

2010-03-22 15:02:36 阅读4 评论0 字号:

阀门是油田设施的重要组成部分,特别对于集输系统来说,阀门的应用更为广泛。目前,油田进入高含水开发期,高含水对阀门的腐蚀也日益严重。阀门经常出现渗漏这一现象。 处理油田阀门渗漏问题的窍门: 1、将阀门填料密封方式改为油封、填料密封等多种密封方式相结合,油封装入台阶为过盈配合。 2、在整个装配过程中,在填料函留出一定的空间,在油封下部分和剩余填料之间加入一个压缩弹簧,使得压缩弹簧对油封有一个向上的力、对盘根有一个向下的力。 3、在填料压盖与填料函之间加入一圆形石棉垫子,{zh1}通过填料压盖的螺栓使得压盖与填料函的表面紧密贴合。通过一段时间的推广应用,在生产中杜绝了渗漏现象,延长了维护周期,降低了职工劳动强度,避免了原油污染的发生。

“ Oilfield valve leakage problems dealing with the skills ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国针型阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Valve is an important part of oil field facilities, especially for gathering and transportation systems, the valve more broad. At present, the oil field to the high water-cut development period, high water on the corrosion of the valve is also becoming increasingly serious. Valves often leak this phenomenon. Oilfield valve leakage problems handling tips: 1, will replace the valve packing seals oil seals, packing seals and other sealing methods combined oil seal into the steps for the interference fit. 2, throughout the assembly process, in the stuffing aside some space in the lower part and the residual oil seal filler inserted between a compression spring, makes the compression spring on the seal has an upward force on the packing there is a to the under the force. 3, in between the packing gland and stuffing by adding a circular pad of asbestos and finally through the packing gland bolts makes the gland and stuffing tight fit on the surface. Through a period of popularization and application in production to prevent the leakage, extended the maintenance cycle, reducing the labor intensity of workers, avoiding oil contamination.

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