译文: 1 引言 传统的电液伺服阀中最典型也最常用的是双喷嘴挡板式滑阀力反馈伺服阀,它采用力矩马达作为电-机械转换装置,双喷嘴挡板阀为液压放大元件,力反馈杆与弹簧管构成机械反馈。虽然力矩马达具有固有频率高、结构紧凑等优点,但为了限制非线性,力矩马达衔铁的输出位移一般都很小,制造精度要求高,力反馈杆与弹簧管构成的机械反馈使得力矩马达的抗污染性差,价格高。 动圈式力马达在气隙中运动时不改变气隙的长度,具有位移量大的特点,用力马达直接驱动滑阀,可以增加阀的抗污染能力。早期的动圈式力马达伺服阀,由于为了充分利用力马达的线性,阀芯行程大,对中弹簧的刚度一般较小,而动圈与先导阀芯连接在一起,运动部分质量大,致使力马达的频率低,响应速度慢。随着电子技术与传感器技术的发展,通过提高动圈式力马达的驱动电流来加大力马达的输出力已不再困难,利用先进的位移检测技术实现阀芯位置的高精度检测不仅可行而且经济,因此近年来,数百赫兹以上高频响大流量伺服阀几乎都采用动圈式力马达结构。本文以日本KYB工业株式会社生产的MK伺服阀为例,分析动圈式伺服阀的特点及其检测问题。 2 MK阀及其放大器的特点 MK电液伺服阀是一种全电反馈、二级驱动、双位置闭环的电液伺服阀。它具有高频响、高精度、抗污染性好、性能稳定等特点。与力反馈相比,采用电反馈不仅简化了伺服阀的结构,而且为用电气参数来改变阀的特性提供了技术基础。 图1为动圈式全电反馈MK阀及其放大器组成电气原理图。伺服阀由先导阀、主阀和减压阀等组成。先导级主要有:动圈力马达、滑阀以及电涡流位移传感器等组成,电气部分是xx干式,动圈运动时直接推动阀芯移动,阀芯的位移由嵌入式电涡流位移传感器检测反馈到放大器的输入端形成电气闭环。这种直动加电气反馈的方式,使得其结构特别简单,大大提高了可靠性。主阀由先导级驱动,主阀芯与嵌入式差动变压器位移传感器的铁芯相连接,主阀芯的位移由差动变压器位移传感器检测,反馈到放大器的输入端形成第二级反馈。减压阀位于主阀与先导阀之间,以保证先导阀能得到稳定的供油压力。伺服放大器由功率放大、主阀环路、加算电路、直流电源以及检测电路等部分组成,其电流驱动能力为±3.5 A@±48V。传感器、放大器紧靠伺服阀放置,负责先导阀、主阀阀芯位移信号的处理与放大,并将位移信号转换为4~20 mA的电信号。这种电流传输方式,大大提高了系统的抗干扰能力。 从图1中可以看出,这种全电反馈、二级驱动、双位置闭环的电液伺服阀本身是一个机、电、液一体化的复杂精密控制系统,对其进行性能参数、品质指标的检测不仅是衡量其性能优劣的重要手段,也是调节电气参数保证其正常、高效、稳定运行和强化维修的必要手段。 3 自动检测系统组成原理 从上述分析可知:动圈式全电反馈MK阀的性能检测实际上是对全电反馈电液伺服系统的性能检测。为了保证检测系统的阻抗效应不影响MK阀的性能及其参数的调整,检测系统除完成先导阀、主阀的流量特性、压力泄漏特性、阀芯位移特性以及频率特性等检测功能外,还应采取隔离措施和有效的抗干扰技术,保证阀的性能不受影响。 图2为自动检测系统组成原理框图。系统软件在WINDOWS环境下实现,具有良好的人机界面和可操作性。系统硬件主要由监控计算机、激励信号发生单元、传感器及其变送单元、信号采集与处理单元、检测结果输出单元以及试验装置和被试伺服阀等组成。 (1) 监控计算机 监控计算机采用工业控制机,是整个测试系统的主控机。通过友好的人机界面,负责接收用户指令,根据试验目的监视、管理程控信号发生器、BCDGPIB数据转换单元、1253增益相位分析仪、PM3384四通道数字-模拟组合式示波器等智能仪器的工作状态,并负责控制DS P接口板完成被测量的模拟采集、分析与处理等。同时,监控计算机通过大屏幕显示器和打印机实现测试状态和结果的显示、打印输出。 通过IEEE488总线,监控计算机与程控信号发生器、BCDGPIB数据转换单元、1253增益相位分析仪、PM3384四通道数字-模拟组合式示波器等智能仪器进行通信,完成这些智能仪器工作模式和量程等工作状态的设置、试验数据的获得等工作。 (2) 激励信号发生单元 激励信号发生单元包括两部分,一为程控信号发生器,二为1253增益相位分析器的激励信号输出部分。程控信号发生器可以产生正弦波、三角波、伪随机信号、阶跃信号等,1253增益相位分析器的激励信号输出为正弦波。监控计算机通过IEEE488总线操作激励信号发生单元,设置信号的类型、幅值等参数,产生试验项目所需的各种激励信号。 (3) 传感器及其变送单元 传感器及其变送单元是伺服阀检测系统的重要部件。表征被试伺服阀的性能或状态的物理量,如压力、流量、温度等参量,都需要由相应的传感器转换为电信号,然后经变送器或二次仪表进行处理、显示,并送到信号采集与处理单元进行分析处理。 压力检测采用英国DRUCK公司的PDCR-961压力传感器和DPI-280数字压力显示仪表,量程为0~35 MPa,准确度为±0.1%;流量测量采用德国VSE GmbH公司生产的VSE1、VSE 2、VC0.2和VSE0.04 4种型号的齿轮流量传感器,二次仪表采用MFI数字流量显示仪,流量传感器的性能参数见表1;温度测量采用半导体热敏传感器,变送及数字仪表自行开发,测温范围:-50~150℃,准确度0.5℃。 压力、流量数字显示仪表在显示的同时还可输出模拟量(4~20 mA/0~10 V)和BCD 数字量。 (4) 信号采集与处理单元 信号采集与处理单元主要由信号调理器、DSP接口板、BCDGPIB数据转换单元、1 253增益相位分析仪、PM3384四通道数字-模拟组合式示波器以及监控计算机等组成,负责来自传感器信号的隔离、放大、滤波、采集、处理等功能。 信号调理器除完成来自传感器或二次仪表模拟信号的放大、隔直、滤波等功能外,它还提供模拟信号的隔离功能,有效地xx了由于传感器地网络对测试系统的影响。伺服放大器的输入、输出及先导阀阀芯位移、主阀阀芯位移信号通过调理器隔离后与测试系统相连,从而避免了测试系统对伺服阀及伺服放大器的影响,保证了伺服阀和伺服放大器的正常工作及参数调节的独立性。 在DSP接口板采集来自信号调理器的模拟信号的同时,监控计算机通过BCDGPIB 数据转换单元采集来自二次仪表的BCD数字量,这样可以方便地实现模拟量的在线校准和调零。伺服阀的静态特性曲线使用数字量校准后的模拟量来绘制,从而既保证了伺服阀静态特性的数据准确性,又保证了伺服阀静态特性曲线的分辨率和完整性。 频率特性可以由1253增益相位分析仪完成,结果通过IEEE488总线传送到监控计算机进行二次处理后由监控计算机进行显示、打印等输出。 阶跃特性由PM3384四通道-模拟组合式示波器采集,然后通过监控计算机分析处理后显示、打印等。 (5) 检测结果输出单元 X-Y记录仪、大屏幕显示器、打印机以及PM3384四通道-模拟示波器等构成测试系统的检测结果输出单元。 4 试验回路及实验 (1) 静态特性试验回路及实验 电液伺服阀的静态特性试验主要包括无载控制流量特性、压力增益特性以及内泄漏特性等内容,从这3条特性曲线上,可以求得电液伺服阀的流量增益、线性度、滞环、对称度、极性、压力增益、零偏以及内泄漏等特性参数。 图3为电液伺服阀静态特性试验环路图。为了保证阀芯移动时,试验系统不受扰动,用比例放大器、比例阀、伺服阀P、T口压力传感器以及PI调节器等构成试验环路的压力闭环,从而满足了流量特性试验中伺服阀阀压降基本保持恒定的要求。无载控制流量特性试验时,打开截止阀1、3、5、6、7,关闭截止阀8。压力增益特性以及内泄漏特性试验时,打开截止阀 1、3、8,关闭截止阀5、6、7。 试验信号采用频率为25 mHz三角波,在供油温度44.2℃、先导环路增益3.0、主阀环路增益3.0、速度阻尼增益6.0、阀压降为6.6 MPa条件下,对某MK阀无载控制流量特性曲线、主阀芯位移特性曲线的测试结果如图4所示。 试验信号采用频率为20 mHz三角波,在供油温度40.2℃、先导环路增益3.0、主阀环路增益3.0、速度阻尼增益6.0、供油压力为21.2 MPa条件下,对某MK阀压力增益特性曲线、内泄漏特性曲线的测试结果如图5所示。 (2) 动态特性试验环路及实验 在系统压力为11.7 MPa、供油温度40.9℃、先导环路增益3.0、主阀环路增益3.0 、速度阻尼增益6.0、输入幅值为0.35 V条件下,使用频率响应法得到的某MK阀的频率特性如图7所示。 