
阀门的密封性能是考核阀门质量优劣的主要指标之一。阀门的密封性能主要包括两个方面,即内漏和外漏。内漏是指阀座与关闭件之间对介质达到的密封程度,考核内漏的标准我国有两个。一个是国家技术监督局1992年12月发布,1993年6月1日开始实施的国家标准GB/T13927-1992《通用阀门压力试验》。这个标准是参照采用国际标准ISO5208-1982《工业用阀门阀门的压力试验》制订的;另一个是原机械工业部发布的JB/T9092-1999《阀门的试验与检验》,这个标准是参照API598-1986《阀门的检查和试验》制订的。GB/T13927-1992适用于一般工业用阀门的检验;JB/T9092-1999适用于石油工业用阀门的检验。外漏是指阀杆填料部位的泄漏、中法兰垫片部位的泄漏及阀体因铸件缺陷造成的渗漏,外漏是根本不允许的。如果介质不允许排入大气,则外漏的密封比内漏的密封更为重要。因此,阀门的密封性能应引起生产厂家的重视。 影响阀门密封性能的因素主要有: ①密封面质量; ②密封面宽度; ③阀前和阀后的压力差; ④密封面材料及其处理状态; ⑤介质性质; ⑥表面亲水性; ⑦密封油膜的存在; ⑧关闭件的刚性和结构特点。 ⑴密封面质量对阀门密封性能的影响阀门的密封面是指阀座与关闭件互相接触而进行关闭的部分。当密封面上的比压在40MPa以下时,密封面的质量对阀门密封性能起决定性作用。这是因为:当密封面上的比压小、表面粗糙度低时,泄漏量迅速增加。当密封面上的比压大时,表面粗糙度对泄漏量影响显著减小。 ⑵密封面宽度对阀门密封性能的影响密封面的宽度决定毛细孔的长度。当宽度加大时,流体沿毛细孔的运动行程加长,运动阻力增加。加大密封面宽度可以减小高压阀中的侵蚀磨损。密封面宽度加大后,会引起泄漏行程长度成正比地加大,因而能够按比例地减少泄漏量。但密封面宽度增加,在同样的密封力下,密封比压减小,又会使泄漏的可能性增加。因此,不能无限的增加密封面宽度。 ⑶阀前和阀后的压力差对阀门密封性能的影响从理论上分析,阀前、阀后压力差和泄漏量既成正比关系。但试验证明:在其他条件相同的情况下,泄漏量的增长是超过压力差的增长的。泄漏量与压力差之间的关系可以近似的以下式表示: G=M(N△P2+S△P)式中:M,N,S——常数系数,这些系数取决于材料、密封表面的加工质量、密封面上的比压和其他条件; △P——压差。 ⑷密封面材料及其处理状态对阀门密封性能的影响密封面材料及其处理状态对阀门泄漏量有很大影响。由于密封面间的剩余间隙的大小取决于密封表面微观不平度,所以,如果使用钢制材料的密封圈,造成相同的密封程度,就必须有较大的比压,其值必然超过用黄铜制的密封圈的比压值。与密封有关的表面处理状态,诸如波峰的变形、尺寸和密封间隙的改变以及其他现象都发生在金属表层上,很明显,表层的性能与基体材料性能有明显区别。由加工引起的变化可以影响表层厚度50μm。研磨时,基体金属不露出。工作表层组织不同于金属基体组织。材料性能与几何形状及微观几何形状相比影响不大。金属性能的差异,通常小于其他因素的影响。密封面在低压条件下工作时,这种情况更为突出。当比压高于40MPa时,表面粗糙度对密封性能的影响就减小,而材料的影响便增加。 ⑸介质性质对阀门密封性能的影响液体介质对泄漏量的影响基本上由黏度确定在同一个密封阀中,各种条件相同的情况下,黏度大的介质比黏度小的介质渗漏要小得多。气体介质和液体介质相比差别更为明显(饱和蒸汽除外,饱和蒸汽容易保证密封面)。 ⑹表面亲水性对阀门密封性能的影响表面亲水性影响泄漏量是因为毛细孔特性的作用。当密封表面上只要有一层很薄的油膜,就需加大通过间隙的水的压力。由于金属表面具有良好的亲水性,煤油能很容易的渗透铸件和密封连接的间隙。所以,在一些最关键性的场合,是采用煤油进行密封性液压试验的。采用腔体内灌煤油的方法进行密封性试验,大约相当于0.3~0.4MPa压力下的水压密封性试验。 ⑺密封油膜的存在对阀门密封性能的影响密封表面间存在密封油膜对其密封性有显著影响。当表面上有密封油膜时,破坏了接触表面间的亲水性,这样就需要较大的压力差,才能使介质通过毛细孔。另外,表面上有稠密封油膜能堵塞介质的通道行程,提高连接的密封性。在采用油膜密封时应注意:当工作过程中油膜减少时,应能恢复油膜的厚度。阀门中采用的油脂不允许溶于介质之中,也不应该蒸发、硬化或有其他的化学变化。 ⑻关闭件的刚性和结构特点对阀门密封性能的影响关闭件的刚性和结构的影响是由于零件的弹性作用。由于闭路阀的关闭件不是{jd1}刚性,而是具有一定弹性的,在与介质有关的压力作用下,尺寸是变化的,这也引起密封面力的相互作用的变化。为补偿这些变化对关闭件密封性能的影响,{zh0}是使密封面具有较小的刚性,即弹性变形尽可能大些。望阀门生产企业重视影响阀门密封性能的因素,将阀门密封性能引起的泄漏减至最小,杜绝阀门的内漏和外漏。

“ Attention to the factors affecting the performance of the valve seals to reduce leakage ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Valve valve sealing performance evaluation indicators of the quality of one of the main strengths and weaknesses. The valve sealing performance mainly include two aspects, namely, internal leakage and leakage. Leakage is within the valve seat and closure of parts of the media to achieve the seal between the level of leakage within the assessment criteria for our country there are two. One is the Bureau of Technical Supervision in December 1992 published June 1, 1993 implemented the national standard GB/T13927-1992 "Universal Valve pressure test." This standard is a reference to the adoption of international standards of ISO5208-1982 "industrial valves valve pressure test," developed; the other is the original issued by the Ministry of Machinery Industry JB/T9092-1999 "valve testing and inspection", the standard is reference to API598-1986 "of the valve inspection and test" set. GB/T13927-1992 applicable to general industrial valve inspection; JB/T9092-1999 apply to the oil industry valve test. Leakage refers to the parts of the stem packing leak, the leaking flange gasket and the body parts of the casting defects caused due to leakage, leakage