
一. 租房:

房子结构:apartment/flat公寓,baby cots(儿童)轻便小床/帆布床, balcony阳台,bathroom, bedsit卧室兼起居室, ceiling, cloakroom衣帽间,corridor, bedroom, basement, concierge门房/看门人,deck露台,den(学习/工作用的私室, dormitory (dorm) 学生宿舍 , exterior walls, furniture, game room, garage, garden, gym, hallways, home-stay留宿当地居民家里, kitchen厨房, landlord/landlady, laundry洗衣房(店), living room, lobby/ porch门厅,loft阁楼, MIC House Agency, opening未出租房间,pane窗格, property, residence, shared kitchen, student hostel学生旅店, studio apartment, swimming pool, vacancy未出租房间,warehouse, youth hostel青年旅店,
房子位置:Avenue 大道,boulevard大街,drive大道,driveway大道/车道,lane小路/巷,网Road(Rd.), Route路, Street(St.),suburbs,
租房位置指示词: not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy,
家具/陈设:air-conditioner空调, alarm clock, bathtub浴缸,CD player, decoration pottery, blanket毯子,buoyant filler float(便盆)水满浮球, bowl system坐便盆,bathtub, closet, carpet地毯 ,circular stairway螺旋楼梯, common toilet, couch, curtain窗帘dining table, cutlery and dishes, drawer, dresser, dryer, electric fan电风扇, electric stoves电炉,en suite被成套一体地装饰了的房间及其家具, flushing system(便盆)冲洗系统,flush valve冲洗阀门,fridge冰箱, furnished有家具的,gas heater, heater, kettle, keyholes, malfunction失灵,masterpiece of design, mattress床垫,microwave oven微波炉,oil heat, phone line, pillow枕头,pillow case and bed linen枕套和被单,pots and pans, quarry tile
缸砖/大铺地砖, radiator电暖炉,a rubber blanket, sheet被单被褥,shelf, siphon U形管,special acoustic seals, stove炉子, switch, tank system(便盆)水箱系统,tiles瓷砖/瓦片 ,toilet衣机, 洗手间,towel手巾毛巾,washing machine洗衣机,whistle key holder(一种钥匙链,人吹口哨时,它会发光/发声以便使用者找到它),
保洁:a cleaning maid, insects, insects haunting 闹昆虫 ,laundry fee, mower割草机,trash collectors保洁员, trash containers垃圾箱, ventilation通风
其他:accommodate/accommodation, deposit押金,a $50 deposit,dorm-mate /roommate /flat-mate /housemate合租一间宿舍/公寓/房屋的人,Flagstone Properties房介公司,have to prepare some repellant令人厌烦 , a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy, floor senior楼长,For lease, for rent 出租, for sale 出卖,personal possessions, phone bill, push up the price, removal van搬家车,rental information, rental agency, roommate, texture质地,water bill水费,


apple pie,aquatic水生,bag lunch, bread sticks面包棒, brown rice糙米,cassava root木薯,cafeteria,,chef , chewing gum, cheese and tomato sandwich, chilled mineral water, choose the menu, coffee咖啡,chocolate cream cake, croissants(羊角面包),delicacy美味, desserts,diet, dietician, drink cans, eggs, fast food meal, fish, fish and chips炸鱼和土豆片,French onion soup, fruit juice, ginseng, greasy油腻的,hamburgers and hot dogs, head chef, herb tea, kilocalorie大卡(热量单位), lean meat, lentil curry小扁豆咖喱, local dishes, McDonalds, milk,Minestrone soup蔬菜通心粉汤,morning tea, nourishing food, nuts,oats燕麦,office break, orange juice, Panax人参, pie馅饼,pizza and pasta, plum pudding葡萄干布丁(一种煮的或蒸的味道浓厚的布丁,由面粉、板油、葡萄干、香橼和香料制成), protein, pudding布丁果冻,refreshments, restaurant, roast dinner, sandwiches, sea-food, she-crab soup, slice of pizza, snacks, soup汤,steak牛排/肉排, strawberry tart(草莓小烘饼),sushi(日本)寿司/生鱼片冷饭团, a variety of food, vegetables and fruit ,vegetarian素食者,wild rice野生稻,