5 结 论 动圈式全电反馈伺服阀自动检测系统有以下特点:(1)利用数字量在线自动校准模拟量的技术,保证了电液伺服阀静态特性测试的准确性;(2)为了保证无载流量控制试验阀压降恒定的条件,使用比例阀构成了压力闭环;(3)系统采用了隔离等抗干扰措施,保证了测试系统的准确度和全电反馈伺服阀正常工作;(4)多台智能仪器通过IEE488总线与监控机通信,数据传输可靠、速度快;(5)软件在WINDOWS环境下设计,具有友好的人机界面。 “ Dynamic all-electric feedback servo valve automatic detection system”是由中国电动阀门网提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 电动阀门型号、 电动阀门价格 、电动阀门技术、 电动阀门新闻、 电动阀门生产商等。 原文: 1 Introduction Traditional electro-hydraulic servo valves in the most typical and most commonly used is a two-Nozzle-flapper type servo valve slide valve force feedback, which uses torque motor as the electric - mechanical conversion device, double-Nozzle-flapper valve for the hydraulic amplification devices, force feedback pole and constitutes a mechanical feedback spring tube. Although the torque motor with a high natural frequency, compact structure, etc., but in order to limit non-linear, the output torque motor armature displacements are generally small, manufacture of high precision, force feedback rod with the spring tube consisting of mechanical feedback makes the torque motor poor anti-pollution, high prices. Dynamic power motor in the air gap in the movement does not change the length of the air gap, with the characteristics of large displacement, forced motor direct drive slide valve, the valve can increase the anti-pollution ability. Early moving-coil force motor servo valves, because in order to take full advantage of the linear force motor, spool travel large, the stiffness of the spring typically small, while the moving circle connected with the pilot spool, sport some of the quality of large, resulted in low frequency power of the motor response is slow. As electronic technology and sensor technology, by increasing the moving-coil force motor drive current to increase greatly the motor output force is no longer difficult, the use of advanced detection technology to achieve the displacement Instrumentation Ball Valvesof spool position is not only feasible and economically high-precision detection of Therefore, in recent years, more than a few hundred Hz high-frequency response of almost all the large flow servo valve using moving coil force motor structure. In this paper, produced by Japan's KYB Industry Co., Ltd. MK servo valve, for example, analysis of moving-coil servo valve characteristics and detection. 2 MK valve and its amplifier characteristics MK electro-hydraulic servo valve is a kind of all-electric feedback, 2 drive, two-position closed-loop electro-hydraulic servo valve. It has a high frequency response, high accuracy, good anti-pollution, stable performance and so on. Compared with the force feedback, using electrical feedback not only simplifies the structure of the servo valve, but also with the electrical parameters to change the characteristics of the valve provides a technical basis. Figure 1 Dynamic all-electric feedback amplifier MK Electric valve and its schematic diagram. Servo-valve by the pilot valve, main valve and pressure reducing valve so on. Pilot stage are: moving coil force motors, slide valves, as well as the composition of eddy current displacement sensors, electrical parts are completely dry, moving directly to promote the spool ring sport movement, the displacement of spool by eddy current displacement sensors to detect the embedded feedback to the formation of electrical input amplifier closed-loop. Such direct-acting way to increase electrical feedback, making it a simple structure, in particular, greatly improve reliability. The main valve from the pilot stage driver, the main spool and embedded core