

2010-03-23 11:14:58 阅读5 评论0 字号:

3月17日上午,浙江省高级人民法院课题组来我县就中小企业发展提供司法保障和服务进行调研。温州中院民二庭庭长林立、县法院院长陈卫国等相关负责人陪同。 课题组一行先后来到桥下奇特乐集团、高能阀门集团,详细了解两企业的企业发展现状、企业当前存在的主要困难和保障以及企业法律相关发面的问题。目前两企业主要存在信贷、xx和担保等融资问题;劳动合同关系、劳动争议等用工问题。 课题组听取有关情况汇报后,希望司法发挥更好的作用为企业服务,保障中小企业的发展,为困难企业解决困难,解决劳动争议问题。通过法院与企业的共同努力下,能够切实预防矛盾、化解纠纷,为构建和谐社会打下坚实基础。

“ Yongjia County, Zhejiang Remedial valve Enterprise Task Force to study ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

March 17 morning, come to our county, Zhejiang Province Higher People's Court Task Force on the development of SMEs to provide judicial guarantees and services research. China 2 Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court President of the Court is everywhere, County Court accompanied by CHEN Wei-guo and other relevant responsible person. Bridge Task Force and his entourage went to strange music group, high-energy Valve Group to learn more about enterprise development status of two enterprises, enterprises that currently exists in the main difficulties and security, and corporate law issues related to baking. Currently the two companies primarily in credit, loans and guarantees financing; labor contract relations, labor disputes and other employment issues. Task Force was briefed on the situation in the report, that the judiciary would play a greater role in the enterprise services, protect the development of SMEs, in order to troubled enterprises overcome their difficulties and the settlement of labor disputes. Through the courts and businesses to work together, can effectively prevent conflicts, resolve disputes, in order to lay a solid foundation for building a harmonious society.

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