虹桥枢纽配套排水泵站将在今年汛前发挥作用- 自吸磁力泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-03-09 11:25:39 阅读6 评论0 字号:



“ Hongqiao hub for supporting the drainage pumping station will play a role before the flood season this year, ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。



Hongqiao integrated transport hub, supporting municipal pumping stations as the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" in the Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub project, one of the important municipal facilities, the City investment company undertook the drainage of the project with municipal drainage pumping station construction tasks, engineering sub - for the rain, sewage pumping station two sub-items, the content including the construction of four stormwater pumping station and a sewage pumping station, the total investment of approximately 287 million and 019 million yuan. After completion of the project will Hongqiao hub project after the completion of the safety and flood control drainage of sewage discharge has an important role in the smooth. At present, Hongqiao integrated transport hub in municipal matching rain, sewage pumping stations have been completed civil works, equipment installation, have also has completed more than 90% is expected to be completed in March of this year.


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