三. 地理/环境

climate/weather: cloudy. cold and wet, downpour, drought, rainy, rainfall/preciptation, searing winds热风,wet and windy,
形状: rectangle长方形, landscape,
动物:ape, boars公猪/野猪,breed培育/育种, bugs臭虫,condor秃鹰,diversity of species, dolphins, falcon隼(猎鹰),fertilized eggs受精卵,fish-spawning area, hard-hoofed硬蹄(动物),hybridize杂交,insects, kangaroo, killer whales, koala考拉, life cycle, marine life, marine biologist, monkey cage, otter水獭,rainforests雨林,reptile park爬行动物园,shark, species diversity, termites白蚁,urchin海胆
植物:fern forests蕨类植物,lush forest, lush vegetation, luxuriant vegetation, meadows, pesticides杀虫剂,plantation, rural irrigation of crops, savannas热带(亚热带)稀树大草原,shrubs, stalk杆/茎,thirsty plants,
能源:alternative energy替代能源,
地质:beachcombers海岸巨浪, coral reefs珊瑚礁,fossil化石,geographer地理学者,hilly, lava火山熔岩,huge gorges, outback/inland, prairie potholes北美牧场地陷,terrestrial地球的,topography地形,volcanoes火山,volcanic ruins,
海洋:beachcombers海岸巨浪,ocean currents, regular tides,
环保:bottle banks空瓶子回收处,bring banks垃圾集中/分类处, carbon dioxide emission二氧化碳排放, crushed glass, drop-off site丢垃圾处,fibreglass, greenhouse gas emission, household waste, incineration plants树木焚烧, landfill垃圾掩埋法/垃圾,landfill sites垃圾掩埋场,polystyrene聚苯乙烯, poly cup, puddle水坑/污水坑,recycled glass, recycling containers, salt marshes, Save-a-Cup scheme, soil conditioner土壤改良剂,virgin/raw materialsxx材料, water filtration
其他:Aboriginal, abound with, Almanac历书/年鉴,the Amazon, animal behaviour, Antarctica, Attora mountain(Morocco摩洛哥的一座山), Civilian Conservation美国地方资源养护队,conservation area, conservation plan, contaminants, currents洋流, deforestation, Diamond Head(檀香山)钻石山, Domesticated Ostrich Farming Association, ecosystem, ecological restoration, evaporation, feather, fertile soils, freshwater marshes, freshwater lakes, Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, hydroelectric projects, horticultural collection, hothouse/green house, loss of soil, migratory birds, moisture, Mungo National Park(澳大利亚)蒙哥国家公园,National Audubon Society(美国奥特朋学会——以鸟类学家奥特朋命名), Nature Conservancy保护机构, plastic bags, the Red Sea, refugian areas, regulation of flooding, reservoir, sandy soils, seep down(水)下渗, sheep shearing剪羊毛,snow-capped mountains, spiders, sundown, sunken farmlands, Toubkal图卜加勒山,海拔4165 米,是非洲北部的{zg}峰), tropics, venomous/poisonous snakes, water-storage areas, waterfall, water consumption, waterfalls, wax蜂蜡,wetlands, woody plants, the World Center for Birds of Prey in Boise, Idaho,waves, Wild life Haven野生动物避难所/保护地, World Heritage,


gender性别:male, female,
发型:bald/balding秃头,hair color头发颜色, brown棕色, blond金发碧眼的,curly black hair,straight/curly/waved hair 直、卷、波浪发,fair hair 金发 dyed hair 染发, long/short plaits 长短辫子,parted in the middle 中分, a pony tail 马尾, a receding hairline,
体态:chubby胖的,slim苗条的 stout结实的、矮胖,plump 丰满的,hips臀部
面部:angular 棱角分明的,beard胡子,contact lenses隐型眼镜 ,moustache/mustache上唇上的小胡子 , scar xx,a thin moustache, wearing glasses戴眼镜
衣服:be in red/green/dark身着红/绿/黑色衣服,be in/ wear tie戴领带,bracelet 手镯,checked shirt 格子衬衣,old-fashioned, pillbox筒状女帽(有直立的帽边和扁平冒顶的一种女式小帽), pullover 套头毛衣 ,spotted shirt 斑点衬衣,suit(男)西服/(女)套装 ,stripped shirt长带状衬衣, sweater套头衫/运动衫 ,swimming costume, top上衣,


