
根据区委、区政府工作要求,宝山区“十一五”期间要实现区域城镇污水纳管率80%的目标。为此,宝山区水务局提出,今年要完成五项重点任务: ――继续推进北部地区污水干管建设,配合市排水公司完成顾村基地污水外配套工程即宝安公路污水干管建设和西干线支线改造工程。 ――继续推进二级管网建设,完成罗溪路、集贤路、罗南污水泵站和小川沙污水泵站建设,完成北部五镇16公里二级污水管网建设。 ――继续推进点污染源纳管工作,完成吴淞工业园区南部地区93家企业截污纳管和全区剩余的1192家点污染源和1100万平方米住宅小区内部雨污水分流改造。 ――继续推进区域农村生活污水集中处置工程,2010年再完成3448户农村生活污水集中处置,实现农田保护区内农村生活污水处置率75%的目标。 ――继续推进区域空白点完善和低标准改造工作,积极协调市局有关部门开展庙行、庙彭雨污水系统建设和月浦老城区排水系统改造工程的实施。 近年来,宝山区以管网建设为抓手,以截污治污为根本,以提高区域污水纳管率为核心,不断完善区域雨污水规划,不断加大区域雨污水基础设施建设力度,大力推进区域点污染源纳管和农村生活污水处置,使全区污水纳管率提升到了70%以上,为今年实现城镇污水纳管率80%的目标奠定了基础。

“ Baoshan town will be completed this year, Ronan sewage pumping station and other construction ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


According to District, the district government requirements, Baoshan District, "Eleventh Five-Year" period to achieve the regional control rate of urban sewage is satisfied 80% of the target. To this end, Baoshan District, Water Authority proposed to be completed this year, five key tasks: - Continue to promote the construction of trunk sewers in the northern region, with the completion of the Urban Drainage Company Gucun supporting projects outside the base of the sewage that is the construction of trunk sewers, Baoan Road, and West Link Line reconstruction project. - Continue to promote the two pipe network construction, the completion of Tsutatani Road, Mandarin Road, Ronan Chuansha sewage pumping station and the small sewage pumping station building, the completion of five town 16 kilometers north of the sewage pipe network construction 2. - Continue to promote the nanotube work point sources to complete the Wusong Industrial Park in the southern region 93 companies cutting pollution control and the region is satisfied the remaining 1192 point sources, and 11 million square meters of residential quarters within the storm water diversion transformation. - Continue to promote the regional concentration of rural sewage disposal project, completed in 2010 and then 3448 the centralized sewage disposal in rural life and achieve farmland protection areas of rural sewage disposal rate of 75% of the target. - Continue to promote the regional gaps and improve the transformation of low standard, and actively coordinating relevant departments to carry out the temple PUC line, Temple Peng rain sewage system construction and drainage system in the old town on Pu reconstruction project implementation. In recent years, Baoshan District, with possession of network construction as the starting point, to cutting pollution pollution control as a fundamental, in order to enhance the rate of regional sewage nanotube as the core, and constantly improve the regional storm water planning, and constantly increase the regional storm water infrastructure construction, forcefully promote regional point sources of pollution control and rural life is satisfied sewage disposal, so that the region is satisfied sewage pipes rates to 70% or more, in order to achieve this year, the rate of urban sewage pipe is satisfied 80% of the goal of the foundation.

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