
安全阀是保障锅炉、压力容器安全运行的重要部件。当承压设备内部的压力超过设备额定压力一定数值时,压力就会通过安全阀释放压力,以降低设备内部的压力,防止设备发生爆炸等事故。人们日常使用的高压锅上面的安全阀,与承压设备上的安全阀有相同的作用。 城市中的承压锅炉,许多用于城市供暖。受供暖季节性的限制,北方地区4个月的供暖期结束后,锅炉一年有8个月的时间停运。长时间暴露在空气中,加上夏天的潮湿以及受介质侵蚀,安全阀通常被锈蚀。因为锈蚀,年检中许多安全阀因被判定不符合安全要求而被淘汰。晋城市锅检所经过调查发现,当地有承压设备2000多台,法定检验中,每年有一半以上的安全阀因锈蚀失效而需要更换。仅更换失效的安全阀,就是一笔不小的开销。 据检验技术人员介绍,安全阀锈蚀直接影响密封性。因为安全阀密封性差,锅炉在运行过程中会漏气,造成锅内水温升温慢,从而浪费能源。更重要的是,安全阀因锈蚀堵死密封面而运作失灵,会给承压设备带来安全隐患。锅炉内压力高于额定压力需要释放能量时,安全阀不能及时弹起,锅炉就会发生意想不到的严重事故。 5月初,山西省晋城市锅炉压力容器检测所开展了一项新业务:通过研磨校准,使承压设备上不合格的安全阀起死回生。检验中,被判定不符合要求的安全阀,主要是因为表面被锈蚀,密封性差。据晋城锅检所的检验人员介绍,使用一年更换一个安全阀,浪费很大。为了减轻企业负担,他们开始提供延伸服务:研磨安全阀。为开展这项服务,他们添置了上万元的设备,并聘请来高级技师,对达不到要求的安全阀进行研磨,重新进行打压检验,经技术处理和校验,达到安全技术规范的要求后,他们将安全阀送还用户手中。使用单位的人士说,以前锅炉一年有大半年闲着,每年还要更换一个安全阀,开销相当于一个司炉工两三个月的收入。现在只要花很少的一点加工服务费用,就可以安全地继续使用,对企业来说,这样的服务是越多越好。

“ Grinding technology to revive failed safety valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Safety valve is to protect the boiler, pressure vessel safe operation of the important parts. When the pressure inside the pressure equipment exceeds a certain value equipment rated pressure, the pressure is released through the pressure relief valve to reduce pressure inside the device, to prevent accidents such as equipment, an explosion occurred. Everyday use of the above pressure cooker safety valve, and pressure relief valve on the device have the same effect. Pressure boilers in the city, many for urban heating. By heating seasonal restrictions, the northern region of the heating period of 4 months after the end of the boiler for one year and 8 months outages. Prolonged exposure to the air, coupled with the summer humidity, as well as by the media eroded safety valve is usually rust. Because of rust, annual inspection after being found in a number of safety valves do not meet safety requirements be eliminated. Jincheng pot testing laboratory, after an investigation found that local pressure equipment has more than 2,000 units, statutory testing of every year more than half of valve failure and need to be replaced due to corrosion. Only the replacement of the valve failure is not a small amount of overhead. According to test technical personnel, safety valve sealing a direct impact on corrosion. Because the valve seal is poor, the boiler will leak during operation, resulting in pot water temperature is warming up slowly, and thus a waste of energy. More importantly, the safety valve because of corrosion and blocked the operation of the sealing surface failure of pressure equipment will bring about security risks. Boiler pressure is higher than rated pressure to release energy, the valve can not be a timely pop-up, the boiler unexpected serious incidents occur. Early in May, Shanxi Jincheng boiler and pressure vessel inspection carried out by a new business: by grinding the calibration, so that pressure relief valve failed on the device back from the dead. Test of being found not meet the requirements of the safety valve, mainly because the surface is rusty, poor sealing. According to the test of Jincheng pot seized by the personnel, one year to replace a safety valve, a waste of great. In order to reduce the burden on enterprises, they began to offer extended services: grinding safety valve. Order to carry out this service, they acquired the last million in equipment and hiring high-level technicians, mainly the right to conduct a safety valve for grinding, re-pressure testing, through the technical processing and verification, to the security technical requirements , they will return valve the hands of users. The use of units say six months or a year before the boiler idle, every year to replace a safety valve, spending the equivalent of a fireman two or three months of income. Now for just a little bit processing services, you can safely continue to use, for enterprises, such service the better.

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