

2010-03-17 14:18:46 阅读1 评论0 字号:

讨论了插装阀在电液控制支架液压系统中的应用依据和前景,提出了设计方案,分析了工作原理。认为插装阀通流能力大、响应快,采用电液先导控制,特别适合于该种支架的工况,符合技术发展趋势,值得推广。   关键词:插装阀;电液控制;支架;液压系统   1、应用依据分析   移架速度低已成为制约综采产量的一个重要因素。为加快移架速度,在支架的液压系统中采用插装阀。插装式方向阀也是采用电磁阀作为先导阀,对主阀(锥阀)进行先导控制,控制原理等同于电液操纵阀,但插装阀的通流能力(可达10000L/min以上)大、响应快、工作可靠等突出优点,是管式阀无可比拟的,使其更适于在支架的电液控制系统中使用,而无需研制采用电磁先导控制的专用大流量主阀,既能满足使用要求,又可改善工作性能,提高通用化程度,从根本上解决由管式阀固有缺陷所产生的问题。   此外,采用插装阀设计支架液压系统还具有下列优势:   (1)插装阀的优点十分适合支架的工况。液压支架的工况特点是:介质粘度低、工作压力高、流量大、工作环境恶劣、介质污染严重。插装阀的长处能得到充分发挥。   (2)符合流体传动技术的发展趋势。为降低使用成本,xx环境污染,流体传动技术正向着使用纯水介质方向发展。液压支架是用同纯水性质比较接近的高水基乳化液作为工作介质,很有可能成为该技术发展成果的受益者,正趋向于采用纯水工作介质。由于水的粘度低,要求阀的密封性好,以提高系统的效率。插装阀采用锥面密封,具有优良的密封性能,更适于在纯水介质中工作,应作为纯水支架的{sx}阀种。   (3)抗污染能力强、工作可靠。支架工作在采煤面,介质污染程度高,使阀芯磨损严重,缩短了阀的使用寿命,由此也导致了支架的各种故障,使工作可靠性降低,增加了维护时间,降低了工作面的生产率。插装阀的阀芯和阀套间无严格的配合要求,磨损轻,不易堵塞,也不会产生液压卡紧现象,在介质较脏时仍能保证支架液压系统正常、可靠地工作。   (4)满足某些特殊工况的需要。如用于周期来压强烈的坚硬且难以冒落顶板的支撑式支架,在老顶突然来压时,立柱下腔控制阀中的安全阀,要通过很大的瞬时流量,普通安全阀的通流能力远不能满足通流要求,因而专门设计了充气式大流量安全阀,来适应这种工况。但该种阀的结构复杂,制造难度大,装配要求高,工作可靠性差,很难满足使用要求。而且,立柱下腔还要装设普通安全阀来适应正常工况的需要,这无疑会增加元件数量和制造成本。而采用插装式溢流阀,则能很容易解决这一难题,又会使系统简化。   2、工作原理分析   基于上述分析,提出了用插装阀设计电液控制支架液压系统的设计思想和方案,其工作原理如图1所示。该系统由电气和液压两部分组成,内储支架动作程序的微型计算机(中央和支架控制器)发出指令后,插装式方向阀中的电磁先导阀先动作,启闭相应的两通锥阀,接通或断开立柱或推移千斤顶的油路,使之按照一定顺序动作。立柱或推移千斤顶的工作状况由压力和位移传感器反馈到控制器,控制器根据反馈信号决定下一个动作。   由于中央控制器和支架控制器相互联网,故从中央控制器或各架的控制器都可以控制工作面任何一架支架的动作。   中央控制器的作用是控制和协调每台支架的控制器。此外,还能自动编程,修改系统参数,监测每台支架的工作状况,显示采煤机运行速度等。它可对支架的各个动作进行单独控制、顺序控制、成组控制和全自动控制。   支架控制器通过插装式方向阀直接控制所在支架,同时将传感器采集的工况数据向其它支架和中央控制器发送。支架液压系统在接收到信号后,将完成下列动作过程:   (1)升架立柱的动作由插装式方向阀8控制,当方向阀8中先导阀的电磁铁1YA通电,2YA断电时,该阀切换到左位,4个2通阀中的b和d的上腔通压力油,处于关闭状态,a和c的上腔通油箱,处于开启状态,泵站提供的压力液经2通阀c和液控单向阀(此时液控单向阀中的二位三通先导阀处于图示位置,工作同于普通单向阀)中的2通阀进入立柱的下腔,立柱上腔的乳化液经方向阀8中的二通阀a回液,立柱伸出,实现升架。   立柱的无杆腔油路上设有插装式液控单向阀和溢流阀组成的控制阀组,当顶梁接触顶板,立柱下腔的压力上升到泵站卸载压力时,液控单向阀关闭,支架达到初撑力;此后,随着顶板的下沉,使立柱下腔的压力上升到溢流阀的调定开启压力时,溢流阀开启卸载,立柱下腔的压力又降低,当立柱下腔的压力降低到溢流阀的闭合压力时,溢流阀又关闭。此后,将重复上述过程,使立柱下腔的压力在溢流阀的调定值附近变化,支架工作在恒阻支撑状态。由于插装阀的响应速度快,使立柱下腔压力变化小,支架的恒阻支撑性好,利于顶板的管理。   该系统在支架的升架过程中也实现了初撑、增阻和恒阻3个阶段,初撑力的大小由泵站压力决定,工作阻力的大小由溢流阀的调定压力决定。   (2)降架当使插装式方向阀8中先导阀的电磁铁2YA通电,1YA断电时,该阀切换到右位,4个二通阀中的a和c的上腔通压力油,处于关闭状态,b和d的上腔通油箱,处于开启状态,泵站提供的压力液经二通阀b进入立柱的上腔,同时将液控单向阀中的先导阀切换到右位,使其中二通阀的上腔通油箱,处于开启状态,立柱下腔的油液经液控单向阀中的二通阀回液,立柱缩回,实现降架。   降架结束后,将方向阀中先导阀置于图示中间阀位(1YA和2YA均断电) ,此时,4个二通阀的上腔均通压力油,处于关闭状态,立柱的两腔油路也均被封闭,支架停留在某一高度位置,准备移架   (3)推溜和移架推移千斤顶的动作由插装式方向阀9控制,当将方向阀中的先导阀置于右位(4YA通电,3YA断电)和左位(3YA通电,4YA断电时)时,分别控制着推移千斤顶活塞杆的伸出和缩回,实现推溜和移架。推移动作完成后,将先导阀置于中位(3YA和4YA断电) ,4个二通阀e、f、g、h的上腔均通压力油,处于关闭状态,推移千斤顶的两腔油路均被封闭,推移动作停止。在接到新的指令后,支架将开始下一个动作循环。   当将方向阀中的电磁先导阀换成手动阀时,即能用插装阀设计现有手动控制方式支架的液压系统,以改善支架的工作性能、提高其工作可靠性。分析表明,用插装阀设计的电液控制支架的液压系统,能满足支架的工作要求,基于同样的原理,可用插装阀设计出所有类型和型号的液压支架的液压系统。   3、可行性分析   (1)插装阀的性能特点适合液压支架的工况,能满足其使用要求。   (2)现代支架液压系统中所使用的各种阀件的功能均可用相应的插装阀实现,用插装阀可设计所有类型和型号的电液控制支架的液压系统。   (3)插装阀易于集成的优点,可使控制阀组的结构较为紧凑,便于安装。   (4)已有成熟的电液控制系统和防爆型电液控制元件可供选用。   (5)插装阀元件的生产已形成系列化和通用化,制造和使用成本相对较低。   用插装阀设计和装配支架液压系统,在技术上无障碍,经济上可行。   4、结语   (1)插装阀便于实现电液控制、通流能力大和响应快的优点尤其适应采用电液控制的液压支架的工况,用其设计的支架液压系统,性能优越,能满足使用要求和快速移架的需要,利于实现通用化、系列化和标准化。   (2)插装阀优良的密封性能,更适于在采用纯水介质的纯水支架中应用。   (3)插装阀的抗污染能力强,在介质较脏时,不易堵塞,磨损较轻,可延长阀类元件的使用寿命,减少故障,提高支架液压系统的工作可靠性。   (4)用插装阀设计电液控制支架的液压系统,顺应生产要求,符合综采工作面顶板支护技术和流体传动技术的发展趋势,技术上无障碍,经济上可行,值得推广。

“ Cartridge Valve in the electro-hydraulic control of hydraulic system ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

Cartridge valves are discussed in the electro-hydraulic control in the hydraulic system and prospects of the application based on proposed design, analysis of works. That the Cartridge Valve Flow capacity, fast response, using electro-hydraulic pilot controls, particularly suited to this type of stent working conditions, in line with technology trends, it is worth promoting. Keywords: Cartridge valve; electro-hydraulic control; stent; hydraulic system 1, the application based on analysis of Frame-shift speed of low-yield mechanized mining has become a constraint is an important factor. To speed up the