节日:national holiday,
机构:customs office, Dreamtime Travel,nformation desk, travel agency, travel agent,
订票:air fair, book the ticket订票,cancel/cancellation取消,confirm a reservation确认, forfeit a ticket机票作废,make a reservation预定,one-way ticket单程票, pick up the tickets, refund, refundable/nonrefundable可/不可退款, a round trip plane ticket /round-trip ticket往返票,, student specials学生xx机票,ticket office,
预定: book a room/table 预订房间/饭桌,cancel one's reservation取消预定, destination目的地,first come, first serve先到先服务原则(即不设预订服务)
飞机: charter flights包机, commercial jet, London Airport, departure, flight number 航班号,land 降落,take off起飞,take-off time,
飞机座舱:aisle seat/window seat, business class商务舱,economy class经济舱, seating, row, VIP/first class头等舱
交通: air shuttle bus, bag-packer, dock码头/靠码头,bypass/detour绕道/弯路/旁路,drop off下车, Express way 高速公路,express train 高速列车, harbor, Greyhound bus长途汽车, in peak times,Metro伦敦地下铁道,minibus, a non-smoking section, passengers, platform站台,S.S. Great Britain大不列颠号(SS=steamship汽船,轮船 ) tour bus, tram有轨电车,transport workers, wheel chair,
航空公司:airlines, pilot, QUANTAS,
行李:back-packer肩背大包进行自助旅行的人, carry-on随身行李,check in办理登机手续,deliver/delivery, dimensions行李尺寸 ,formality手续,pick up提/取行李,scale秤/磅, shipment, 11 lbs(pounds),
证件:driving license/ licence驾照 , expire(v.)驾照/护照等过期, hiking徒步旅行, hitch-hike搭便车旅行,passport护照, photo of passport, visa签证
住宿:accommodation package食宿条件, campsite, hospice 招待所,hostel青年旅社,Hotel Ali in Marrakech, motel汽车旅馆, Park View Hotel, Sea View Guest House, vacancy(空房间),
地点:Arboretum/arboreta植物园,art gallery画廊, Botanical Garden植物园,Cathedral, cottage, Disneyland, museum博物馆, Barbara Hepworth Museum赫普沃思博物馆(英过的康沃尔郡Cornwall),Gift Shop, King’s Park, paradise天堂/旅游胜地,Rexford, Saratoga Springs(纽约州东部一村落,附近有温泉),Stinehenge巨石阵(英国南部索尔兹伯里Salisbury附近的一组立着的石群,可上溯到公元前 2000-1800年的巨石,被可上溯到公元前2800年的一个圆形沟槽和堤围围住巨石的排列表明当时巨石阵是一个宗教中心,也被用作星象观测台), the scenery, souvenir纪念品, summit山峰,Tower of London伦敦塔(曾作为城堡、王宫、监狱、博物馆、军械库的伦敦塔有900年历史)
活动:beach walk, bushwalk, a business trip, end-to-end crossing 穿越,expedition, explorer trip, field trip 野游,fisfing trip, guided tours, outside activity, surfing冲浪, sailboats,skiing滑雪,whale sighting, whale-watching, whale watch cruise,
用具:air pump, boats and pleasurecraft, briefcase, donkey驴, flash light, footwear, jacket, long-sleeved T-shirts, mountain bikes, power boats, route book, sandals, shampoo, sledge, socks, stout boots, sneakers, suntan lotion防晒霜/液,wading boots水靴, walking boots 行军靴, watercraft,
风景:close-up特写,overhead view,
安全:trap one’s finger in手指卡在…,safety hazard, safety regulation, sharp edge,


