销售国外原厂(进口)真空泵、真空设备、真空系统、真空中央工作站阿里 ...


Dongguan City (Chang'an) ShanYe Trade Co., Ltd., sales of imports in Europe, Japan and Taiwan, and other well-known brands of vacuum pumps, blower and small air compressors and other related products. And designed vacuum system, (central vacuum workstation). Imported brands : German Leybold , Japan Anlet , Mitsumi , Orion , Italy Finder , Mefar, Fuji and Taiwan Kawake , etc..

The main products are: Germany Leybold single-stage rotary vane vacuum pump ; Japan (Anlet) roots blower and Oil-free multi-stage Roots vacuum pump; Japan (Mitsumi) oil-free rotary vane type, the piston type and diaphragm-type vacuum pump; Japan (Orion) oil-free rotary vane vacuum pump; Italy (Finder)  liquid Liquid-sealed type vacuum pump; Japan's (Fuji) Ring blower; Taiwan (Kawake) oil-free rotary Chip, piston vacuum pumps and air compressors, Taiwan (Kawake)  oil-free screw-type vacuum pumps, and Taiwan (Kawake) high-pressure fan.
In addition, the company also offers other well-known brands of vacuum pumps (such as Germany‘s Busch, rietschle, Becker, etc.) parts, and also provide professional maintenance services for other well-known brands of vacuum pumps . To allow the users have other channels to choose from outside the factory.
 for customers with the fastest, most accurate, up to choice of vacuum, air compressor and fan products. Acting different forms and different pressure, vacuum, air compressor and blower products to meet a variety of applications in different sectors, and with foreign  technical support for the customer design, planning, making the most appropriate vacuum system. (Central vacuum workstation).

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