frame-shift speed, the hydraulic system on the stent used in cartridge valve. The direction of cartridge valve solenoid valve has also been adopted as a pilot valve, the main valve (poppet valve) for pilot control, control theory is equivalent to electro-hydraulic control valve, but the cartridge valve flow passage capability (up to 10000L/min above) large , fast response, reliable outstanding advantages such as it is unparalleled tube-type valves, and to make it more suitable for the stent electro-hydraulic control system to use, without the need for research using magnetic pilot control of the main special high flow valve, both to meet the application requirements, but also to improve the working performance, increase the degree of general-purpose, from the fundamental solution from the tube valve problems arising from the inherent defects. In addition, the use of cartridge valves designed to support hydraulic system also has the following advantages: (1) The advantages of the cartridge valve stent is very suitable for working conditions. Hydraulic support working condition is characterized by: medium low viscosity, high working pressure, flow and working environment, poor, medium pollution. Plug-in Valve's strengths can be brought into full play. (2) comply with fluid transmission technology trends. In order to reduce the use of cost, to eliminate environmental pollution, and fluid power transmission technology is toward the use of pure water media direction. Hydraulic support is closer to nature with the same pure water of high water-based emulsion as a working medium, the technology is likely to be the beneficiaries of the fruits of development are moving to pure working media. As the low viscosity of water require a good seal valve in order to improve system efficiency. Cartridge Valves with cone seal, with excellent sealing performance, more suited to work in water media, should be used as the preferred stent valve kinds of pure water. (3) anti-pollution ability, reliable work. Support work in the coal face, media, high levels of pollution, so that spool of serious wear and tear, shortening the life of the valve, thereby also led to a variety of stent failure, so that reduces the reliability of work, an increase of maintenance time, reducing the work surface productivity. Cartridge valve spool and valve suites with no strict requirements, wear light, easy to plug, it does not produce the phenomenon of hydraulic clamping, in the medium when compared with dirty hydraulic system can still ensure a normal, reliable work. (4) to satisfy the needs of some special conditions. A strong pressure for the cycle, such as the hard and difficult to take off the roof of the support stent in the old roof to pressure a sudden, the pillars under the control valves in the valve chamber to pass large instantaneous flow, ordinary safety valve pass Stream Flow capacity far can not meet the requirements, which were designed inflatable large flow valve, to adapt to this condition. However, the complex structure of this type of valve, manufacturing difficult and assembly with high requirements, operational reliability is poor, it is difficult to meet the application requirements. Moreover, the column should be installed under the general safety valve cavity and normal operating conditions to accommodate the needs, which will undoubtedly increase the component count and manufacturing costs. The use of cartridge-type relief valve, you can easily solve this problem, but also make the system streamlined. 