[双语] 怎样挑选适合你的太阳镜

  It’s time to find the sunglasses that best fit you! The No.1 rule for finding the sunglasses that flatter you is… You should wear the sunglasses, and they should not wear you!


  Size: choose a frame that’s the right scale for your build.To ensure against too big, the bottom of the lenses shouldn’t extend below the flare of your nostrils.


  A 5-foot tall lady shouldn’t buy the same oversize sunglasses as a 6-foot tall lady.

  身高5 英尺( 约1.5 米) 的女性和身高6 英尺( 约1.8 米) 的女性不能戴同样尺寸的超大太阳镜。

  Style Tips: find a pair that contrasts with your face shape.


  1. The oval frames work best on gals with strong jaw or a square face. The curves soften angular attributes.

  1. 椭圆形镜架最适合下巴线条硬朗或是方脸的女孩儿。镜架的弧线能够柔化硬朗的轮廓。

  2. To break the length of an oval face wear wraps and shields.

  2. 鸭蛋脸戴包边太阳镜和护目太阳镜(注:只有一整片镜片,镜片在鼻梁处连成一体)不会使脸显得那么长。

  3. Aviator sunglasses are a universal style and work with all face shapes, especially on gals with high cheek bones, as the curves at the base of the frames enhances sculpted features.

  3. 飞行员太阳镜是一款{wn}太阳镜,适合所有脸型,尤其适合颧骨高的女孩儿,镜架底部的弧线能够削弱突起的颧骨。

  4. Rectangular styles help sculpt the round face as the horizontal lines have a slimming effect.

  4. 长方形太阳镜可以修饰圆形脸,因为水平线有“收紧”脸庞的效果。颜色:挑选镜架颜色的首要原则是要和肤色和头发的颜色贴合。

  Color: the No.1 rule in finding your frame color it shouldn’t contrast with your skin and hair.

  1. For cool skin complexions with an undertone6 of blue,consider deeper hues like burgundy, brown, or purple that lean towards blue or gray.

  1. 如果肤色是冷色调,稍微偏蓝,可以考虑紫红色、棕色、或紫色等偏蓝色或偏灰的深色。

  2. For warm skin complexions,nothing complements peach or gold undertones like gold, pink and tortoise hues.

  2. 如果肤色是暖色调,没有什么比略带桃色或金色的镜架更衬肤色的了,比如金色、粉红色和龟壳色(即杂黄褐色)。

  3. Translucent8 frames are always safe for all skin tones.

  3. 半透明的镜架对所有肤色来说一直都是最保险的选择。贴士:


  1. Light hues disguise a large forehead and dark hues slim a full face.

  2. Consider {bfb} UVA & UVB protection to prevent damage to your eyes.

  3. Oversize frames draw attention away from a large nose.

  1. 浅色可以掩盖大额头,深色使整个脸显瘦。

  2. 考虑{bfb} 抗紫外线(UVA 和UVB)的太阳镜来保护你的眼睛不受伤害。

  3. 超大号镜架可以让人们的注意力从你的大鼻子上移开。


  1. nostril  n . 鼻孔。

  2. oval   a. 椭圆形的。

  3. gal   n. 女孩(=girl),少女。

  4. angular  a . 生硬的。

  5. aviator sunglasses: 飞行员太阳镜,俗称蛤蟆镜。

  6. undertone   n . 淡色,浅色,意味。

  7. burgundy  n. 紫红色。

  8. translucent   a . 半透明的。

  9. UVA & UVB: 紫外线简称UV,包括UVA和UVB。UVA是生活紫外线,可透过窗户玻璃和云层射入人的肌肤。UVB是户外紫外线,人们在室外活动时直接射皮肤。没有被臭氧层吸收掉的UVA和UVB会照射到地球表面,给我们的肌肤带来伤害。


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