differential transformer displacement sensors connected to the main spool displacement detected by the differential transformer displacement sensor, the feedback to the amplifier input to form second-level feedback. Valve is located between the main valve and pilot valve to ensure the pilot valve to ensure a stable fuel supply pressure. Servo amplifier from the power amplifier, the main valve loop, plus calculation circuit, DC power supply and detection circuit components, the current drive capability of ± 3.5 A @ ± 48V. Sensor, amplifier placed close to the servo valve is responsible for pilot valve, main valve spool displacement signal processing and amplification, and displacement signal is converted to 4 ~ 20 mA of electrical signals. This current transfer mode greatly improved the system anti-jamming capability. As can be seen from Figure 1, this all-electric feedback, 2 drive, two-position closed-loop electro-hydraulic servo valve itself is a mechanical, electrical, hydraulic integration of sophisticated control systems and to carry out performance parameters, quality indicators detection is not only a measure of its performance advantages and disadvantages of the important means of electrical parameters are also adjusted to ensure its normal, efficient, stable operation and maintenance of the necessary means to strengthen. Principle of automatic detection system composed of three From the above analysis we can see: Dynamic all-electric feedback MK valve performance testing is actually all-electric feedback electro-hydraulic system performance testing. To ensure the detection system does not affect the impedance effect of the performance of its parameters MK valve adjustment, testing system, in addition to completing the pilot valve, main valve flow characteristics, pressure leakage characteristics, spool displacement characteristics and frequency characteristics such as detection, we must also to take quarantine measures and effective anti-interference technology to ensure the performance of valves is not affected. Figure 2 shows the composition of automatic detection system block diagram. System software to achieve the WINDOWS environment, with a good man-machine interface and operability. System hardware mainly by the monitoring computer, incentive signal units, sensors and transmission units, signal acquisition and processing unit, the test results output unit, as well as test equipment and is composed of pilot servo valves. (1) Monitor Computer Monitoring computers using industrial control machine, the entire test system Main Controller. Through friendly man-machine interface, is responsible for receiving user commands, according to purposeNeedle & Gauge Valves of the experiment to monitor, manage program-controlled signal generator, BCDGPIB data conversion unit, 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer, PM3384 4-channel digital - analog modular oscilloscopes and other intelligent devices working state, and DS P interface board responsible for controlling the completion of the simulation measured the collection, analysis and processing. At the same time, monitoring by large-screen computer monitors and printers to achieve Test status and results display, print the output. Through the IEEE488 bus, monitor the computers and program-controlled signal generator, BCDGPIB data conversion unit, 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer, PM3384 4-channel digital - analog modular oscilloscopes and other intelligent devices to communicate, to complete these intelligent instruments