甘肃县乳品行业的发展将是一个强劲的发展势头« oursolo.net



Gansu County dairy industry development will be a strong momentum

In recent years, the municipal government the correct leadership and superior business concern and support, the County will give full play to the advantage of abundant forage resources, adapt to market demand for dairy products, take steps to strengthen organization and leadership, widely publicized mobilization, the work on real responsibility, the development of the scientific development planning, multi-channel financing to accelerate the building of grass industry base and improve the service system and other measures to enable the county dairy industry from scratch and the strong momentum of development.

First, the scale of urban and rural individual backyard has expanded each year. Focus on consumer demand in urban and rural residents, the town of realignment, Chai home, New Castle, River City and other urban suburbs Guo dairy farmers to develop more than 60 households, 300 dairy cattle breeding bull. (07-11-16)

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