图片资料(Picture information) 阿里巴巴jasonsunhuazunzjg的博客BLOG




Zhangjiagang Huazun Purification Technology Co.,Ltd. Is an international supplier .We specialized in producing , research and self-develop cleanroom wiper 1009 series ,M-3 series,the micro-fiber wiper HZ-300,400,700,800 dustless series, dustless wiper600 series, the SMT screen-clean of dustless wiper ,antistatic clothes and the cleaning cell dustless thing ,anti-static products and so on. Production lines ,PCB production line, precision instruments, the aviation , optical products and the field of science and high technology industry. The company presenly produces the ordinary textile fiber and the micro-fiber which fit to customer’s requirement .Product is ISO9000 certification, and alsotested by SGS accredited . The company also provided its related businesses cleanroom suits , cleanroom items cleansing purification services.

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