is simply not allowed. If the media are not allowed into the atmosphere, then the leakage of the seal than the seal within the leakage is more important. Therefore, the valve sealing performance should attract the attention manufacturer. Factors that affect the valve sealing performance are: ① sealing surface quality; ② sealing surface width; ③ valve before and after the valve pressure difference; ④ sealing surface material and its processing state; ⑤ dielectric properties; ⑥ the surface hydrophilic; ⑦ sealed the presence of oil film; ⑧ off pieces of rigidity and structural characteristics. ⑴ sealing surface quality of the valve sealing performance of the valve sealing surface is the seat and close contact between pieces carried off part. When the sealing surface pressure at 40MPa than below, the quality of the valve sealing surface play a decisive role in sealing performance. This is because: when the sealing surface pressure smaller than the surface roughness is low, the leakage rate is increasing rapidly. When the sealing surface pressure is large than the surface roughness on the leakage effects significantly reduced. ⑵ sealing surface width on the performance of the valve seal sealing surface pores of the length of the width of the decision. When the width of the increase, the fluid movement of the pores along the journey longer, increasing the resistance movement. Increase the width of the sealing surface can reduce the erosion of high-pressure valve wear and tear. Increasing the width of the sealing surface, will cause leakage increased in proportion to the length of stroke, which can be reduced in proportion to the amount of leakage. But the sealing surface width of the increase in the same power under the seal, sealing pressure than the smaller, they will increase the likelihood of leakage. Therefore, the increase can not be infinite width of the sealing surface. ⑶ valve valve before and after the pressure difference on the performance of the valve seal from the theoretical analysis, valve before the valve after the pressure difference and the leakage rate is proportional to the relationship between both. But the tests prove that: in the other conditions being equal, the leakage pressure of the growth is more than poor growth. Leakage rate and pressure difference between the relationship can be expressed approximately as follows: G = M (N △ P2 + S △ P) equation: M, N, S - constant coefficients that depend on material, sealing the surface processing quality, sealing surface than pressure and other conditions; △ P - pressure. ⑷ sealing surface materials and their processing state of the valve sealing surface sealing properties of materials and their processing state of the valve leakage has a great influence. As the remaining gap between the sealing surface of the seal depends on the surface of micro-roughness, so if the use of steel materials, seals, resulting in sealing of the same, there must be greater than the pressure, its value is certainly more than with the brass ring system of values than pressure. And seal the surface treatment of the state, such as the peak deformation, size, and seal the gap changes as well as other phenomena occur on the metal surface, it is clear that the performance of the surface and the substrate material properties are significantly different. Changes