在网上搜到许多关于USB的资料.可是很难看到专门针对USB 固件内部做介绍的资料.也许是因为USB规范已做了很详解.所以被人(TCL07391)们所不提.也话很少有人从事真真的USB底层的开发.不知什么原因.很少有这方面的资料.由于我一直都在从事计算机外围设备与防盗及感应器等固(TCL07393)件的设计与软件开发.为了我方便大家的查询和使用.一直都想(TCL07391)给大家写点什么.只是时间太忙.今天星期六.在家休息.
; USB Descriptor Table (K + M)
; This descriptor inclues
;1. Device Descriptor
;2. Configuration Descriptor
;3. Interface Descriptor
;4. HID class Descriptor
;5. Endpoint Descriptor
;6. Repo(TCL07392)rt Descriptor (HID)
;7. String Descriptor
db 12h ; size of descriptor (18 bytes)
db 01h ; descriptor type (device descriptor)
db 10h ; USB SPEC release (ver 1.1) - Lowbyte
db 01h ; USB SPEC release (ver 1.1) - Highbyte
db 00h ; class code (each interface specifies class information)
db 00h ; devic(TCL073910)e sub-class (must be set to 0 because class code is 0)
db 00h ; device protocol (no class specific protocol)
db 08h ; maximum packet size (8 bytes)
db 48h ; vendor ID - Lowbyte
db 0Ah ; vendor ID - Highbyte
db 03h ; product ID - Lowbyte
db 73h ; product ID - Highbyte
db 01h ; device release number - Low byte
db 00h ; device release number - High byte
db 01h ; index of man(TCL073911)ufacturer string
db 02h ; index of product string
db 00h ; index of serial number string (0=none)
db 01h ; number of configurations
DeviceDescr_length EQU (end_De(TCL073912)viceDescr - DeviceDescr)
DeviceDescr_length_H EQU 0
db 09h ; length of descriptor
db 02h ; descriptor type (CONFIGURATION)
db config_all_descr_length ; total length of descriptor
db 00h
db 03h ; number of interfaces to configure
db 01h ; configuration value
db 00h ; configur(TCL073915)ation string index
db 0A0h ; configuration attributes
db 32h ; maximum power
ConfigDescr_length EQU (end_ConfigDescr - ConfigDescr)
end_ConfigDescr_length_H EQU 0
InterfaceDescr: ; descriptor for interface 0
db 09h ; length of descriptor (9 bytes)
db 04h ; descriptor type (INTERFACE)
db 00h ; interface number
db 00h ; alternate s(TCL073921)etting
db 01h ; number of endpoints
db 03h ; interface class (3..defined by HID spec for HID)
db 00h ; interface sub-class (1..defined by HID spec for Boot subclass)
db 00h ; interface protocol (1..defined by HID spec for keyboard)
db 00h ; interface string i(TCL073931)ndex 00
InterfaceDescr_length EQU (end_InterfaceDescr - InterfaceDescr)
InterfaceDescr_length_H EQU 0
db 09h ; descriptor size (9 bytes)
db 21h ; descriptor type (HID)
db 00h ; class specification(1.00)
db 01h
db 00h ; hardware target country
db 01h ; number of hid clas(TCL073291)s desriptors to follow
db 22h ; report descriptor type
db ReportDesc_length;ReportDesc total length
db ReportDesc_length_H
HID_Descr_length EQU (end_HID_Descr - HID_Descr)
HID_Descr_length_H EQU 0
db 07h ; descriptor length (7 bytes)
db 05h ; descriptor type (ENDPOINT)
db 81h ; endpoint address (IN endpoi(TCL073931)nt, endpoint 1)
db 03h ; endpoint attributes (interrupt)
db 10h ; maximum packet size (8 bytes)
db 00h
db 01h ; polling interval (1ms)
Endpoint1_Descr_length E(TCL073991)QU (end_Endpoint1_Descr - Endpoint1_Descr)