a bank statement银行财务报表,a best buy, accountant, a consignment of…一批货,a little bit on the expensive side, apply for a personal loan.申请个人xx,A.T.M自动取款机,budget price range, Buyer Beware Programme, carry/sell卖,cashier, cell/cellular phone, cashier收银员,change pounds into dollars 把英镑兑换.成美元, cheque book/checkbook支票本,check(美国)/cheque(英),check the present balance in my account查询我帐户余额,client, collect fees, colossal investment, customer details, credit card信用卡,current account现金帐户/经常帐户,the current rate 汇率,discount, domestic market, draw/withdraw money提款,financial aid, give the money in fives/tens换成五元或十元面额,interest rate, loanxx, low-risk investment, marketing consultant, Master Card, maximum profits, pin number/password/code密码,open a student account开个学生帐户,pay the bill, pence, price range, sanp up{qg},student account银行中的学生帐户, the State Bank, travelers cheque, treasurer司库, 财务员, 出纳员, withdraw cash from an account取钱
Banks: Barclays (in Realty Square)巴克莱银行, National Westminister( in Preston Park)国家西敏寺银行,Lloyds (in City Plaza)老埃德银行,Midland in Hope Street(米特兰银行)(一般学生都是以提款卡为主。卡一般可在几个银行内通用。巴克莱银行为在该行开学生帐户的每一客户赠送50英镑现金,分两次付给。{dy}次是在学生开户时,银行拨出25英镑到该学生帐户。第二次是在学生申请巴克莱卡(Barclaybank Card)时,再拨进25英镑。国家西敏寺银行赠送35英镑现金,其他银行也都制订了相应的鼓励政策。巴克莱银行的提款卡可在英国境内的巴克莱银行、劳埃德银行、苏格兰银行和苏格兰皇家银行所设的7100个提款机上提款,每天提款{zg}额为300英镑。西敏寺银行还为学生提供服务卡(Service Card),这种卡可在校内餐厅、洒吧等服务性单位使用。)
价格:Add up加价/涨价, affordable, a 50% discount, rate 价格,
商品:ads/adverts/advertisements, brand品牌,expensive, extravagant 豪华/xx的,phone plan电话套餐,Must buys/Maybe buys/Never buys必买品/可买可不买品/不买品, web-enabled phone可上网手机,
广告:Easidol ads, Pacific Clothing Firm, Painfree ads, Teletch ads,


aggravations of paint疼痛加剧,allergic to对…过敏,allergy, ankle, back pain 后背疼,birthing ward产房,clinic诊所,cold cure感冒药,contraction(子宫)收缩,day-to-day care, dentist牙医,deliver subliminal elbow, diabetogenic hormone导致糖尿病的xx,electrical pulses to the skin向皮肤发出下意识电脉冲,emergency telephone, eye-drops眼xx , mental hospital精神病医院,feel dizzy头晕 feel chilly觉得发冷,feel one's pulse量脉搏flu流感 ,flat shoes, have/catch a cold感冒, have a sore throat嗓子痛 ,have a stomachache胃痛,have a fever发烧,have a cough咳嗽,have a headachexx ,have an operation 动手术, have a toothache牙痛,hazard, heal, injection注射,injury, insomniaxx,internal clock生物钟,limb肢, make an appointment预约medicationxx,medical center, mental health, muscles tense up肌肉紧张, neck, pills药丸,nursing care, oculist/eye doctor眼科医生,orthopaedic整形外科, orthopaedic chairs/mattress整形椅/床垫, penicillin青霉素, physician/internist内科医生,pillbox药盒,pregnant, prescribe(医生)开(药), psychiatrist心理医生,register with a doctor, take one's temperature量体温,see a doctor看病 send for a doctor请医生, sleeping pills安眠药,slouch懒散/无精打采地左、站、走,spasm痉挛, spinal alignment脊柱拉直,spine脊柱, spring slatted bed弹簧床,strain ligaments扭伤的韧带,surgeon外科医生,strain过度疲劳,symptom症状,tablet药片 take one's blood pressure量血压,therapy, twist扭, talcum powder爽身粉/滑石粉(一种由提纯的滑石制成的细腻、经常是加过香料的粉末,用来抹在皮肤上),vaccine, vet兽医,a vicious circle恶性循环, video surveillance视频监视, vitamin维他命vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐 ,warts疣子


