针式打印机命令处理仿真软件的设计与实现论文- VC论文_baohongaf的空间 ...


the stylus printers have been widely used in the bank passbook and financial invoice printing for its excellent print performance. stylus printers deal with the binary control documents which includes both printing data and emulational commands that controls the print format. currently, a comprehensive standard for control documents has formed but different printers have different understanding and processing toward one emulational command, and this demands developers maintain a large command processing code sets and results in a lot of duplicate work. therefore, a unified standard for emulational commands, is what current research on stylus printers concerns. one feasible approach is to extract modules regarding command processing and provide a visible testing envir onment. thus, developers can ignore the specific printer hardware design and focus on the testing environment observation without repeated cross-compiling. on the other hand, this can help quickly distinguish software and hardware errors.

key words: stylus printer,simulate,control codes

1 绪论 1
1.1课题的来源 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本论文的研究内容及研发意义 2
1.4本论文的结构 3
2 针式打印机命令仿真规格和字库标准 4
2.1针式打印机的命令仿真标准 4
2.1.1 二进制监控码的组成 4
2.1.2 本系统实现的仿真命令 4
2.2 gb18030点阵字库 9
2.2.1 点阵字库的数据分布 9
2.2.2 点阵字库的编码规则 10
2.3 针式打印机的实现原理 11
3 系统设计 13
3.1 设计思路 13
3.2 软件体系总体架构 13
3.3 功能划分 14
3.4 界面设计 18
4 系统实现 20
4.1 系统环境 20
4.2 模块划分与实现 20
4.2.1 document 20
4.2.2 view 21
4.3 mvc在vc上的实现 22
4.3.1 mvc设计模式简介 22
4.3.2 mfc中实现mvc设计模式 24
4.3.3 运用mvc设计模式实现本项目的多视图 25
4.4 数据结构设计与实现 25
5 实验结果分析 27
6 结论与展望 34
致谢 36
参考文献 37

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