Endpoint1_Descr_length_H EQU 0
Interface1Descr: ; descriptor for interface 0
db 09h ; length of descriptor (9 bytes)
db 04h ; descriptor type (INTERFACE)
db 01h ; interface number
db 00h ; alternate setting
db 01h ; number of endpoints
db 03h ; interface class (3..defined by HID spec for HID)
db 00h ; interface sub-class (1..de(TCL073991)fined by HID spec for Boot subclass)
db 00h ; interface protocol (1..defined by HID spec for keyboard)
db 00h ; interface string index 00
Interface1Descr_length EQU (end_Interface1Descr - Interface1Descr)
Interface1Descr_length_H EQU 0
db 09h ; descriptor size (9 bytes)
db 21h ; descriptor type (HID)
db 00h ; class specification(1.00)
db 01h
db 00h ; hardware target country
db 01h ; number of hid class desriptors to follow
db 22h ; report descriptor type
db Report1Desc_length;ReportDesc total length
db Report1Desc_length_H
HID1_Descr_length EQU (end_HID1_Descr - HID1_Descr)
HID1_Descr_length_H EQU 0
db 07h ; descriptor length (7 bytes)
db 05h ; descriptor type (ENDPOINT)
db 02h ; endpoint address (IN endpoint, endpoint 1)
db 03h ; endpoint attributes (interrupt)
db 10h ; maximum packet size (8 bytes)
db 00h
db 0Ah ; polling interval (1ms)
Endpoint2_Descr_length EQU (end_Endpoint2_Descr - Endpoint2_Descr)
Endpoint2_Descr_length_H EQU 0
Interface2_Descr: ; descriptor for interface 1 (HID mouse)
db 09h ; length of descriptor (9 bytes)
db 04h ; descriptor type (INTERFACE)
db 02h ; interface number (0)
db 00h ; alternate setting (0)
db 01h ; number of endpoints (1)
db 03h ; interface class (3..defined by HID spec for HID)
db 00h ; interface sub-class (1..defined by HID spec for Boot subclass)
db 00h ; interface p(TCL0739991)rotocol (2..defined by HID spec for mouse)
db 00h ; interface string index 00
Interface2Descr_length EQU (end_Interface2_Descr - Interface2_Descr)
Interface2Descr_length_H EQU 0
db 09h ; descriptor size (9 bytes)
db 21h ; descriptor type (HID)
db 00h ; class specification (1.00) - lowbyte
db 01h ; class specification (1.00) - Highbyte
db 00h ; hardware target country
db 01h ; number of hid class desriptors to follow (1)
db 22h ; report descriptor type (2)
db Report2Desc_length
db Report2Desc_length_H
HID2_Descr_length EQU (end_HID2_Descr - HID2_Descr)
HID2_Descr_length_H EQU 0
db 07h ; descriptor length (7 bytes)
db 05h ; descriptor type (E(TCL307391)NDPOINT)
db 83h ; endpoint address (IN endpoint, endpoint 3)
db 03h ; endpoint attributes (interrupt)
db 08h ; maximum packet size (8 bytes)
db 00h
db 01h ; polling interval (1ms)
Endpoint3_Descr_length EQU (end_Endpoint3_Descr - Endpoint3_Descr)
Endpoint3_Descr_length_H EQU 0
config_all_descr_length EQU ((end_all_config_descr - ConfigDescr) & 0xff)
config_all_descr_length_H EQU (((end_all_config_descr - ConfigDescr) >>8) & 0xff)
大家可以从上面看到.这个是一个纯(TCL0739111)汇编的USB 鼠标+键盘的描述符.她是一个很规范的USB描述符.包括设备描述,配置描述,接口描述,端点描述.
如果您定义的非HID设备,就此算是完成了.如果您是定义HID设备.还要做一个HID 报告描述符.其用来告诉计算机驱动传输的进行.应为HID设备的驱动一般都是Windows等操作系统自带的.方便大家不用写驱动.