work mode and range and so the state setting, test data acquisition and so on. (2) The incentive Signal Unit Incentive signal unit consists of two parts, one for the program-controlled signal generator, two for the 1253 gain phase analyzer signal output part of the incentive. Program-controlled signal generator can produce sine wave, triangle wave, pseudo-random signals, step signals, 1253 gain phase analyzer output sine wave excitation signal. Monitor your computer through the IEEE488 bus operator incentive signal unit, set the signal type, amplitude and other parameters, resulting in the pilot project required a variety of excitation signals. (3) sensor and its transmission unit Sensor and its transmission unit is a servo valve detection systems are important components. Characterization were tested servo valve performance or state of physical quantities, such as pressure, flow, temperature and other parameters are needed by the corresponding sensor is converted to electrical signals, and then through the transmitter or secondary instrument for processing, display, and sent the signal acquisition and processing unit for analysis and processing. DRUCK pressure detected by the UK's PDCR-961 pressure sensor and DPI-280 digital pressure display instrument, measuring range of 0 ~ 35 MPa, accuracy of ± 0.1%; flow measurement using the German VSE GmbH produced VSE1, VSE 2, VC0 .2 and VSE0.04 4 models of gear flow sensor, the second meter, digital flow indicator MFI, flow sensor performance parameters in Table 1; temperature measurements using semiconductor thermal sensors, transmission, and digital meter self-developed, measuring temperature range: -50 ~ 150 ℃, accuracy of 0.5 ℃. Pressure, flow meter digital display while the display can also be analog output (4 ~ 20 mA / 0 ~ 10 V) and the amount of BCD numbers. (4) signal acquisition and processing unit Signal acquisition and processing unit mainly by the signal conditioner, DSP interface board, BCDGPIB data conversion unit 1253 Gain Phase Analyzer, PM3384 4-channel digital - analog modular oscilloscopes, as well as monitor and computer, is responsible for the isolation from the sensor signals, amplification, filtering, collecting, processing and other functions. Signal Conditioner In addition to the completion of the second instrument from the sensors or analog signal amplification, blocking, filtering and other functions, it also provides an analog signal isolation, effectively eliminating the sensor to the network due to the test systems. Servo amplifier input, output and the pilot valve spool displacement, the main valve spool displacement signal through the conditioner after isolation and testing system, thus avoiding the test system servo valves and servo amplifier and, to guarantee the servo valves and servo amplifier adjustable parameters of the normal work and independence. In the DSP interface board collected from the signal conditioner for analog signals at the same time, monitoring the computer through the data conversion unit BCDGPIB acquisition from the secondary instrument BCD digital, so you can easily achieve analog online calibration and zeroing. Servo valve static characteristic curve of the use of digital calibration of analog to draw upon, thus ensuring not only the static characteristics of the servo valve data accuracy, and ensures the servo valve static characteristic curve of the resolution and integrity. Frequency characteristics can be 1253 gain phase analyzer completed and the results sent to the monitor through the IEEE488 bus, a