

探伤仪               flaw detector

探伤                flaw detection/crack detection

不合格     not up to the (required) standard/below the mark

合格                  qualified/up to standard

合格证    certificate of inspection/certificate of quality

一级片                class type film

二级片              class type film

三级片              class type film

试压流体             test fluid

试验证书            test certificate

试压工作队           testing spread

硬度试验             test of hardness testing

试压准备            test preparation

试验压力             test pressure

试压泵               test pump

试焊口             test weld

强度试压            strength test

严密性试压           proof test

通径试验            drift test

吹扫                purging

压力表              manometer/pressure gauge

压力表式温度计       pressure-spring thermometer

压力开关             pressure switch

压力阀              pressure valve

精度系数            quality coefficient

精度等级            accuracy class/precision class

精度检查            accuracy checking/alignment test

精度控制            accuracy control

精度要求            required precision

稳压试验            standup pressure test

对管工              stabber

施工工作队           spread

盲板                blank

临时盲板            temporary blank

临时措施            temporary

水压试验            test of water pressure

返工                remade

返修                rework

截面                section

管沟                pipe trench

管沟截面尺寸         section dimension of pipe trench

管沟开挖质量         quality of pipe trench

开挖机械            excavation machinery

开挖深度            cutting depth/excavating depth

回填                backfill

回填夯实            backfill consolidation

夯实                tamping

打夯机              tamper

恢复原状(地貌)     reconversion of landforms

放线                  setting-out

测量工具            measuring tool

清理                cleaning up

施工带清理           cleaning of construction area

修理临时施工道路     build access road

运输工具(车)       carrier vehicle

布管                stringing

运管卡车            carrier truck/carrier lorry

起下管子            pipe trip

吊管架              pipe hanger

吊管机              sideboom tractor

吊车                crane

单机试运转           single machine test run

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