
新春伊始,为更好地落实中央一号文件精神和惠农政策,新建县樵舍镇采取七抓举措掀起春耕备耕热潮。 一是抓农用物资供应。目前,该镇通过多种渠道已调运化肥尿素、钾肥、磷肥、bb肥等500吨,农药阿维菌素等200吨,良种两优287等7万斤,确保了春耕生产农用物资的供应。 二是抓科技服务下乡。该镇组织了由7名种养大户组成的农技宣讲团,深入村组进行种养技术宣讲,同时,所有农技人员均走村串户深入田间地头推广良种,指导农民开展农业生产。 三是抓水利设施维修。一方面,该镇水利部门正在组织人员日夜施工,加紧做好牛头湖、上池湖电站全面更新改造的扫尾工作,另一方面,对全镇其他机电泵站进行及时检修,对水库塘坝进行除险加固。 四是抓土地纠纷化解。针对目前比较普遍存在的土地流转纠纷问题,该镇组织农业、司法等部门人员早介入、早调解,及时化解了一批土地流转纠纷矛盾。 五是抓农资市场管理。该镇近期组织了工商、公安、农业、供销等部门人员对樵舍街、七里岗街、坦石岗等农资供应点进行了重点检查,严厉打击坑农害农行为。 六是抓农业资金扶持。该镇积极与信用社等金融部门联系沟通,为广大农户办理小额xx搭建平台,目前已发放小额xx120余万元。 七是抓农业信息提供。该镇农业服务中心积极收集种养、劳务等各方面农业信息,通过编发农业简报等形式向广大农民提供,目前已提供各类农业信息380余条。

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Spring has just begun, in order to better implement the spirit and benefits of the Central Document No. agricultural policies, the new county qiaoshe arrested seven initiatives taken off the town of land preparation for spring fever. First, grasp agricultural supplies. At present, the town had been transported through multiple channels, fertilizer urea, potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, bb, etc. 500 tons of fertilizer, pesticide, avermectin such as 200 tons of improved varieties, such as 70000 Liangyou 287 pounds, ensuring the supply of spring production of agricultural goods. Second, the scientific and technological services to the countryside. The town was organized by seven cultivating agricultural propaganda teams composed of large, in-depth village and group planting and breeding technology, lectures, and all agricultural officers are Zoucunchuanhu went to the fields to promote improved varieties to guide farmers in agricultural production. Third, maintenance of water conservancy facilities grasp. On the one hand, the town water department is organizing a staff day and night construction, to step up the Upper Ngau Tau Lake, Lake power plant on the pool full renovation of the mop-up work, on the other hand, the town to make timely maintenance of other mechanical and electrical pumping station on the reservoir embankments to reinforcement. Fourth, grasping to resolve land disputes. More prent view of the current land transfer disputes, the town organized agriculture, justice and other department staff as early intervention, early mediation, and promptly resolve a number of contradictions in the land transfer dispute. 5 is a grasp agricultural market management. The town recently organized industry and commerce, public security, agriculture, supply and marketing personnel and other departments qiaoshe Street, Seven Mile Post Street, Tan Shek Kong and other agricultural supply points were key inspections to crack down on Kengnonghainong behavior. 6 is a charge of agriculture fund support. The town actively communicate with credit unions and other financial sector linkages for the majority of farmers apply for small loans to build a platform, now more than 120 million micro-credit institutions. 7 is a grasp of agricultural information available. The town Agricultural Services Center is actively collecting planting and breeding, labor and other aspects of agricultural information, through briefings and other forms of agriculture compiled and distributed to farmers, currently provides all kinds of agricultural information has provided more than 380 articles.

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