科学网-杨正瓴的博客-Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay ...

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Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay Mathematics Institute 涓庡ぉ鎵嶇殑蹇冪伒

Keywords: Clay Mathematics Institute锛?/span>Millennium Prize锛?/span>

Poincare conjecture锛?/span>GRIGORIY PERELMAN


Grigori Perelman: Millennium Prize of Clay Mathematics Institute 涓庡ぉ鎵嶇殑蹇冪伒




      Grigoriy Perelman 鎷掔粷浜?Clay Mathematics Institute 鐨?Millennium Prize锛?/span>100涓囩編鍦嗭級銆?/span>

    涓€鑸涓?/span>Grigoriy Perelman鍦?/span>2004骞磋瘉鏄庝簡Poincare conjecture銆傚叧浜?/span>Grigoriy Perelman鐨勮瘉鏄庯紝鍙鏋佸叾灏戦噺鐨勪簤璁€?/span>

        Perelman杩樻嫆缁濅簡2006骞村害鑿插皵鍏瑰Fields Medal銆備粬鏄涓€涓嫆缁?/span>Fields Medal鐨勬暟瀛﹀銆?/span> 



杩樿寰?strong> Vincent van Gogh 鍚楋細

Artists must search for truth with integrity.







In August 2006, PERELMAN was awarded the Fields Medal, which is widely considered to be the top honor a mathematician can receive. However, he declined to accept the award or appear at the congress.




GRIGORI PERELMAN, WHO was awarded the Fields Medal in Mathematics.



GRIGORI PERELMAN giving the Simons lectures at MIT, 11 April 2003 Photograph by Tom Mrowka


 ————————— 鐩稿叧璧勬枡 —————————


Manifold Destiny

A legendary problem and the battle over who solved it.

by Sylvia Nasar and David Gruber August 28, 2006


Mathematics, more than many other fields, depends on collaboration. Most problems require the insights of several mathematicians in order to be solved, and the profession has evolved a standard for crediting individual contributions that is as stringent as the rules governing math itself. As Perelman put it, “If everyone is honest, it is natural to share ideas. Many mathematicians view ***’s conduct over the Poincaré as a violation of this basic ethic, and worry about the damage it has caused the profession. “Politics, power, and control have no legitimate role in our community, and they threaten the integrity of our field,” Phillip Griffiths said.


Perelman repeatedly said that he had retired from the mathematics community and no longer considered himself a professional mathematician. He mentioned a dispute that he had had years earlier with a collaborator over how to credit the author of a particular proof, and said that he was dismayed by the discipline’s lax ethics. “It is not people who break ethical standards who are regarded as aliens,” he said. “It is people like me who are isolated.


Mikhail Gromov, the Russian geometer, said that he understood Perelman’s logic: “To do great work, you have to have a pure mind. You can think only about the mathematics. Everything else is human weakness. Accepting prizes is showing weakness.” Others might view Perelman’s refusal to accept a Fields as arrogant, Gromov said, but his principles are admirable. “The ideal scientist does science and cares about nothing else,” he said. “He wants to live this ideal. Now, I don’t think he really lives on this ideal plane. But he wants to.”





姝e浣╅浄灏旀浖鎵€璇达紝“濡傛灉姣忎釜浜洪兘璇氬疄锛屼笌浠栦汉鍒嗕韩鎬濇兂鏄嚜鐒剁殑浜嬨€?/span>”寰堝鏁板瀹舵妸***鍦ㄥ簽鍔犺幈鐚滄兂涓婄殑鎵€浣滄墍涓鸿涓鸿繚鍙嶄簡杩欎釜鍩烘湰閬撳痉瑙勮寖锛屽咖铏戝畠缁欒繖涓€鑱屼笟閫犳垚鐨勫嵄瀹炽€?ldquo;鏀挎不锛屾潈鍔垮拰鏀厤鍔涘湪鎴戜滑鏁板鐣岄噷娌℃湁鍚堟硶鍦颁綅锛屽畠浠細鍗卞強鎴戜滑杩欎釜棰嗗煙鐨勮瘹瀹炰笌鍏锛?rdquo;Phillip Griffiths璇淬€?/span>




 澶ц嫳鐧剧鍏ㄤ功 Britannica online encyclopedia 閲岀殑鎶ラ亾


    Russian mathematician who was awarded—and declined—the Fields Medal in 2006 for his work on the Poincaré conjecture and Fields medalist William Thurston’s geometrization conjecture. In 2003 Perelman had left academia and apparently had abandoned mathematics. He was the first mathematician ever to decline the Fields Medal.

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