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Fasting should not eat anything

fasting should not eat anything

“beggars” is that people, when hungry, strong appetite, as long as they can eat things that brought fill their stomachs. Little do they know that some food is not an empty stomach to eat, otherwise, would do harm to human health.

milk, yogurt, soy milk these foods contain a lot of protein, fasting drink, protein will be “forced” into heat energy consumed would not achieve the role of nutritional tonic. The correct way is to drink and biscuits, pastries and other flour-containing foods with the food, or drink two hours after the meal, or drink before going to bed.

fasting blood alcohol would stimulate gastric mucosa, Hisayuki easily cause gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. In addition, their fasting blood glucose levels of people on the lower alcohol is easy at this time hypoglycemia, brain tissue would be due to lack of glucose supply occurs dysfunction, dizziness, palpitations, cold sweats, and hunger, serious be hypoglycemia coma.

will dilute the gastric juice fasting tea, lower digestive function, but also give rise to “tea drunk”, expressed as palpitation, dizziness, headache, fatigue, and unstable standing. Sugar is a highly

digestion and absorption of food, fasting lot of sugar, the body a short time can not produce enough insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels, cause a sudden increase in blood glucose, it is unfavorable. And sugar are acidic foods, fasting blood sugar will damage the body’s acid-base balance and the balance of a variety of micro-organisms, harmful to health.

persimmon, tomato they contain more pectin, tannic acid, the above-mentioned material and the acid dissolved in a chemical reaction of the gel difficult to block, easy to form stones in the stomach.

banana contains more magnesium, fasting bananas cause a sudden increase in the body of magnesium and the destruction of the blood calcium magnesium balance in the cardiovascular inhibition produced is not conducive to good health.

hawthorn, orange contains large amounts of organic acid, if acid, hawthorn acid, citric acid and so on, fasting intragastric acidity food will jump on the gastric mucosa adverse stimulation, can lead to abdominal distention, belching, back to acid, and even increase the gastritis and gastric ulcer.

a strong spicy garlic contains allicin, fresh garlic would be an empty stomach mucosa, intestinal wall causing intense stimulation, cause gastrointestinal cramps, cramps.

sweet potato contains tannic acid and gum will stimulate the secretion of more stomach acid, causing heartburn, belching and other discomfort.

fasting Baoyin a variety of frozen foods, will stimulate gastrointestinal spasm, a long time is going to lead to a variety of enzymatic reactions disorders, induced gastrointestinal diseases; female menstrual disorders occur during the menstrual would make.

Reference: Guizhou Daily05-11-30

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