2, the working principle analysis Based on the above analysis, put forward using electro-hydraulic cartridge valves designed to control the hydraulic system of the design ideas and programs, which works as shown in Figure 1. The electrical and hydraulic system consists of two parts, movements within the reservoir stent procedures for micro-computers (central and stent controllers) issued a directive, the cartridge valve in the direction of the electromagnetic pilot valve first movement, open and close the corresponding two-pass valve cone , connect or disconnect the column or the passage of time jack asphalt to make it move according to a certain order. Column, or the status of work goes on jack pressure and displacement sensor by feedback to the controller, the controller feedback signal according to the decision next move. As the central controller and stent controller linked to a network, so from a central controller, or the frame of the controller can control the face of any one bracket action. The role of central controller is to control and coordination of each stand controller. In addition, also automatically programmed to modify the system parameters, monitor the status of work for each stent, showing speed and so on Shearer. It supports the various movements of the separate control, sequential control, group control and automatic control. Stent controller cartridge valve direct control of the direction of where the stent, while the sensor collected data to other stand conditions and the central controller to send. Support hydraulic system in the received signal, the process will be completed the following actions: (1) l frame column moves from the direction of cartridge control valve 8, when the directional control valve 8 in the pilot valve solenoid 1YA power, 2YA power, the valve switch to the left bit, four two-way valve in the b and d, pass on the cavity pressure oil is closed, a and c, the superior vena-pass fuel tank, in the open state, the pressure of fluid through the pump station to provide two-way valve c and liquid-controlled check valve (one-way hydraulic control at this time valves in the two icons at the three pilot valve position, work with the ordinary one-way valves) in the two-way valve into the column the next cavity, the cavity of the emulsion column through the valve 8 in the direction of the two-way valve a return to liquid column out to achieve l frame. Column-free rod chamber cartridge-type oil on the road with one-way hydraulic control valves and relief valve control valve composed of, access to the roof when the roof beams, columns under the cavity pressure rises to unload pressure pump, hydraulic control one-way valve closed, stand up initial setting load; then, with the roof of the sinking, so that the pressure of the inferior vena column up to the pressure relief valve in which it is set to open when the relief valve to open unloading, the pressure exerted by the vena column reduced, When the column under the pressure of the cavity reduced to a closed pressure relief valve, relief valve has closed. Thereafter, this process will be repeated, so that the next column of the pressure relief valve cavity tone of changes in value around the set, frame work in support of state of constant resistance. As the cartridge valve response speed, so that the next column cavity pressure change is small, constant resistance support bracket is good, beneficial to roof management. The system is rack up the process of the stent also achieved a preliminary stays, increasing resistance and constant resistance three stages Setting Load by the pump pressure to decide the size of the working resistance of the size of the tone set by the relief valve pressure on the decision. (2) The lower frame when the cartridge so that the direction of valve 8 in the pilot valve solenoid 2YA power, 1YA power, the valve switch to the right place, four two-way valve in a and c, the pressure on the cavity-pass oil , is turned off, b and d pass the upper chamber fuel tanks, in the open state, the pressure fluid pump to provide two-way valve through the upper chamber b into the column, while one-way hydraulic control valve in the pilot valve to switch to the right place to