[2010-03-23] 职位名称: 采购助理/培训生-深圳-啤酒外企-6万- 招聘信息 ...
职位名称: 采购助理/培训生-深圳-啤酒外企-6万
招聘人数: 1
所属部门: Packaging Material
直接上司: Procurement Manager- Packaging Material
工作地点: 深圳福田

基本月薪: 面议
工作制: 五天八小时
年终奖金: 1个月
社保: 按当地要求和公司标准
食宿、通讯补贴: 按当地要求和公司标准
岗位来源: 新设岗位

发展kong_jian: 助理经理、经理
此职位开始招聘时间: 2010年3月22日
期望到岗时间: ASAP
该委托是否需要保密: 不需要

1.Responsible for developing, maintaining and implementing incl training Sourcing Processes and Procurement tools in Category work and in local Procurement in Countries/Regions
2.Shares knowledge with other category/site Business Navigators to ensure best practice is captured and applied within Category/Site.
3.In category/site purchasing projects, provides analyses to support the project team in decisions in each purchase project.
4.In category/site purchasing projects, ensures fact based and analytical approach in the product area and identifies optimal approach to problems.
5.Conducts strategic projects/analyses for Category/Site within the purchasing area.
1)Deep knowledge of Purchase Process.
2)Very good knowledge in working with electronic purchasing tools, such as eSourcing.
3)Mathematical skills.
4)Knowledge of purchasing and basic economics (e.g. cost drivers, cost structures).
5)Knowledge in negotiation strategy.
6)Category Business Analyst: brief knowledge about the markets relevant for Category.
7)Excellent analytical, evaluation and problem solving skills.
8)Result oriented.
9)Desire and motivation to improve and look for better solutions
10)Questioning and strategic mindset
11)Strong power of initiative
12)Open to ideas, feedback and knowledge sharing with others.
13)Ability to manage many things simultaneously
14)Demonstrate integrity, honesty and reliability in interpersonal relations
15)Ability to work with people from different cultures.
16)Ability to manage time well.

企业信息Company Information:

Consultant/猎头顾问: David Bi/毕先生
Tel: 0755-8255 6993
Email: davidbi¥hrsolution.net.cn,抄送: bi_weidong¥yahoo.cn
MSN: david_beacn¥hotmail.com   QQ:1256 384677(写邮件时请将¥改成@,谢谢!)
深圳海岳咨询 Shenzhen HR Solution Consulting
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