caused by the processing of the surface can affect the thickness of 50μm. Grinding, the base metals are not exposed. The work of the organization is different from the surface of metal matrix. Material properties and geometric shape and micro-geometry compared to little effect. Metal performance difference is usually smaller than other factors. Sealing surface to work under low-pressure conditions, this situation is even more prominent. When the specific pressure is higher than 40MPa, the surface roughness of the sealing performance of the impact on the decrease, while the material impact will increase. ⑸ media properties on the impact of the valve sealing performance of liquid media on the impact of leakage is basically determined by the viscosity in the same valve in a sealed, all kinds of things being equal, the viscosity of the medium viscosity smaller than the smaller media leaks much more. Gas medium and liquid medium even more pronounced than the difference (except for saturated steam, saturated steam easy to ensure that the sealing surface). ⑹ on the valve sealing surface hydrophilic properties of hydrophilic surfaces because the pores affect the leakage characteristics of role. When the sealing surface, a layer of thin film as long as there would need to increase the pressure of the water through the gap. As the metal surface has a good hydrophilicity, kerosene can be easily connected infiltration casting and sealing the gap. Therefore, in some of the most critical occasion, kerosene is used for sealing hydraulic pressure tests. Use of the body cavity filling kerosene tightness test methods, equivalent to approximately 0.3 ~ 0.4MPa water pressure tightness test under pressure. ⑺ the presence of oil film seal sealing performance of the valve seal exists between the surface of seal film has a significant influence on their tightness. When the sealing film on the surface, the destruction of the contact between the hydrophilic surface, thus requiring a larger pressure difference, can the media through the pores. In addition, sealing film on the surface there are dense media channels to plug the trip, to improve the connection tightness. Should pay attention to the introduction of film sealing: When the working process in the film decrease, should be able to resume oil film thickness. Valves used in oil soluble media are not allowed into, and should not be evaporation, hardening or other of the chemical changes. ⑻ off pieces of rigidity and structural characteristics of the valve sealing off parts of rigidity and structure is due to the flexibility of the role of spare parts. As the closed-circuit valve closure parts are not absolute rigidity, but has a certain flexibility, and in media-related stress and under the effect of changes in size, it also caused the sealing surface interaction force changes. To compensate for these changes to the closure of parts of sealing performance, it is best to make the sealing surface has a smaller rigid, that is more elastic deformation as large as possible. Wang valve manufacturing enterprises attach importance to factors that affect the performance of the valve seal will be caused by the leakage of the valve sealing performance to minimize leakage and to prevent leakage within the valve.

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