second processed by a computer monitor computer display, print and other output. Step-by PM3384 4-channel characteristics - analog modular oscilloscope acquisition, and then after treatment by monitoring computer analysis shows that printing. (5) The test results of output units XY recorder, large screen monitors, printers, and PM3384 4-channel - analog oscilloscopes and other test results constitute a test system output unit. 4 Test circuit and experimental (1) The static characteristics of test circuit and test The static characteristics of electro-hydraulic servo valve testing include no-load control flow characteristics, pressure gain characteristics, and leakage characteristics, etc., within the content from three characteristic curves, it can be obtained electro-hydraulic servo valve flow gain, linearity, hysteresis ring, symmetry, polarity, pressure gain, bias, and leakage within the parameters. Figure 3 for the Instrument Manifolds static characteristics of electro-hydraulic servo valve test loop diagram. To ensure the spool moves, the test system is not perturbed, with the proportion of amplifiers, proportional valves, servo valves P, T port pressure sensors as well as the PI regulator and so constitute a test pressure of the closed-loop the loop, which meets the servo valve flow characteristics of test valve pressure drop remained constant demand. Control flow characteristics of no-load test, open the valve 1,3,5,6,7, close the stop valve 8. Pressure gain characteristics and features within the leakage test, open the valve 1,3,8, close the stop valve 5,6,7. Test signal with a frequency of 25 mHz triangular wave, in the oil temperature of 44.2 ℃, the pilot loop gain of 3.0, the main valve loop gain of 3.0, the speed damping gain of 6.0, valve pressure drop of 6.6 MPa under the condition of a no-load control valve MK Flow characteristic curve, the main spool displacement characteristic curve of the test results shown in Figure 4. Test signal with a frequency of 20 mHz triangular wave, in the oil temperature of 40.2 ℃, the pilot loop gain of 3.0, the main valve loop gain of 3.0, the speed damping gain of 6.0, fuel pressure of 21.2 MPa under the condition of a valve pressure gain characteristics of MK curve, curve inside leaking the test results shown in Figure 5. (2) dynamic characteristics of test loop and experimental In the system pressure of 11.7 MPa, oil temperature of 40.9 ℃, the pilot loop gain of 3.0, the main valve loop gain of 3.0, the speed gain of 6.0 damping, input voltage is 0.35 V under the conditions of the use of the frequency response method to be a certain MK valves frequency characteristics as shown in Figure 7. 5 Conclusion Dynamic all-electric feedback servo valve automatic detection system has the following characteristics: (1) the use of digital on-line automatic calibration of analog technology, electro-hydraulic servo valve ensure the accuracy of the static characteristics of the test; (2) In order to ensure that no-load flow Control valve pressure drop constant test conditions, the use of closed-loop proportional valve constitutes the pressure; (3) anti-jamming system used isolation measures to ensure the accuracy of the test system and all-electric feedback servo valve work; (4) more than one IEE488 bus intelligent instruments and monitoring machines through communication, data transmission reliability and speed; (5) software to design in the WINDOWS environment, with friendly interface. 原文来源:http://www.1diandongfamen.com/
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