英语翻译铝合金相关专业英语单词词汇大全- 英语帮在线英语学习听力口语 ...


    推拉窗:Sliding Window

  节省空间,经济、适用:Save space, economic, and practical

  适合家庭、办公隔断、酒店等场所:Suitable for home, office partitions, hotels and other establishments

  平开窗:side-hung window

  坚固、xx、美观:Rugged, high-grade and beautiful

  且具有隔热、保湿功能:And has heat insulation, heat preservation function

  适合家庭、单位、酒店等场所:Suitable for families, units, places such as hotels

  平开上悬窗:UNI-JET(top-hung window 或是 yawning window )

  内倒内开,双重功能,节省空间:Within the open within the inverted, double feature,Save space

  适合家庭、宾馆、酒店等场所:Suitable for families, hotels, places such as hotels

  圆弧窗:Arc Window

  弧形设计,满足了不同建筑的结构:Arc Design,To meet different building structures

  适合住宅、公寓、别墅等:Suitable for residential, apartment, villa, etc.铝合金相关专业英语单词词汇大全  

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