which two-way valve on the chamber-pass tank, in the open state, the oil column via the inferior vena pilot controlled check valve in the two-way valve back to liquid, column retracted to achieve lower shelf. Drop frame after the pilot valve will be placed in the direction of valve icon in the middle of valve position (1YA and 2YA have power), this time, four two-way valve on the chamber are all-pass pressure oil, in a closed state, the two column cavity asphalt also were closed, stand to stay at a high position, ready to move frame (3) Push slip and shifting aircraft movements over jack the direction from the cartridge valve 9 controls the direction of the valve when the pilot valve placed in the right place (4YA power, 3YA power) and the left bit (3YA electricity, 4YA off Electric pm), respectively, over control of the jack piston rod extended and retracted to achieve push the slide and shift planes. Moves over after the completion of the pilot valve placed in a median (3YA and 4YA power outages), four two-way valve e, f, g, h are all pass the upper chamber pressure of oil, in a closed state, passage of the two-chamber oil jack Road were closed, over moves to stop. Upon receipt of new instructions, the bracket will start the next cycle of an action. When the direction of the electromagnetic valve manual valve, pilot valve replaced, that can be used cartridge valve design of existing manual control mode stent hydraulic system to improve stent performance and improve its operational reliability. Analysis shows that, with cartridge valves designed for electro-hydraulic control stent hydraulic system can meet the job requirements of the stent, based on the same principle can be used cartridge valves designed for all types and models of hydraulic support of the hydraulic system. 3, feasibility analysis (1) The performance characteristics of the cartridge valve for hydraulic support of the working conditions to meet their application requirements. (2) Modern hydraulic system used in the function of the various valves can be used to achieve the appropriate cartridge valves, cartridge valves can be designed with all types and models of electro-hydraulic control stent hydraulic system. (3) The cartridge valve is easy to integrate the advantages of the structure can control the valve more compact, easy to install. (4) has sophisticated electro-hydraulic control system and explosion-proof type electro-hydraulic control components available for selection. (5) The cartridge valve components, has formed a series of production and the universal, manufacture and use of relatively low cost. With the cartridge valve design and assembly of hydraulic system, technically accessible, economically viable. 4 Conclusion (1) Cartridge Valve is easy to realize electro-hydraulic control, Flow capacity of the advantages of large and fast response in particular, to adapt to using electro-hydraulic control of the hydraulic support of the working conditions, with its hydraulic system design, superior performance, to meet the application requirements and fast the need for frame-shift, which will help to achieve universal, seriation and standardization. (2) Cartridge Valves excellent sealing performance, more suitable for the introduction of pure water pure water medium stent application. (3) The cartridge valve anti-pollution ability, in the medium than the dirty, difficult to jam, wear light, extend the service life of components, valves, reduce failures, improve the reliability of hydraulic system work. (4) Cartridge valve design with electro-hydraulic control stent hydraulic system, comply with the requirements of production line with fully mechanized coal face roof support technology and fluid power transmission technology, trends, technically accessible, economically viable and worthy of promotion.

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