Unit 2 案例分析及反思

Unit 2 案例分析及反思

2010-03-24 19:05:44 阅读4 评论0 字号:

案例:八年级(下)Unit 2 What should I do?{dy}课时Section A 1a-2c。

T:Everyone has some problems in their life. Now let’s listen. What problems do you they have?


T:Is it a nice song?

Ss:Yes. / No. (有些学生说Yes, 有些说No.)

T:Listen carefully. What problems do they have in this song?


T:What problems do they have?


S1:They have no money.

S2:They are sad. And they don’t have enough money.

S3(就是刚才跟着唱的那位同学):They are upset. It’s more and more difficult for Zhou Huajian to make money. And it’s more and more difficult for Li Zongsheng to write a good song. Xu Pinguan feels alone.


T:Wonderful!Yeah. They have some problems. They are upset. Can you give them some advice? What should they do?


S4:I think they shouldn’t be upset. They should face their life.

T:Yeah. We should face different difficulties in our life.

S3:Maybe they could ask their companies for help.

S5:Maybe Xu Pinguan should find some new friends in the new place.

S6:Maybe Zhou Huajian should get her daughter a good math tutor.

S7:I think Li Zongsheng and Zhou Huajian should talk with their wives.

S8:I think they should write and sing more nice songs,then they could make a lot of money.

T:Good ideas. I think if they hear our advice, their life will get better and better. But what problems do they have in the pictures. Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.



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