方位词:right, left, in front of, behind, rear, next to, at the end of, cross road to, opposite to, the one after, location,
方向词: be far from距离某处很远,be in the corner of在…的角落里,
be located behind/in front of 坐落在…的前面/后面
be nearby距离某处很近,be on sb’s left/right 在某人的左边/右边,be on the corner of A street and B street在A和B街交汇的拐角处, be the first/second/third from the left/right从左/右数{dy}/二/三个,directly opposite和…相对 , go straight across/to/through径直走过/向/过, go up/down向上(北)/向下(南) go back/back/back up向回走 ,go east/west/south/north 向东/南/西/北 ,go on/along…till you meet… 沿…一直走/直到… ,upstate New York纽约州北部, uptown住宅区

九. 法律:

abuse the process 滥用程序,an impartial third party facilitator公正的第三方调解人,arrest/apprehend, attorney律师(商业事物中代表委托人,与lawyer可互换),breach破坏,违背,city council, confidentiality机密性,conventional crime, corporate crime,dispute resolution, embezzlement侵占/挪用, fraud欺诈, good faith善意,a guilty verdict有罪判决, illegal profits, indictments控告, interested party利益有关方,involved parties 有关各方,in a neutral fashion中立,lawyer律师(为委托人提供法律咨询并在法庭上为之辩护),legitimate, mediator调解人,mediation调解,neutrality中立,piracy, pirates, police station, intellectual property rights(IPR), runaway逃跑,subpoena传票,take sides against偏袒,witness目击证人,


