
1)水对周围的环境没有任何的污染。跟矿物油相比,它的价格低,存储和使用的时候对环境没有污染和xx的,人们能够更乐意和便宜的使用它。 (2)这里所说的环境并不仅仅就是地球的环境,还包括产品的环境,例如清理房间或餐具。水液压机构的所有泄漏或溢出简单地将蒸发没有留下稠粘,油腻,肮脏,溜滑残滓。尽量85% 所有液压机液体最终留下他们的系统通过缓慢的泄漏,灾难线断裂或失败配件和封印。 (3) 在水力机械中水作为工作媒介的使用费用比矿物油低很多。因此它将在水力机械非常有效的长期使用水代替油。 (4) 水是不耗尽资源因为水能够被自然地回收。盐水水力组分存在。 (5) 自来水在工业化国家是卫生的. 这意味着有将是微不足道的产品污秽在漏出情形下.产品兼容性,特别是在食物,配药和化工业, 水液压技术提供难替换的好处。。这重要提供了系统被维护和很好不被沾染与能被传播对周围由液压机构的xx. 气体力学,哪些提供一个可能的选择但需要上油薄雾润滑剂,有高能消耗量,降低功率密度。但是,需要小心如果水液压机构被使用在敏感的区域或临近可变的漏出不被容忍的敏感机械. (6)水不易燃,难以形成火灾危险 (7) 在生产线中使用水意味,工作者不呼吸在有害的油蒸气里或不遭受皮肤和眼睛暴露对蒸气。 (8) 降低保险费用由于不易燃和xx (9) 水导热性是矿物油 (Thostmann 和Clausen 1995)的4-5 倍,这意味着水系统要求较少冷却液甚至没有,这更加进一步节省费用.

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1) The water on the surrounding environment without any pollution. Compared with mineral oil, and its low prices, storage and use of the time no environmental pollution and non-toxic, people can more readily and cheaper to use it. (2) the environment is not just talking about here is the Earth's environment, but also the product environment, such as cleaning rooms or cutlery. All the hydraulic mechanism of water leakage or overflow simply evaporate without leaving sticky, greasy, dirty, Slippery Remnant. As 85% of all hydraulic fluid eventually leave their system, through a slow leak, disaster-line fracture or failure of the parts and seals. (3) the water hydraulic machinery as a working medium, used in much lower costs than mineral oils. It will therefore be very effective in the hydro-mechanical long-term use water instead of oil. (4) Water does not run out of resources, since water can be naturally recovered. Saline water component exists. (5) tap water and health in industrialized countries. This means there will be negligible in leakage of product contamination case. Product compatibility, especially in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry, water hydraulic technology provides the benefits of hard to replace. . This is important to provide a system is the maintenance and well being contaminated and can be transmitted by the hydraulic mechanism on the surrounding bacteria. Pneumatics, which provides a possible option, but needs a little oiling lubricant mist, there are high-energy consumption, lower power density . However, the need to be careful if the water hydraulic mechanism is used in sensitive areas or near variable leakage of sensitive machines will not be tolerated. (6) The water is not flammable, it is difficult to form fire danger (7) The use of water in the production line means that workers do not breathe in the harmful oil vapors inside or not subjected to skin and eye exposure to the steam. (8) reduce insurance costs due to non-flammable and non-toxic (9) Water is the thermal conductivity of mineral oil (Thostmann and Clausen 1995) 4-5 times, which means that water systems require less or no cooling fluid, which even further cost savings.

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