
Sony Corp. said its television business will shift to attack mode in the coming fiscal year as it ramps up TV shipments by about 70% to more than 25 million units and aggressively pushes its 3-D models, even though their launch will trail rivals in an increasingly crowded market.
  索尼公司(Sony Corp.)称,在即将到来的财政年度它的电视机业务将转守为攻,因为公司将把电视机发货量提高约70%,达到2,500多万台,并将大力推进3-D电视机的发展。然而,在竞争日益激烈的电视机市场上,索尼3-D电视机的推出将滞后于一些竞争对手。

  The Japanese electronics conglomerate said it aims for about 10% of its TV sales in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2011, to be 3-D models. Sony's 3-D television will be launched in Japan in June, roughly three months after offerings from its three biggest competitors, Samsung Electronics Co., LG Electronics Inc. and Panasonic Corp.
  这家日本的电子业综合企业巨头表示,计划在截至2011年3月31日的财政年度内,使3-D电视机占到公司电视机总销量的约10%。索尼将于今年6月在日本推出3-D电视机,这比其三大竞争对手三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)、LG电子(LG Electronics Inc.)和松下电器产业公司(Panasonic Corp.)的3-D电视机推出时间要晚三个月左右

  Samsung, which started selling 3-D TVs in South Korea last month, said Tuesday it has begun U.S. sales of two 3-D models, with more models to come. The TVs, together with two pairs of required glasses and a 3-D Blu-ray player, will start at about $3,000, for a 46-inch screen.

  Panasonic's first 3-D model will go on sale Wednesday in the U.S., where it plans to discount 3-D sets by about 50%. It plans to sell a 50-inch plasma display model in Japan for about 430,000 yen, or about $4,760.

  While Sony has been focused on restructuring its electronics business by working to lower overhead costs, the company sees 3-D technology as a future driver of growth that will unite nearly every part of the sprawling company.

  The new 3-D televisions are critical to Sony's television business, which has been the company's Achilles' heel. The TV operations are expected to lose money for the sixth year in a row in the fiscal year ending March 31, but Sony hopes 3-D interest will stimulate new demand because the technology requires the advanced hardware found in its margin-rich, premium models.

  To turn the operations around, Chief Executive Howard Stringer brought in Yoshihisa Ishida, a no-nonsense cost-cutter who ran Sony's Vaio personal-computer business.
  为了使电视机业务扭亏为盈,索尼首席执行长斯金格(Howard Stringer)让石田佳久(Yoshihisa Ishida)来掌管这一业务,这位以严厉削减成本而闻名的高管曾负责索尼的个人电脑业务Vaio。

  Mr. Ishida said the goal for the fiscal year ending this month was to lay the groundwork for a return to profitability, and he acknowledged the effort came at the cost of losing market share to Samsung and LG Electronics.

  The next fiscal year is really 'a year when we think we can attack,' Mr. Ishida said at a news conference. When asked if the television business could meet aggressive sales targets while still reaching the profitability goal, Mr. Ishida replied: 'I believe so.'

  Global television makers are starting to roll out 3-D models this year to capitalize on excitement about 3-D movies in theaters and the coming release of 3-D video games.

  While 3-D televisions have existed in the past, the new models from Sony and its rivals use battery-powered glasses to create the illusion of high-definition 3-D. In the past, the TVs used color-filtered glasses, resulting in images with somewhat lower picture quality.

  The first Sony 3-D models will be available in Japan June 10, with a 46-inch model selling for 350,000 yen.

  The company said it hasn't set launch dates or pricing for 3-D models in other markets, including North America.

  Mr. Ishida said he doesn't think the later launch date will be a major disadvantage for Sony because 3-D content won't start becoming widely available until later this year.

  Daisuke Wakabayashi

郑重声明:资讯 【索尼在电视机市场转守为攻力推3D电视_木头一根_百度空间】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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