教育:Cambridge University, Cardiff University, drop-out rate辍学率,higher education/tertiary education高等教育,institution of higher education/tertiary institutions高等教育机构, Rexford, London University, Oxford University, a rural co-operative 农村合作学校,Swarthmore College斯沃斯莫尔学院(美国宾西法尼亚州费城), UC Berkley美国加州伯克利大学,University of Washington, a vocational training institute,
学生: applicant, application form申请表,freshmen/sophomores/juniors/seniors, graduate school研究生院,graduate students研究生,international students, oversea(s) student ,postgraduate研究生 school leavers已毕业的学生,undergraduate本科生,foreign student office,
新生报到: admission office, counselor, enrolment注册, enrollment fee, entry requirements, offer full scholarship, opening ceremony 开学典礼, orientation week (初到校)适应周,prior qualifications, reception desk, register/enroll (登记、报到), student union office, tuition,
上课:group size, lecture(教师作的)讲演,报告,handouts, tutorial (学xx言的)讨论课,orientation meeting (介绍会)指学校综合情况,orientation week新生适应周,student ID 学生证,
教师:academic circle, adviser/ mentor导师,assistant professor助理教授,associate professor 副教授, coordinator课程协调人/班主任, counselor辅导老师,director of studies教学总监,faculty教职员工的总称,Head of the Faculty系主任,head teacher, lecturer讲师,PE teachers, Physical Fitness Instructor, principal校长, professor教授, residential advisor,TA(Teaching Assistant)助教, teaching aids教具,volunteer teacher,
管理:chancellor名誉校长, dean系主任 headmaster小学校长 headmistress小学校长(女),president校长,principal (中学)校长,student union学生会, the administration,
系科:the Faculty of Architecture, arts faculty, the Faculty of Education, school学院,Law Department, Law Faculty, Liberal Arts, School of Accounting, School of Arts and Sciences文理学院, School of Economics,
学科: major专业,a major srtand主修, programme/program某一专业的课程总称,required course/compulsory course必修课 ,selective/elective/option选修课
级别: fundamental/elementary / intermediate /advanced,Form 1一年级,
课程:academic English, academic conference, accounting会计学,architecture建筑学,banking银行学biochemistry生物化学biology, business商务,clinical psychology临床心理学,compulsory courses, communications course, complete school, course arrangement/organization课程安排,course delivery上课,diploma course prospectus学位课程简章,.economics经济学,engineering工程学,exercise science, finance金融学,fine art艺术,full-time intensive全日制强化(班),history历史, law法学,lecture of Astronomy, linguistics语言学,literature文学,management diploma course, mathematics, microbiology, a modular course单元课程,Money Management, a one-year diploma course, personnel management, philosophy哲学,Population Studies, psychology心理学a six-month certificate course, skill focus, sociology社会学,sports psycho, sports management, statistics统计,subjects, training programmes,
考核:a placement test 编班测验,assessment对学生的学习情况进行评估,average ability, award, credit学分,fail a subject, feedback, grade the students给学生评分,interview, open book exam, multiple choice questions选择题,resit(考试不及格后)重考/补考, score成绩
作业:academic atmosphere, acknowledge, analyze data分析数据 ,anthropology, assignment,conclusion结论, data/datum数据,Date Submitted交付日期,deadline{zh1}期限,dessertation, discussion workshop, dissertation(学位)论文, essay短论文,essay deadline, extra time, extension of time, handout上课老师发的印刷品,hypothesis假设, independent learning, intellectual capacity, interpretation解释/阐释,interview访谈,investigation调查,journal周记/每周要做的作业,meet a deadline for an essay, opinion观点,paper/thesis/dissertation论文/硕士论文/博士论文,poll(民意)调查,practices, presentation针对某一专题进行的发言, prittstick粘胶棒, project需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题 ,quantitative数量的/定量的 ,questionnaire调查问卷 ,reading materials, reading strategy, refresher course复习/进修课程, research研究 ,research methodology, respondents/interviewee回答调查问题者/被访谈的人 ,results结果,seminars, significant difference显著的差异,skim a book, slang, statistically valid统计学上有效的,study aids学习用具,submit/turn in/deliver交(作业/论文),survey调查, theoretical background, time-consuming, weekdays, workload, writing assignments,
学位:arts degree, Bachelor of Computing, degree s学位,first degree, hold a degree in psychology,
时间:consecutive(时间)连续的,office hour教授与学生面谈的时间,
prioritize one’s time合理利用/规划时间, procrastination拖延时间, semester, timeslot时段,time management,
教室:agricultural hall, in rows(座位)成排,laboratory/lab实验室, lecture theatre大教室/阶梯教室, main entrance, Skidmore Hall, teaching building教学楼/教室,Wilson Hall,
设施: accommodation住宿, administrating office/admin office行政办公室, aisle过道,annex配楼/建筑的附属建筑, block/complex由若干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区 ,cafeteria自助小餐campus校园 common room(英)师生公用的休息室,computer lab, corridor, canteen餐厅,dining facilities, dining hall食堂 dorm/dormitory宿舍,elevators, ground floor(英),health center, infrastructure, internet lounge 网吧,landmark标志性的建筑,language lab, notice board,paper-shop书报店,parking lot停车场,shopping mall 购物中心,stair楼梯,step台阶,Student Union building, twin building由两个xx相同的部分构成的建筑,University Helpline, vending machines自动售货机,walkway走道,wheel chair access无台阶的/残疾人用 ,wing配楼/建筑的一部分
纪律:attendance at lectures, discipline, distraction分心,drop out of a course, ejection 除名,fine罚款,participation/attendance出勤, self-discipline,
图书馆:Alexander library, bibliography书目, cassette recorder, catalog(ue), category种类, cataloguing assistant, classification分类, closed reserve只读不借,, date slip/deadline/state of expiry期限, dictionary, dues 应付费,encyclopedia百科全书,fill an application form, home computer, in circulation在书库里, index, librarians, library card/admission card借书卡,loan time, open/closed shelves开/闭架书库,out circulation外借, out on loan借出的,overdue and pay a fine, periodicals(magazines/journals)定期刊物, photocopy, reference stacks 书库, renew续借,return in time, video library, water-skiing,
Blackwood Members Club, charity, Christmas,club学生俱乐部,cocktail, a college tour,comedy shows, convention center, dance party, dance studio, DJ(disc jockey),donations, entertain/entertainment, Golf Club, leisure activities, lounge room, main ballroom, membership fee, news bulletins, Pedal Power(一个慈善机构),queue, session, sponsor, schedule, a social person, Salvation Army救世军,society学生社团,a voluntary organization,
工作:book jacket书皮套,candidate, commission佣金/收入,competition, dabble in涉足,employment, freelance, a job placement职业介绍/职业安排,letter of recommendation推荐信, lifeguard, minimum wage, opening空位置/职位,on-campus employment, personality, portfolios, position职位,recruit, vocational focus以就业为中心(的学校教育),stressful,
生活:borrow note, financial circumstances, grant助学金,leisure facilities, loan, local newsletter, papers地方报纸,pal group relationship, picnic, registered mail, regular financial support, scholarship, a sense of relief, special mail, student debt, take on radio programme,


