水,无蒸汽泄漏,优点最多,能使加热设备达到{zj0}工作效率。是生产工艺加热设备最理想的疏水阀。 2.在蒸汽管道,伴热管线、小型加热设备,采暖设备,温度要求不高的用汽设备,应该选用热静力型疏水阀。 热静力型疏水阀过冷度大,排凝结水温度低,可以充分利用高温凝结水的显热,节能效果好。其中膜盒式蒸汽疏水阀的结构{zxj},无需人工调整,非常灵敏,{zd0}过冷度有15℃和30℃的两种膜盒供选型,不怕冻,体积小,任意位置都可安装,在管道上能检修和更换阀芯,节省资金和劳力,使用寿命长,适用范围很广,是热静力型疏水阀的精品。 3.在高温高压过热蒸汽管线和设备上,应该选用过热蒸汽专用疏水阀。 过热蒸汽疏水阀能在高温、高压、小负荷的恶劣工况下分离出过热蒸汽消失时产生的高温凝结水。其中圆盘式蒸汽保温型疏水阀利用管道蒸汽对疏水阀的主汽室进行保温,结构先进,在没有凝结水的情况下,疏水阀紧紧关闭,工作质量高,使用寿命长,是高压过热蒸汽专用疏水阀。

“ Traps Selection Guide ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国疏水阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Traps must use the best quality products, limited funds should be used in the knife's edge. The use of high-quality trap by saving energy and increasing production efficiency of the capital investment than the purchase of the trap a few times higher. Selection of good quality trap can provide a huge economic benefits. The use of a wide range of trap a large amount of 10 million can not be ignored, competent leaders at all levels should attach great importance. Select traps require an accurate and precise gas drainage resistance, high sensitivity, can improve the utilization of steam is not leaking steam, work performance, reliable back-pressure rate, long service life, easy maintenance is the preferred conditions. 1. In the production process of the heat exchanger, drying room, fast heat exchangers, distillation equipment, such as the need for fast heat up, there are not allowed the production of condensate heating equipment, it should use mechanical-type traps. Mechanical-type traps are not working temperature and pressure changes, water that is Pai, undercooling is small, do not water in heating devices, can make heating equipment to achieve optimum operating temperature. Free float steam trap in which the structure of the most advanced, very sensitive, the smallest undercooling 0 ° C, can be ranked saturation temperature condensing water, no steam leakage, merits the highest heating equipment can achieve the best efficiency. Production process heating equipment is the best trap. 2. In steam pipe, with heat pipes, small heating equipment, heating equipment, temperature less demanding equipment using steam, it should be optional static type traps heat. Static thermal cooling degree-type traps, Pai condensing water temperature is low, you can take full advantage of high-temperature sensible heat of condensation of water, energy-saving effect is good. Bellows steam trap in which the structure of the most advanced, no manual adjustment is very sensitive, maximum cooling rate has been 15 ℃ and 30 ℃ for the selection of two kinds of film boxes, not afraid of cold, small size, any position can be installed, In the pipe to repair and replace valve core, save money and labor, life long, very wide scope of application is static-type traps heat boutique. 3. In the high temperature and pressure superheated steam piping and equipment should be selected special superheated steam trap. Superheated steam traps in high-temperature, high pressure, low load operating conditions to isolate the bad disappear superheated steam produced by high-temperature condensate. One disc-type steam trap to use pipe insulation on the steam trap of the main steam rooms insulation, structure is advanced, in the absence of condensate case, trap firmly closed, the work of high quality, long life, is a high-pressure hot special trap steam.

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