补偿式双闸板平板闸阀- 中国针型阀网的日志- 网易博客


2010-03-09 13:00:16 阅读7 评论0 字号:

补偿式双闸板平板闸阀是一种结构新颖的平板闸阀产品,它具有启闭力矩小、速度快、振动小、使用寿命长、操作安全可靠等特点,主要用于气、液体输送管道的切断或泄放。 双闸板平板闸阀系列结构特点为: 阀门采用两块互相平行的闸板及其楔紧装置组成的密封结构取代传统的楔式闸阀结构。 阀门密封机构各零件互相分离,即使在温度变化时引起变形也仍能保证密封,且不会因高温膨胀而使闸板挤住打不开。 阀门密封采用耐磨、耐腐蚀材料制成,延长了阀门的使用寿命。 在高温、高压情况下,进口一侧闸板设计为可泄压方式、防止由于温度变化而引起的腔内压力异常升高的现象,保证使用安全。 全封闭结构,防护性能好,可全天候使用。

“ Compensation Shuangzha flat plate gate valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国闸阀网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



Compensation Shuangzha flat plate gate valve is a new structure of the flat gate valve products, it has a hoist torque small, fast, little vibration, long service life, operational safety and reliability and other characteristics, mainly for gas and liquids pipelines cut-off or discharge. Flat Plate Gate Valve Shuangzha structural features as follows: Valve with two mutually parallel and wedge gate device consisting of tightly sealed structure to replace the traditional wedge gate valve structure. Valve sealing body separation of the various components, even when the temperature changes caused by deformation is also able to ensure the seal, and will not be crowded because of high temperature expansion Ershi live gate not open. Valve seal with wear and corrosion-resistant material to extend the life of the valve. In the high-temperature, high pressure circumstances, the import side of the damper is designed to pressure relief means to prevent the temperature changes due to the pressure chamber caused by abnormal increase of the phenomenon, to ensure safe usage. Completely closed structure, protection, good performance, all-weather use.


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