如何用橄榄油做实用的面膜? » 美容护肤_美容养颜- 百度美容网









制作方法:橄榄油加热至37℃左右,加入适量蜂蜜 ,把纱布或面膜纸浸油取出,盖在脸上约20分钟,可防止皮肤衰老,润肤祛斑除皱,适用皮肤特别干燥者。











材料:橄榄油? 面膜纸

制作方法:将橄榄油加热至 37 °C左右,将面膜纸浸油取出,敷在脸上,15分钟后取下,对皮肤有很好的补水效果。




How to use olive oil to do a practical mask?

Of olive oil skin beauty role, I believe I need Xiaobian to say, how much more beauty to know some of the crush. Mask and skin beauty benefits of olive oil because of its effects, is highly loved it! Xiao Bian you may wish to recommend several, let’s try it together!

Olive oil Whitening Mask

Ingredients: sugar, a little, a spoonful of olive oil

Production Method: sugar and olive oil mixture into the face mask of paper soaked Fuyu 3 times per week, not only shrink pores, there is a significant whitening effect.

Olive oil freckle facial mask

Materials: a spoonful of olive oil, honey little, gauze or a paper mask

Production Method: olive oil, heated to 37 ℃ or so, adding an appropriate amount of honey, the oil-soaked gauze or mask out of paper, cover the face for about 20 minutes, to prevent skin aging, skin wrinkles freckle apply to dry skin, particularly those.

Olive oil wrinkle Mask

Material: fresh milk, 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tsp flour

Production Method: Fresh milk, a tablespoon, add 4 to 5 drops of olive oil and flour, and mix thoroughly after deposited on the face, with a convergence effect, long-term use on the skin to eliminate facial wrinkles, increase skin vitality and elasticity, so that the skin fresh lubrication .

Olive Oil Hydrating Mask

Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 tsp olive oil

Production Method: banana pressed into sludge, in the extrusion process of adding an appropriate amount of olive oil, stir well after became a banana mask twice a week at attaining, you can make the skin smooth and delicate.

Olive oil anti-aging facial mask

Ingredients: Olive oil 10ml, rose oil 3 drops of

Production Methods: olive oil and rose essential oils to reconcile with a mask out of paper direct Fuyu oil-soaked face, three times a week, can whitening moisturizing, anti-aging.

Olive oil replenishment Mask Method

Ingredients: Olive Oil Mask Paper

Production Methods: olive oil heated to 37 ° C or so, will remove oil-soaked paper mask and wrap it in the face after 15 minutes, removed, have a good replenishment to the skin effect.

Olive Oil Exfoliating Mask

Materials: walnut, honey, flour

Production Method: walnut kernels ground into fine powder, add honey and flour into a paste to reconcile, evenly deposited on the face of about 10 to 15 minutes, can nourish the skin, removing old keratin, smooth white skin.?


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