a fork on the road分叉路口, accident, back out 倒车,a T road丁字路口 ,automobile traffic,bicyclist, car bumper车档,car model, car park, car tyre, collision, driving instructor, emergency, fetal injury, gas汽油,gas pedal油门踏板,gear档,hire car companies, insurance company, intersection/crossroads/junction十字路口,clover-leaf/flyover立交桥, Conti(一种车), Lion(一种车),Max (一种车), make(车)品牌,mileage, mirror反光镜,model name, motor vehicle, off-road area, parking brake, a parking permit, parking regulations停车规定, parking space, pedals脚踏板,pedestrians, petrol costs, push the clutch推离合器,road rage, road system, Royal(一种车) safety first, seat belt, shift to first gear挂一档,slow lane慢车道,a speeding ticket超速罚单,stall停车, steering wheel方向盘,sticker, tow a car away 把车拖走,traffic, traffic jam, traffic lights,

十二.通信: beeper, cell phone, cellular phone, letterbox, pager,

十三. 科技:computer literate, decibels(dB)分贝,,eyepiece(显微镜)目镜,diaphragm光圈,dilator扩张器,fiber/organic fiber, funnel漏斗,generation of electricity, inclination joint(显微镜)倾斜接头,reflection rate反光率,revolving nosepiece(显微镜)换镜旋座, robot,stage clips固定夹,statistics, satellite TV stations,

十四.艺术:audition预演,choir, cinema,circus, dress rehearsal, The Gold-Bug(《金甲虫》埃德加·爱伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe的小说),Intelligent Women’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism(George Bernard Shaw著作),mural, musical instruments, marquee(马戏团演出用)大帐篷,music and lighting, pop groups, projection film, puppets, puppeteers木偶演员,puppetry木偶戏,reproduction of paintings, theatrical events演出,troupe艺术团,

十五.喜好:current affairs, documentaries记录片,hobbies, love story, punch line(故事, 戏剧, 笑话等中的)妙语,

十六.政治:community, status, strike罢工, voting system,


十八.运动:basketball, basketball courts, badminton, body measurement, bowling alley保龄球道,clubhouse, cricket, football, fitness center, fitness room, fitness testing, games, gymnastics class, referee, clubhouse, head coach, hi-tech fitness center, ice-skaters, ice rink溜冰场/冰球场/室内溜冰场,gold medals. indoor sports, lose weight, Olympic-size swimming pool, racket(乒乓)球拍, sports union, tennis, fitness assessment, referee,s0ccse club, sports, squash court, sumo match, sumo wrestling相扑,tennis club, tennis courts, volley-ball, weight room,

十九.经营:advertising campaign, buy out, capital, falling sales, an expansion plan, strike, colossal investment, market share, Plc (Public Limited Company)股票上市公司, recovery,

二十.电脑:access, computer literate, computer-loaded information, CD-ROMS, data programme, MLA(Modern Language Association现代语言协会),

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