
论文编号:JD969   论文字数:22113,页数:49


The I/O Unit Design of Fast Quality Monitor for Coal
 With the development of economic, as the major energy, the coal consumption becomes more and more, so save the coal and improve the utilization ratio of the coal become an urgent task. The analysis of coal must be go through sampling, testing procedures and so on. This process is very detailed and complicated. The analysis of time is too long and the results lagged behind. Therefore this unable to meet the needs of the fast coal quality monitoring.TN-3000 fast quality monitor for coal which is being developed can implement real-time online monitoring.
 This design is the I/O unit design of TN-3000 fast quality for coal which completes input and output of signals in the fast quality monitor for coal process. This design is based on 32 bit ARM7-TDMI processor LPC2138. In order to prevent from disturbance, all of the input and output channels are used photoelectric isolation. The outputs adopt delay. Taken into account, the analog signals are to be tested at the scene, so 6-way analog signals input channels are extended in this design. The software design is based on μC/OS-II, programming language is C, and the development environment is ADS1.2.
 This program is downloaded through one way RS232 interface and the VT100 terminal is used to debug through this way too. The remote communication is through   one way RS485 interface. The design is completed after debugging and testing and works stably.
Key Words: coal quality monitor; LPC2138; photoelectric isolation; VT100

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
主要符号表 I
绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2.1课题研究背景 1
1.2.2课题研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.4课题研究内容及重难点 4
1.5论文结构安排 4
总体设计方案 6
2.1总体方案设计 6
2.2设计内容及要求 7
2.3系统设计流程 7
2.4系统硬件设计方案 8
2.4.1设计方案论证 8
2.4.2 系统硬件设计方案 8
2.4.3 ARM处理器的选择 9
2.3系统软件设计方案 9
2.3.1开发环境的选择 9
2.3.2操作系统的选择 10
2.3.3编程语言的选择 11
系统硬件设计 12
3.1 LPC2138简介 12
3.2系统设计方案 13
3.3系统模块电路设计 13
3.3.1系统电源 13
3.3.2数字量输入DI的工作原理 14
3.3.3数字量输出DO的工作原理 15
3.3.4模拟量输入原理 15
3.3.5 RS232串口调试电路 16
3.3.6 RS485通信电路 17
3.3.7复位电路 17
3.3.8系统时钟电路 18
3.3.9 LED工作状态指示灯 18
3.4硬件PCB设计 19
系统软件设计 21
4.1开发环境简介 21
4.2 μC/OS-II操作系统简介 21
4.3系统软件功能 22
4.4底层驱动程序设计 23
4.4.1 LED工作状态指示灯 23
4.4.2继电器的输出校验程序设计 24
4.4.3 A/D转换程序设计 25
4.5任务划分原则及任务划分 26
4.5.1作业控制任务TaskStart程序设计 26
4.5.2通信程序设计 27
4.5.3 VT100程序设计 29
系统调试 31
5.1硬件电路测试 31
5.2.1硬件电路焊接 31
5.2.2程序下载 31
5.2 VT100超级终端调试 32
5.2.1 VT100超级终端简介 32
5.2.2 VT100超级终端调试 32
5.2.3 I/O功能调试 33
5.3 RS485通信部分调试 34
总结 36
6.1设计结论 36
6.2设计中的不足与改进 36
6.3设计收获与体会 36
致谢 38
参考文献 39
附录1  原理图 41
附录2  PCB正面图 42
附录3  PCB背面图 43


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